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ffit. BEGGIN: "Would it save money by buying water from <br />• them?" <br />• MAYOR CREPEAU: "We tried to buy sewer <br />They proposed $1 a year, but then the cost <br />doubt that this would be more reasonable." <br />� <br />• <br />• <br />service from them. <br />sky-rocketed. I <br />COtAVCILMAN CRICHTON: "On that subject of having our own <br />city well as opposed to buying it from St. Paul. You know <br />Shoreview decided to have its own water supp2y, so I expect <br />that within a year or two we'll have a much better economic <br />reading on what the costs are for a smaller system. So far, <br />I've heard from their city fathers that their water is very <br />hard and they're sorry they didn't soften it, but I think <br />within a year or two we'l1 have a better (inaudible) with a <br />smaller system, There's nothing stopping us from feeda.nq <br />into our own tank. No plana for that, bufi it could be done." <br />MR. JOHN GRUDNOSi�, 4439 Highway 10: Asked the approxi- <br />mate amount of a monthly water bill. In favor of the improve- <br />ment. <br />MR. GRUDNOSICE: "Where would you start ffrst - or where <br />would you like to start first?" <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "If the entire project were undertaken, <br />i believe we would leave that decision up to the contractor." <br />MAYOR CREPEAU: "But you would have a deadline." <br />� <br />• <br />MR. CHRISTOFFERSEN: "We would have a deadline. I would <br />suspect that he could install all of the water facilitiea thfs <br />year. He may not be able to accomplish all the restoration <br />this year, but I would hope he could get all the watermain in, <br />Weather plays a big part of it." <br />COUNCILMAN CRSCATON: "It appears that the line south of <br />Round Lake - the east-west section down there - goes across <br />what is today existing private property that we would have to <br />acquire the right-of-way for that line as we would for the <br />east-west section there under Highway 96. As I understand the <br />second section, a11 of that area ia currently being planned <br />for development - a developer is coming in and asking, so a <br />16 <br />