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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 7 <br />. Commissioncr Larson noted hardy board was a cemcnt board with a baked on finish and <br /> it was not a wood matcrial, so it would not nccd to be painted. <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek inquircd about thc driveway off of Highway 96. Mr. Hellegcrs <br /> replied thc applicant would put in a right turn lanc in the shouldcr and they would nccd to <br /> rcpaint that area to indicatc the turning lanc. <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek asked what was the expected use of thc scrvice road. Mr. <br /> Hellegers refcrrcd him to the traffic study and noted thc primary access would be f()r <br /> thosc going westbound on Highway 96 as well as those going north on Hamline Avcnuc. <br /> Commissioner Larson stated in order to proceed cast on Highway 96, they would nccd to <br /> use the Highway 96 cntranee and the only problem would be going wcst on Highway 96. <br /> Mr. Hcllegers replied morc oftcn than not in order to go west on Highway 96, they would <br /> need to make a "U" turn at the protected light at Hamlinc A venuc. <br /> Commissioncr Larson asked if the 50-f1)Ot turn radius was standard. Mr. Hellegers <br /> rcsponded applicant wantcd a 50-t()Ot turn radius, but he was not sure a 50-f()ot turn <br /> radius was possible because ofthc large power pole on the north side ofthc driveway. <br /> Mr. Clark notcd thc traftic study addressed that concern on page 15 of that rcport. <br /> Vicc Chair Zimmerman opened thc public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br />. Vice Chair Zimmennan invitcd applicant to makc comments. <br /> Mikc Black. Royal Oaks Rcalty, thanked staff for their work. He indicatcd they agreed <br /> with all of the conditions in staff s repOlt. He indicated there would be minor changes to <br /> the proposal, including the canopy. With rcspect to thc hardy board, this was an upgrade, <br /> which was more expensivc than thc stucco work. He notcd stucco was not an acceptable <br /> product in thc Ncighborhood Business district. He indicated thc hardy board had a baked <br /> on surface, which would go all of thc way up to the top of the window and they would <br /> only put the hardy board whcrc thc stucco is located on their elevations. He statcd <br /> bccause this was a PUD, thcy nccded to detcnnine if this fit into thc ncighborhood and <br /> location. He statcd they were platting this likc a townhouse where the individual <br /> business pcrson will purchase a unit and a lot, but thcy would also use lot 31 as common <br /> land, which included the parking and green space area. He indicatcd the lot size pcr unit <br /> was smaller than thcy had in the normal neighborhood business, but in common thcy <br /> werc below or within many of the standards. He noted the traftic cngineer had rcquested <br /> they open the radius as widc as possible. Hc stated thcy might bc able to shift the <br /> driveway a little to thc south, but thcrc was a problem with the large utility pole on thc <br /> north side of thc drivcway. He statcd the right-or-way along Highway 96 was widc <br /> enough to accommodate the right turn lane - it just needed to be striped. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmernlan inquircd about units 26-30 and thc potential of one tenant bcing <br />. in the entire building. Mr. Black statcd this was a large local real estatc company that <br /> was looking to movc. <br />