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<br />Council Meeting Minutes - September 26, 1966 - continued <br /> <br />Larry McGough stated that the property Is presently zoned residential <br />and believes It is stili feasible for housing; he noticed that two new <br />houses, possibly In the 40. to 50 thousand dollar bracket, lire being <br />built at Highway 694 and Snelling Avenue. He Is not In favor of setting <br />a precedent. . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut felt that thIs area dIffers from the one beIng consIdered <br />as there Is no access to the freeway at the poInt Mr. McGough mentioned. <br /> <br />Mrs. Boog stated that the lot Is not I arge enough for a res I dence as <br />theIr home was located on this site before the construction of County <br />Road E2. The attorney for the Boogs confirmed her statement that If a <br />diagonal line were drawn, It would not be possible to place a house here. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut requested any further questions. <br /> <br />There were no further questions from the floor; Mayor Nethercut then <br />informed the audience that no action would be taken tonight as the <br />matter is to be reconsIdered by the Planning Commission. He stated that <br />there I s one other factor- genera I I y a II the property I n the area Is <br />olfned by [lethe I Co liege. <br /> <br />Attorney 'East I and shted that they we u I d stIli own about 97 acres. May.or <br />Nethercut then docler-ed tile public hE,aring cJosedand action withheld . <br />until the next Counc! I meeting. <br /> <br />BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> <br />Cummings Lane Matters <br />. Mr'. Tilom, 1400 CummIngs Lane, submitted a I,~f.terto the Mayor and Couop,,'" <br /><whJch was signed by the six home owners on A.ul!lmlngs Lane. Admlnlstrat;INe <br />;""..;q."-,";k Lorral lie Stromqul stread the letter w.h!:chcontal ned two SUbJects;:;, <br />"it,,:; . I) these res I dents are willi n9 to 5 pe'!:1';" ",up. 'fa $900.00 for the . . <br />~, planting Of boulevard trees. ,{>> . :>, <br />., .. 2) enumerated thre.e complaints agalns~;th~road contractorfortitl:~ <br />,,"; . , street Improvement, which were es:t!f,lfllows; <br />.. a) asp.halt too thin along th~\!f(;:l,"rb"dge - dirt showlngt6rpugh <br />, In somephces 'f' <br />.. b) the'C;l!l'l)tng Is so IrreguIB'if,tI<SI....,O be unsightly. .. '.< <br />t, c) debrlswllS dumped over the,~'d9El>of the road whlch'en:+I,...ely <br />" covered the ex I l' of the cU}:.Vertunder the roed wh 1011"".'( <br />~~1:",/ stopped the flow of water. This debrIs sholdcJ be re":: <br />., '. moved. . ....... <br />,~,.;TI1.' ..Ignars fait that payment to the contrac;,tor should be withheld u,n'lln <br />:{f;)th:e:&e matters are satlsh.ctorll y corrected. .. . . .... . <br /> <br />~.~[~r~~;Jneer Lund Informed the Council that he '~lLd cllll.cked the pOlntsme~<.'? <br />~.,_;t'l~ned and w III meet wi th the contractor on the Job: he fee I s that c~rl"e,c- <br />.{,'.1"lveactlon wIll be taken. ...... -.' <br />.'1:." ,~: _,' ' - , , " <br />."",' . <br /> <br />"'1;.;1'111I11I also stated thethe had attended the Joint Finance Committee <br />. .",j.,lt;f\,d,.Collnc II meet I ng regard I ng the 1967 proposed budget and noted that <br />~"'S'O,O.OO WIIS a II ocatedfor weed control. He I nformed the Council that <br />there has been no control of the weeds along Snelling Avenue nor have the <br />weeds been cut on ttl1~y.cant Sk II dum p.roperty; he fel t that s toce th Is <br />., 8r.ell Is tbe entrance to Arden HI lis, It should be well maintained. <br /> <br />Trustee Ollllen Informed him that the money appropriated for weed control <br />Isused for biannual cutf,lng of weeds along Village street right-of-ways <br />.and the control of noxious weeds; that Snelling Is a County road, and <br />the rIght-of-way should have been cut. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut requested the Clerk to write to the County and also to <br />Mr. Sklldum and request .remedlal action. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY SALLAND <br /> <br />Attorney Selland stated that he had no matters to rerort; Mayor Nethercut <br />then asked If anyone hadian,thlng for the Attorney - no response. <br /> <br />-3- <br />