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<br />CouncIl Meeting Minutes - September 26. 1966 - contInued <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Lambros Property DralnaQe <br />Clerk LorraIne StromquIst read a letter, dated September 21. 1966, from <br />EngIneer Lund regardIng the overflow of draInage water from the dItch <br />runnIng from Lake JosephIne Into Lake Johanna. which Is causIng erosion <br />and drIveway damage to the Lambros preperty at 3213 Ridgewood Road. <br />Engineer Lund stated In his letter that the high weter level of 879.72 <br />recorded In June 1965. and Is expected to Increase to over 880.00 - tae <br />normal weter elevatIon of Lake Is 877.50. EngIneer Lund suggested that <br />the VIllage request the opInion of Attorney Courtney as to the VIllage's <br />rights and obligations In this matter. <br /> <br />Mr. Lambros Informed tile Council that actlo~ Can be taken only at ~ert8ln <br />tImes; that highways end general development constructions has caused the <br />drainage problem; thedr.elnage flow did not~easeuntll August this year:. <br />He stated that soroeth I ng Illust be done w l1"h l,n301"0 40 days as 1" he. water <br />Is almost up 1"0 hlshous.. Mr. Lembros I"f~..d,the Council thet 1'h.eo, <br />pre,sent cu I vert wastn.tall ed at h Is own exli_/?'uwh I ch was cons I dera-bl. <br />:alld'he Is willIng to>hel~<flnuce any eddlt',f~~~;.~cosh for ImprovenuI":t';". <br /> <br />. _,:".','.,', -.: _,-,": " _ _' ;':,:_':::":_~-:>'.,_>i~.i;n:';i_,', <br />i;\,;rrudee Olmen end Cr~p.authought that the:ti;'WI"tY.llnd Stah ShoUl'dbet1- <br />:+"ol.ed as well as th~V1IJege. >>/> ., <br /> <br />"...Lambros I nformedthe CODnc II that he co~l;have 2 to 3 thousand dQ.I,J,ars <br />''','of. .flll hauled In. bu'tt;bh WOll I d cause mor~:'/>rotHems to the VII hge.,jy,'i: <br />>".(,'" ,"'" , " " ':':;":'~::"" ' , " : ...":~:~g;/'-?t <br />"'"8'1'01" Ne1"hercut requested a statement of re~potlslblllty from the VI U~i:I:! <br />",Mtorney e8rly next week,lInd a COlllllllttee co'''51l>tlng of Engineer Lund {..,iJ <br />I,,,,,represenhtlon frolll,theCQunty. Trustee 0111I... an4 Mr. Lambros. m..t nel<'t <br />,weeke In en attelllpt t.obrl ng spec 1t I c p hns to tile> next Council lIIeet! ng.. ' <br />.Metter referred to Eng I neer Lund. . <br /> <br /> ngs Lane AS5essraent Hearl nlls.... <br />Eng.lneer Lund submitted preliminary assessment rolls to tile Administrative <br />Clerk for Cummings lane sewer and road Impro.vements; Clerk suggested, <br />October 18 for the publlchaarlng. <br /> <br />Trus,tae BJorndahl Illoved the approval of raso,luttons. es a1"tached. settIng <br />. the hearIngs for October 1,8. 1966. at 8:009,..lIl-.a1" the VIllage Hell ,re",." <br />9al"41 ng esses$lllen'tS.for.S.n Iter., Sewer Impro.v,elllent Mo. 8 and street Ira.", <br />proyement No.7. and authorized the Clerk to, cause their publlcatlonSl <br />.s.e.conded by Trustee}loffmaRn; Illotlon carrIed,.. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />"Vl.lJ.ilge Park \no Lot ~Revlsed Plan ..... '.' ". <br />EngIneer Lund submitted revised "Plan a" for,the VIllage ParkIng Lot ..t1\tl <br />.an ,e.stfmeted cost of. $2.60,0.00 which would be the C051" of the bltumlnQ.lJs <br />s!!..teclng only. . Tbeplell .cells for parking spaces for 26 cars. wl1"1I <br />Jltantfng$ on the east end .west sIdes. althoug.h 1"he estimated cost doe$ not <br />",Incltide tile cost oft~..pllUltlngs. ' <br /> <br />t.restee Hofflllann Infcu".edth,e COllncl1 that:t~lII Phnnlng Comllllsslon f_l$ <br />'thll,'tthe VI I I age shoal d comply witt! our OrcM".nc:e. Eng I neer Lund I'n.-"," <br />f.o'l""'.d 'tbe COline I I life of the I.p~,tilltemeftt WGuld be IIbout 10 <br />yell'rS. <br /> <br />'_.,-,-.,~ <br /> <br />'Trustee Hofflllllnn Illovedthat the Engineer be;;fiufhorlzed to <br />speolfl,catlons for bIdding. purpose.s for a m;f\!lllllulll parklnil <br />$econded by Trustee Ol.e.n; metlon carrIed. <br /> <br />drew p la.l'ls &tl,lj, <br />lot I mp;t"ov&AicJ,r;I'Jt ; <br /> <br />,"':.:t'_'.: <br /> <br />L I ttStet I on Te I emeter.tIHt Serv I ce .' ....... . '. <br />Eng 11leer Lund sub. I tted ptens. spec I f I cat! ol'l\s.and advert I selllent fo.r bId.. <br />tor !II. Village tel emeterl ng., servIce fer the lJttstatlons. This svst~ <br />WOLlI d cons I 51" o.f a penelat the Village He n,/wltha II gilt for eech 11ft <br />"tatlon end a single werning light at 1"lIe R.~"ey.County SherlfftsofHc,<<,; <br />In event of II 1111" dat,lonfallure. the slgn~l"ould autolllatlcallyllg.)\(4 <br />at the Sber I ff t S o.f HCll; p"ersonnet from tha'!t<offlce wou I d then 1..eq.I~/t\il y <br />n,otl fy the Vlllege PO lice. V II loge personn~t\wollld then have to. chec~/,';Uh <br />\t.hepanel at the VI !Jage tlall to determine ~licILs:t8tlon Is lIalfunctlq<!tl;ng. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund will check with the Sh.r1ffts~filce for approvel. <br /> <br />\ Trustee Hoff.ann moved,thet the spec I f I cotlotl'lJ b.referred to. Attorney <br />.. Cou"tney for study 8nd..1f satl sfacto.ry. th.Englneer be authorhed tQ <br />'1:allSe the pub II cat I onot'hl ds. and Adml n I sfr:e;t+ve Clerk Lorre I ne Strolll- <br />-4- <br />