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� <br />. <br />• <br />� <br />• <br />� <br />• <br />COLINCII�MP.N WI1dGERTs "Don, will you answer this question <br />again - why does the line hop over 96 to the north side, go <br />along by the trailer side, and hop back again? Is that be- <br />cause there's no through land there?" <br />MR, CIiR2STOFE'ERSEN: "This is difficult land, and i feel <br />more comfortabla coming across and back in the original esti- <br />mate because it costs more money. Under the desiqn conditions, <br />we will try to leave it come on the south side. I might add, <br />by (inaudible) on the north sfde, you're providing fire pro- <br />tection to that trailer court. There are hydranta along there <br />they could perhaps connect to." <br />COVNCILMAN WINGERT: <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: <br />connect to those." <br />"They have them on their well system." <br />"But the Fire Department will not <br />COUNCILMAN CRICHTON: "Do you believe i# your design <br />specs call for that section on 96 we'd get a lower bid?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "We'd only cross once. We wouldn't <br />make that crossing. We'd just croas here." <br />COLiNCTLMAN WiNGERT: "$o you might lose that crosaover7" <br />MR: CHItISTOFFERSEN: "Yes." <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "Is that marshy ground?" <br />MR. CHRTSTOFFERSEN: "It's low ground. T dfdn't take <br />any soil borings though." <br />A ahort discussion followed relating to fire insurance <br />premiums if the rating in the city were lowered. <br />NIIt. GLEN BEGGIN, 4519 Lakeshore Place: "I'd like to know <br />why the spot selected comes acrosa 96 and 10 to join Lakeshore <br />and Old Highway 10 at the corner of my property, and if you <br />were to juat join at the corner of my property and not go south <br />on Old 10, would I be assessed for my entire chunk there, which <br />you can see fs pretty massive frontage?" <br />14 <br />