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<br />5/22/2008 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The results of the study indicate that noise walls do not meet Mn/DOT's three criteria <br />of being warranted, feasible and reasonable. Interim City Administrator Jim Willis <br />summarized the findings and potential costs l(lt- noise walls in a memorandum to the <br />City Council dated May 8, 2008, <br /> <br />StalTverified the f(lllowing bascd on concerns expressed by residents at the May ]2, <br />2008, City Council meeting about no lield work bcing completed as a part of the <br />noise study. Noise Icvel monitoring in the field is commonly performed during a <br />noise study to document existing noise levels, and was done as a part of this study, <br />Future noise levels arc projected with computcr models, based on projectcd trat1ie <br />volumcs. Noise levels under existing conditions arc monitored and arc compared to <br />the modeled existing conditions to validate the computer modeling techniques and <br />results. Existing noisc levels wcre monitorcd at eight (8) locations along the 1-694 <br />corridor to represent arcas of nonl1al outdoor activity. The monitoring timeli-ames <br />werc J(lr both thc carly morning and af1ernoon. <br /> <br />II. Grade Separation of Highway 10 and County Road 96 <br />Dcsign Constraints II 1-6 <br />Ramscy County providcd a rcsponsc, which was prcscnted and discussed at thc May <br />12,2008 City Council mceting. <br /> <br />Since the May 12,2008, mceting, City staff contact cd Ramscy County pcr thc City <br />Council's rcquest and conlirmcd the following: <br />. -rhc prc-dcsign proccss will ineludc several opcn housc-typc public mcctings; thc <br />iirst is anticipated to occur latc summcr 2008. The County will also work elosely <br />with thc City and City stan' on working through thc dcsign elcmcnts ofthc projcct <br />. The County docs not nccd thc dcsign paramcters, such as median width, trail <br />locations, ctc_, {i-om thc City prior to thc preliminary dcsign process. Thc <br />inf()J'Jl1ation thc County docs nccd fi-om the City as they cnter preliminary dcsign <br />is thc commitmcnt to a concept (i.c. commitmcnt to build a lull access <br />intcrchangc), so that the County can cstablish its projcct to complemcnt any <br />proposcd City projects involving local acecss onto Highway] 0_ <br />. Attachcd is a spreadshcct idcntifying projcct costs and funding brcakdown lor thc <br />J-Iwy IO/CR 96 intcrsection improvcmcnts, J-Iwy 10 Local Access Interchangc, <br />and CR H/35W Intcrchangc. <br /> <br />III, Preservc full TH IO/Local Access Interchange <br />Design Constraint II 1- At grade signalizcd intcrscction <br />Mn/DOT scnt a Ictter to the City on April 9, 2008, indicating that Mn/DOT will not <br />support an at grade signalizcd intcrsection. <br />