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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 4, 2005 2 <br /> Chair Sand asked what staff had in mind for a smaller varianl:e. Mr. Hellegers showed a <br />. mock up of what a smaller sign could look like. He noted in tenns of size, he believed it <br /> went back to the other signs they had in the City, such as the Cub sign, which was 100 <br /> squarc feet and the largest sign in the City at present. He statcd there nccdcd to be a <br /> definitive rcason to have a sign as large as being proposcd. <br /> Chair Sand opencd thc public hcaring at 7: 10 p.m. <br /> Chair Sand invited anyone for or against the Sign Standard Adjustment to comc ft)rward <br /> and make comment. <br /> Brucc Thompson, Assistant Dircctor of Property Management Ramsey County, stated <br /> Commissioner Bennctt cxpressed his regrets that he was unable to attcnd tonighfs <br /> meeting. He apologized ft)r coming to the last meeting with a revised signage plan and <br /> realizcd that showing a plan at the last minute, did not give the Commission an <br /> opportunity to revicw thc details of thc sign requcst. He stated thcre were three reasons <br /> they wanted the variance for thc overall sizc including it being in thc interest of thc <br /> partnership that they were requesting that specific size in order to include all of the <br /> partners they had on the sitc. He indicated thcy could meet thc sign ordinance by <br /> including Ramsey County Works and Sheriff Patrol only, but hc did not belicve that was <br /> in the best interest of the partnership. He statcd the Sheriff Dcpartment had requestcd a <br /> sign that identitied thcir Depm1ment from a great distancc. He notcd according to the <br /> Traffic Sign Institute, the lettcrs thcy had on thc sign was designcd to bc rcadable from <br />. 350 fect at 45-50 mph. He indicated reducing thc sizc of the letters would causc vehicles <br /> to slow down to rcad thc sign, which could lcad to traffic problems and/or accidents. <br /> Commissioncr Zimmerman asked ft)r an explanation of the lighting. Mr. Thompson <br /> rcplied thc sign would be a boxed sign that had both intemal and extemal lettcring. He <br /> statcd thc largc letters would be lit intcmally on the sign at night. <br /> Chair Sand asked if they had considcrcd rcdesigning thc dcscriptions so the Sheriffs <br /> Department was lit at night. Mr. Thompson replicd the Sheriff Dcpartment would be lit <br /> up cxtemally. He indicated they were also considering adding the SheritYs star next to <br /> their namc. <br /> Chair Sand asked if the partnership consisted of the four major cntities or thc <br /> subdivisions as well. Mr. Thompson replied it includcd Ramsey County, the City of <br /> Ardcn Hills, Minnesota AnllY National Guard, and thc Moundsvicw School District. <br /> Chair Sand stated they could rcducc thc size of the sign if they got rid of all of thc <br /> subdivisions and only had the ftlUr major entities. Mr. Thompson replied they could do <br /> that, but it would not show thc Shcritrs Departmcnt in that case. <br /> Chair Sand asked if this sign would also show the recycling oil dumping area. Mr. <br /> Thompson replied thc sign would not show that area and nobody had approachcd them to <br />. add additional signagc ft)r that facility. <br /> Commissioner Larson askcd if they had pcople inquiring whcrc their location was. Mr. <br /> Thompson rcplicd they had inquirics as to wherc thc Public Works and Sheriffs <br /> Depat1l11cnt werc located. <br />