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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 2, 2005 13 <br /> Planning Commissioner Training. In addition the plan shows the Zoning Code Update <br />. for the months of March through August, thc Property Maintenance Code being reviewcd <br /> fl.))" thc months of Junc through September, and thc Rcdevelopment District Concept <br /> bcing reviewed from August through Deccmber. A Development Bus Tour is also <br /> planned for the last Saturday in Octobcr or the first Saturday in November. <br /> Mr. Hellegers indicated due to the impending acquisition of the TCAAP property and the <br /> potential Planning Commission work involved (establishing design guidelincs, Zoning <br /> District crcation, Comprehensivc Plan Amendments, etc.), some of the items on the work <br /> plan may not be addressed until 2006. The priority listing would have TCAAP and <br /> Planning Case review as the top two items with thc Zoning Updatc following closc <br /> behind. <br /> Commissioner Holmcs asked what the point of a work plan was. Mr. Hellegers replied <br /> this would help establish what they hoped to accomplish over the year, but acknowledgcd <br /> this plan was subject to change depcnding upon what came up within the City. <br /> Commissioner Zimmennan also noted they were going to be working with the PTRC for <br /> thc gatcway signs. Mr. Clark rcplicd he was correct, but hc thought the easicst way to <br /> start the proccss was to sit down with thc Chairperson of the Planning Commission and <br /> the PTRC and look at design and matcrial options. He statcd thcrc was a mecting <br /> tentatively set for Friday, February 11. <br />. C. ATHLETIC FIELD SIGNAGEUPDATE <br /> Mr. Hellegers statcd as discusscd at the December 2004 and thc January 2005 Planning <br /> Commission mceting, Mounds Vicw School District had inquircd about using temporary <br /> banncr signs that could be tied to the fenccs around thc MVHS f()otball/track stadium. <br /> While the temporary banncr signagc is all that had been rcqucsted at this time, staff <br /> thought it would be appropriate to create regulations for other signage opportunities that <br /> MVl-IS may request in the futurc. <br /> He noted at the January 2005 mccting staff prcsented threc options for modifying thc <br /> existing Arden Hills Sign Ordinance to include language regulating ball field signage. <br /> Bascd on the discussion tram thc January meeting staff dctcrmined the following: Ball <br /> field signagc should be limited to institutional users and property owncrs and would not <br /> bc applicable to City parks; MVSD is looking for marc signage than was proposcd in the <br /> threc options provided to thc Planning Commission; Examplcs of where signage would <br /> be located at Mounds View High School should bc includcd in the prescntation to thc <br /> Planning Commission. . <br /> Hc indicatcd sincc it appeared that thcrc werc still several dctails to iron out, stafl <br /> dctennincd that a public hearing should not bc held until the March Planning <br /> Commission meeting. <br />. He stated staff had mct with Mr. Nick Temali of the Mounds View School District and <br /> the Activitics Dircctor of Mounds Vicw High School and detcnnined thc types and sizes <br /> of signage that may bc rcquired in the futurc. The main areas whcrc signage would be <br /> desired are thc sponsorship banncrs along thc west side of the visitors bleachcrs, <br />