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<br />City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />Chapter 2 Administration <br /> <br />Subd. 9 Hearings. Hearings shall be held by the Planning Commission in all matters where <br /> <br />public hearings are required by state law, or this Code; and hearings may be afforded to any <br /> <br />interested parties on any other matter where the commission deems it appropriate. <br /> <br />Subd. 10 Reports. The Planning Commission shall submit reports directly to the City <br /> <br />Council, which reports shall contain the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the <br /> <br />commission as to action to be taken by the Council. In addition, the commission shall send <br /> <br />copies of its report on variances of the zoning ordinance to the board of appeals. <br /> <br />220.05 Fire Dejlar..mol.t Protection. Fire Protection services shall be provided by contract with <br /> <br />another governmental entity's fire department, or by contract with an independent non-profit <br /> <br />c;orporation authorized to provide fire protection and fire fighting s.ervices pursuant to State law. <br /> <br />Stlbt!. 1 C6fltirltllltiofl. There is eofttinued ift the City ll. ,oluftteer rue llel'artmeftt, whieh <br /> <br />tlel'artn,eftt shall ha',e the f-ollowillg effieers. ll. chid, ll.ft.llssistaftt chief afid a fire marshlll. <br /> <br />Stint!. 2 Al'l'oifltment 6f Omen s. The ehief Bf me fire llel'artmeftt shall be llflpeifttell <br /> <br />llllfitlally by the Ccltmeil. Members <if the s.el'artmellt may reeo!'llfllelld to the CetlBeil a <br /> <br /> er llBminees fer llflpoIDtlheftt by 31Ibll1ittillg same in .;ritin-g te the Cetlfleil prior to <br /> <br /> <br />febf'Uary 1 Bf each ).ear. The ehief e,f the fire s.ep!lrtmeftt sfiftllllPI'BIDt elleh ) car aflassisltIftt <br /> <br /> <br />chief ailS. a fire mafOhal, slIbjeet to eonfiIll1atiofl b) the CBlIneil. The chief Bf the fire <br /> <br /> <br />departmellt, the assistallt ehief alld the fire marshal elleh shall hoM BfBee fer Bll.C year liftS. <br /> <br /> <br />lIfttil the sueeessor has been dtll) al'l'ointell ar qualificd. The ltba.,c named affieer mtty be <br /> <br />2 - 18 <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />" <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br />