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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2005
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 4, 2005 4 <br />. Mr. Hellegers stated applicant was requesting a lO-foot side yard setback to allow the <br /> existing home to remain compliant with City Code while allowing for the expansion of <br /> Lexington A venue, for the property locatcd at 1105 Amble Drivc in Arden Hills. Staff <br /> recommended approval of the request. <br /> Commissioncr Larson asked if the evergreen trees would need to be removed and if so, <br /> would the trees bc relocated. Mr. Hellegers replied whcn Ramsey County went in to <br /> widen the project, they would havc prcpared an assessment as to what was thcre and the <br /> property owners would be compensated for the loss ofthc trees. <br /> Chair Sand asked if the easement being taken by the County was an existing easement or <br /> was this additional property for highway purposes. Mr. Hellcgers replicd this was <br /> beyond the existing right-of-way and this was new casement becausc of the addition of <br /> the tum lane. <br /> Chair Sand asked what jurisdiction did the County have in taking this easement. Mr. <br /> Hellegers replied the County could condemn the property, but the County tried to work <br /> this out with the propcrty owncrs and compensate the owners for the loss. <br /> Chair Sand asked if the temporary easement was a construction easement. Mr. Hellegcrs <br /> rcplied that was correct. <br />. Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br /> Chair Sand invitcd anyone tor or against the variance to come forward and make <br /> comment. <br /> Greg and Jean Peterson, 1105 Amble Drive. Mr. Peterson stated he was concemed with <br /> this rcqucst. He notcd right now the road being proposed was going to be as wide as a <br /> freeway with two lanes running both north and south and thc ten feet of his additional <br /> easement would make another lane, as well as thc median and another tum lane on the <br /> south side of the street. Hc indicated this was tuming into a wide street and expressed <br /> concem about additional noise. He noted his large pine trees would be removed and not <br /> rcplaccd. He statcd this was a residential property and not a commercial property and <br /> they would be living very close to an extrcmely busy strect. He expressed concem about <br /> a decrcase in property value to his home by living on this busy street. Hc asked if all of <br /> thc utilitics wcre bcing movcd closer to his propcrty and if thosc casements would also <br /> move closcr to his propcrty. <br /> Commissioncr Modcscttc askcd if Mr. Pctcrson if had bccn given any infonnation as to <br /> what utility easement would be. Mr. Peterson respondcd he had not reccived much <br /> infonnation and he had not becn given a guarantee of any fencc or wall. <br /> Commissioncr Bczdicck asked if Mr. Petcrson had consummated his abJfecment with the <br />. County. Mr. Peterson replied thcy had not and the County had not at this point given <br /> them sufficient details, but thc County had described the process. <br />
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