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<br />o DESIGN CONSTRAINT #2 <br /> <br />Review all phasing options for cost effectiveness. viability. need. ele. 10 see if all four <br />entrance/exit ramps on a new diamond interchange are needed and provide timing and <br />phasing of project. <br /> <br />o CITY PERSPECTIVE <br /> <br />City would like 10 preserve local access for residellts while minimizing impacts to the <br />residential and business community located within the "triangle" area. The City would <br />like to review timing of when the sOllth bound Highway 10 exit ramp into TCAAP <br />would be nccded. if at all. In addition. a cosl/financial plan nceds to be provided to <br />ascertain if phasing is or will be cost clTcClivc. <br /> <br />o DESIGN CONSTRAINT #3 <br /> <br />Review 10 determine how safe access for Scherer Brothers can be provided in the interim <br />and long-term based upon phasing plan for the interchange. <br /> <br />o CITY PERSPECTIVE <br /> <br />City would like to provide safe access while minimizing impacts to Arden ivlanor. This <br />could include interim solution of direct access 1I11lil the exit ramp is possibly needed <br />(right in. right out). moving the access road closer to Highway 10 if the south bound exit <br />ramp is not needed initially and moving the access road which leads onlO the new diamond <br />interchange as far northeast towards the southbound Highway 10 exit ramp as possible. <br /> <br />o DESIGN CONSTRAINT #4 <br /> <br />Review costs associated \vith realigning Highway 10 and the interchange further <br />northeast. <br /> <br />o CITY PERSPECTIVE <br /> <br />City would like to minimize impacts to Arden rvlanor. but needs to he assured project <br />solution is cost ellective. City! would like to review costs or realignlllent. beginning and <br />terminus of realignlllellt. impacts to property further south of COllnty Road 96 and <br />quality of existing roads to determine if they are in need of replacement. Realignment <br />could include a few options slIch as moving the south lane further north, moving both <br />lanes furthcr north (but within tvlnDOT ROW) or moving both lanes further north onto <br />the TCAAP site. If the quality of the road bed is in floor eondilion and in nced of <br />replacement. then that cost should be subtracted from the realignment options being <br />considered. <br /> <br />1-694 and Highway] 0 and County Road 96 Preliminary Design Position Paper <br /> <br />4 <br />