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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 4, 1005 3 <br />. Commissioncr Larson noted therc was a rather obscurc addrcss on their building, which <br /> would make it ditlicult to find. Mr. Thompson statcd it was thc Board's dccision to name <br /> thc road Paul Kirkwold Drivc, but on their letterhead they gave the specific intersection. <br /> Commissioner Larson askcd if it.was important to the City to have the City's name on the <br /> sign. Councilmcmber Grant replied it was important that the City have thcir name on the <br /> sign so residcnts could find the maintcnancc facility. <br /> Commissioncr Modescttc noted thcrc werc cvcrgrccns planted in front of the sign and <br /> over time, thosc trces would block thc sign. She asked if that had been addressed. Mr. <br /> Thompson replied thcre werc a couple of trees that would nccd to bc movcd so they <br /> would not obscure the sign. He noted thc trccs would be moved closer to the pond. <br /> Chair Sand asked ifthc cun'ent sign being requestcd would rcquirc any grading of the site <br /> to provide a lcvel surfacc. Mr. Thompson rcplicd grading would need to be raiscd to <br /> street levcl. <br /> Chair Sand indicated hc was dismaycd at thc lack of creativity of the sign. J Ic notcd a <br /> sign that had the major partncrships, plus thc logos ncxt to the name as well as thc <br /> address at thc top of thc sign would bc a bcttcr sign. <br /> Commissioncr Modesettc suggested they shorten Minnesota to "MN" on thc sign. Mr. <br />. Thompson rcplied thc Guard specifically wantcd Minnesota spelled out on the sign. <br /> Mr. Thompson notcd they did have the addresses on thc building and it was viewable <br /> from Highway 96. <br /> Commissioncr Zimmennan stated he would like to sec thc Ardcn Hills logo on the sign <br /> and he believed it would definitely "drcss up" thc sign, as well as adding the othcr logos. <br /> Chair Sand closcd the public hearing at 7:18 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Larson movcd, scconded by Commissioner Bezdicek to recommcnd <br /> denial of Planning Casc No. 05- 1 n. Ramscy County, 1425 Paul Kirkwold Drive (Ramsey <br /> County Public Works and Shcrin'Station), Sign Variance on the basis that the sign is too <br /> large to mcct the criteria of the District and the sign could bc madc less massive to be <br /> brought into compliancc with thc sign District, or much closer to thc critcria of thc sign <br /> Disttict. <br /> Commissioncr Zimmemlan asked if Commissioner Larson was rcquiring applicant be in <br /> compliancc with the sign district. Commissioner Larson rcplicd hc belicvcd thc applicant <br /> could come in much closer, if not in compliancc with the District standards and noted <br /> evcryone else had bcen ablc to do that. <br />. The motion carried unanimously (5-1) (Commissioner Zimmcrman). <br /> B. PLANNING CASE 05-14: CITY OF ADEN HILLS. 1245 WEST HIGHWAY 96~ <br /> VARIANCE FOR 1105 AMBLE DRIVE (LEXINGTON AVENlJE <br /> I MPROVEM ENTS) <br />