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1 <br />• <br />� <br />MR, CHRISTOFFERSEN: "I can't apeak of how you would be <br />assessed. I can speak of how it would be proposad to the <br />Council. I would suspect that my recommendatiott �uld be for <br />your frontage to be assessed. I guess I didn't catch your <br />£irst question." <br />MR. SEGGIN: "why you came across there," <br />� <br />• <br />• <br />�� <br />• <br />MR. CFiRISTOFFERSENe "Why we came across here rather than <br />closer to the center island between 10 and Lakeshore? It's <br />likely that the Hiqhway Department will not allow us to qo in <br />and open-cut Highway 10 to put in a water service so we will <br />have to jack a pipe under the highway. We're looking for a <br />short place to go to jack pipe." <br />1�Ilt. BEGGINs "There's a creek just south of there. i4hy <br />couldn't you come through the same area as the creek runs under?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "You mean this little dra3nage channel <br />here? We couldn't put it in that culvert. We have to bury it <br />to keep it from freezing." <br />MR. BEGGIN: "There isn't any water coming through there <br />now. �� <br />MR. CHRISTOFE'ERSENs "But there could be, and it has to <br />be buried to keep it From freezing." <br />MR. BEGGIN: "Is it possible to cross 96 goiag north, and <br />then cross 10 above, if you don't do the southern part?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFER5ENo "Ts it possible to cross here and <br />here? 2 suppose anything is possi.ble. You're not gaining any <br />benefit by coming this way unless you benefit the Arsenal. They <br />have some buildings here, but they have water aervice to this <br />bu'�lding and it extends to this complex here, so I would <br />question whether they would have any benefit from that, where <br />if you come this way, you do provide some benefit, even thouqh <br />you were opposed to it. There is benefit." <br />1�II2. BEGGIN: "The Arms Plant is totaily served by its own <br />system now?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFE'ERSEN: "That's what I'm advised." <br />E�� <br />