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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 6 <br />. 17. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Rice Creek Water Shed <br /> District and Ramsey County. <br /> 18. The developcr shall work with the City when locating and replatting thc City trail so <br /> as to save as many ofthc existing trees in this arca as possiblc. <br /> 19. Thc developmcnt shall be of a Hardy-board lap style exterior with a brick base <br /> consistent with revised elevations which shall bc submitted to the City for review and <br /> approval prior to the issuance of Building Pemlit. <br /> 20. The proposed canopies, similar to the style in the pictures presented to the Planning <br /> Commission at their June 1, 2005 mecting shall be includcd on the revised elevations <br /> whieh shall be submitted to the City fix revicw and approval prior to the issuance of a <br /> Building Pcrmit. <br /> 21. Revised plans shall denote the changc from a boulder style retaining wall to a versa- <br /> lock rctaining wall. <br /> 22. The building containing units 26-30 may be occupicd by only onc business; for this <br /> building the maximum wall signage may bc 60 squarc feet, in addition the southerly <br /> facing wall shall have no more than 30 squarc feet. The total square feet of signage <br /> f<-)r this building would not exceed 90 square fect. <br />. Vice Chair Zimmerman inquircd about thc lot size. He asked when thcy had multiplc lots <br /> in a dcvelopmcnt, what were thc underlying zoning rcquirements. Mr. Hellegers rcplicd <br /> this parcel was a large piece of propel1y and as a part of the PUD it did allow them to <br /> havc flexibility to look at different configurations. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmemlan stated since these were otlice condominiums sold as individual <br /> parcels, then they had to go back to thc 13,000 square foot lot sizc, unless thcy chosc to <br /> vary fhnn that zoning rcquircment. Mr. llcllcgers replied he did not believe the intent <br /> was to have individual units of 13,000 square foot lot size. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmcrman exprcssed conccrn about density on a smaller piece of propcrty <br /> than they would nonnally have. Mr. Hellegers directed him to page 5 of stafrs report <br /> where it indicated the density ratio was considerably lower than the maximum. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked if it was customary that they look at the main building <br /> material covering as being what is controllcd by the ordinance, or is it all materials, or did <br /> they make exception f<-)r a minor use of that material. Mr. Hcllegcrs rcplied at the time <br /> thcy were trying to do something similar to an Eden Prairie development in which it was <br /> brick all of the way up to the top of the windows with stucco above that. He noted it did <br /> not break down primary or secondary materials, but he wanted the Commissioncrs to <br /> know what they were looking at. Ile notcd the design materials now being proposed <br /> were brick below the windows with hardy board above. <br />. Vice Chair Zimmcnnan stated hardy board in his opinion was less desirable building <br /> material than stucco. <br />