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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 1,2005 8 <br /> Vicc Chair Zimmcrnlan askcd if it was the intent to sell each individual office <br />. condominium to individual businesses. Mr. Black replied that was correct, with thc <br /> exccption of units 26-30. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmernlan asked if thcy had established any association rules yet. Mr. <br /> Black replied they had not worked on thosc covenants yct, but thcy were very easy to put <br /> togcther. Hc statcd they were okay with including no subleasing into their restrictions. <br /> He stated thcy could eliminate rcstaurants in this development as they were not intending <br /> on putting in any rcstaurants. He also stated he was not sure there would bc any retail <br /> busincsses in this building. He noted they intcnded to market this to professionals such <br /> as accountants, attorneys, real cstatc developers, etc. <br /> Mr. Black indicated therc was one minor modification made on the south end of the <br /> developmcnt where the Rice Creek Watershcd was requiring them to not encroach upon <br /> thc wetland at all, so they needed to rcduce somc of the parking along the south line by <br /> eliminating four parking spaccs to address the Rice Creek Watershed's concern. <br /> Michael Spack, Traffic Data, Inc., stated he had met with the Ramsey County Traffic <br /> Engineer and thcy agrccd on the parameters of the study. He stated they had addrcssed <br /> the proposcd driveway on both Highway 96 and Hamline Avenue. Hc summarized parts <br /> of his report for the Commission. <br /> Commissioner Bczdicck asked how people going north on Hamline A venue would get <br />. into traffic. Mr. Spack replied thcy would need to sit in traffic at the stop light and therc <br /> would be gaps in traffic to gct onto Hamline A venue. <br /> Commissioncr Bczdicek asked how many parking spaces wcre thcre in this developmcnt. <br /> Commissioner Larson noted there werc 306 parking spaces. <br /> Mr. Spack stated the County Traffic Engineer also believed that thc traffic numbers <br /> would actually go down with the improvemcnt of Lexington Avenue this summcr. <br /> Vice Chair Zimmcrman invited anyone for or against thc variance to come forward and <br /> makc comment. <br /> Audrcy Guttersen, 1389 Arden View Drive, (by lcttcr) statcd: "I am writing in regards to <br /> concerns I have for thc proposed office park. I will be in MI on Junc I so won"t be able <br /> to attend thc hcaring on June 1. <br /> I am the owner of ] 389 Arden Vicw Drive. My unit is one of two closest to the proposcd <br /> PUD. I have several concerns about the planncd lighting: The lighting pedestal closest <br /> to Lot 20 is very close to my rcsidencc and the illumination would be annoying. Is that <br /> light necessary for your adcquatc illumination? <br /> I am also concerncd about thc removal of trces from AHNA common land on the south <br />. boundary of the proposcd office park. My rcsidence now is a beautiful wooded lot and <br /> abounding with wildlife - deer, wild turkeys, ducks, f()x, and birds. <br /> I would like you to investigate building a berm along the southernmost boundary next to <br /> the proposcd road and have well establishcd trees planted on this bcnn. This would <br />