<br />F, R V s, utility trailers, and watercraft shall not be permitted on a vacant lot
<br />unless in conformance with Section 1325, II.
<br />
<br />Subd.2 Permitted RV, Utility Trailer, and Watercraft Storage, Storing RVs, utility
<br />trailers, and watercraft outdoors is permitted in all residential districts provided that all
<br />of the following provisions are met:
<br />
<br />A. No more than three (3) RVs, utility trailers, or watercraft are permitted,
<br />Not more than one (I) of the three (3) may be a motor home, travel trailer,
<br />camper, or other similar type of RV. RVs and watercraft on a trailer shall be
<br />considered as one.
<br />
<br />B. RVs, utility trailers, and watercraft shall not be greater than twenty-eight
<br />(28) feet in length or twelve (12) feet in height.
<br />
<br />C, One (I) motor home, travel trailer, camper, or other similar type ofRV that
<br />is greater than twenty-eight (28) feet, but not larger than thirty-four (34) feet, in
<br />length is permitted in the rear yard provided that all of the following criteria
<br />are met:
<br />1. The RV meets the requirements of Section 1325,12 Subd, 2, D, E, and
<br />F,
<br />2, The rear yard is fully enclosed by a six foot privacy fence or is
<br />substantially screened from adjacent properties as determined by the
<br />Zoning Administrator; which may include fencing, vegetation, or both,
<br />
<br />D, RVs, utility trailers, and watercraft shall not be stored within the principal
<br />structure side yard setback as required in the underlying zone, and shall be at
<br />least ten (10) feet from the rear property line. If both side and rear yards are
<br />available for storage, then the location with the least visibility from streets and
<br />neighboring property, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, shall be
<br />used for such storage,
<br />
<br />E. RVs, utility trailers, and watercraft shall not be stored closer to the street
<br />than the principal structure or attached garage on the lot where they are stored.
<br />
<br />F. RVs, utility trailers, and watercraft shall not be stored closer to the principal
<br />building of an adjoining lot than to the principle building on the lot where they
<br />are stored,
<br />
<br />G. RVs, utility trailers, and watercraft located in the side yard and visible from
<br />the public right-of-way shall be screened with a six foot privacy fence or
<br />landscaping of similar opacity as determined by the Zoning Administrator,
<br />unless they are kept on an improved hard surface.
<br />
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