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<br />r <br />I' <br />~ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />Chapter 2 Administration <br /> <br />remc}'(ee by the COllneil f-af eau~e and after a ptffilie hearing. f'irefighter~ ant! plebatioflllry <br /> <br />ftrefighters ~Lall be appeintca by thE members ef!he aepafl:l.lent, ~ubjeet te eellfirm!ltioR by <br /> <br />the Cel:meil. ritefighter~ shall eamilltle a~ member~ ef the aEpa.t:wEllt dtlfit.-g gMa behayier <br /> <br />aile may be reme\ea by the COllneil ern) filr eause ane aRel a pllblie hearing. <br /> <br />Stille. 3 Dtities ef Chief. Toc ehief ~hall ha. e eentrel ever all ef the fire fighting apparatlls <br /> <br />alia shall be seleJy re3pemible filr it3 eare alia eellditien. ThE ehief 3hallll.Rke a report, <br /> <br />~emi a!lfi\1lllly, te the CetllleiIat it~ meeting ill Mllleh aile September, as te toc eOllaitiell of <br /> <br />the C'illipmcllt aM !leed3 ef the rlie aepartmeftt. The ellief mllY 3\:1bmit adeitie!llll repefts and <br /> <br />reeemmeneatiellJ at an) n.eeting ef tile Cetlneil Illla 3hall repeft eaeh 3u3pemiell ef a member <br /> <br />ef the file departmellt at the fint meetillg af the Cellllleil fellewillg eaeh ~\:1spemi(m. The <br /> <br />ehie[ 3hall be responsible f-or the proper train:ing aile ai3~iplinE of the memben ef the firc, <br /> <br />department, aile Ri!!). 3U3pend allY member f-or refusal or negleet te ee-e) meers pcneiftg final <br /> <br />aetiell'l by the Celllneil ef! the e:li3ehRrgE er retentiell. <br /> <br />Sllba. 4 Dllties ef Fire Marshal. The effiee ef fire mR13haI ma) be hela by the ehicf elr by <br /> <br />the 1l3~istallt ehief, if the COl:lIleilappreves. The fire nllu~hal 3hall be ehllrged ..ith the <br /> <br />enfereemeftt ef aimed at fire prevellti61l. The manhRI 3hall have fullatlthority te <br /> <br />impeet all plen,ise3 alld te elll!~e the remtna! er abatement ef all fire ha7:ard3. <br /> <br />SlIlla. 5 Reeeras. The ehief shall keep in eelwernent fflrm a e6ll'l!llete recerd ef all fires. <br /> <br />Sl:Ich reeer6.3hall iIleJtlae the titHe efthe aIllIm, lecatiem Ofrlie., eause ",ffire (if koo" fi), t)pe <br /> <br />2 - 19 <br />