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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ r lv'~Yp ~v ~..-4/i~ r.J~~~ Yt]1~LC <br /> DEPA~:Tr>7~:~~T oF r~~~.~UR_~~, ~~ESO~r~~~,a_,~ <br /> <br /> hicle tised for recreation2l ptirposes,inclucling but not liniitecl to snotivmobile, CHAP7ER II4A. LlAN[ <br /> trail bike cr othe: a11-terrain i-ehiele, hovereraft; or iiiotor vetuclz licenseil <br /> #or hiahwsig operatiou wYjicYi is being used for oj'f-road recreatiox3al ptizpose:~. <br /> t~'~~ ~arise presa <br /> (b) "Si~ovvmobile" lias the satne meanii.g given by section 84.SJ, subditiision 3. ~4A•Oi <br /> Titi'~ - 39~',, c ~-'A, twthorized <br /> Suhc3. 2. FF'ithin the seven connts metroriolitan arezi, na persc,.i sh<ill enYer ~•,.t,,,,~.. c,i Lhc or slv?.1 <br /> and operate a recz•eatioai~il niotor tiehicle on ]aiitla tLat liis own, except where 'ff~ eiott :i, 'ew s,, 1,)9, RnnE;a 31 <br /> oth2rtvise allotved bv law, without the written or oral perinissiori of the own- ~ s <br /> II3A.03 Re+J Lake griine prese <br /> er, occupant, or lesaee of sueh land-;. - tiVritten peruiission inay be giveii by „ <br /> a_posted notice of Rny kind or aescription that Y.he owner, occup27it, or ]esswe ~ 1_a•V~ i') 65, c. 51, ;1o, sUl <br /> prefers, so long as it specifies.the kind of vr.1ticIe, ~~Ilorced, snch ar Uy say~iiig ''Sk-l•cI~~n c' r~,>,• ~~section 7^ in <br /> "Recr°ational Vehicles Allowed", "Snowmubilts Allowed", "Trnil rikes Al- f3-1A.0-1 List of lantls <br /> lowed°, "All-Terrain Vehicles Allowed°, or words substantiaIly simuIar. <br /> 'f_li~ "cnrnnl:;=ioner oP finali, <br /> Stibd. 3. Outside-the seven eouxity Ynetropolitan at•ea, no person st3A1 en- tor iiie "stace ter on an~ land not his o~vn for the purpose of operating a recreational inotor t,+t;~:sn ttzis secr,on as it an~ <br /> " 11inn StAts,1973 follo:ving the <br /> vel,icle after being notified, eithPr orally or by rvritteu or izoste3 nc"iee, by T.;;y ot iivx, c. 492, g <br /> the owner, occtipant, or lessee not to do so. «'here gosted notice is used, isA.ot ec seq. <br /> signs sball bear letters not le5s t,han two inches high und sY€i11 state olie of B4p,07 Tlile to lanil in sYatc- <br /> the fol:owing: "Recreatiorial tiehic'.es Prohibiteti", "Snowinobiles Prohibited"-, ~ ~1'I~e i~illc tu :+11 ~„irc{I.. c~f lui <br /> "`t'~•ail i3ikes Prohihited", "All-Terrain Yeliicle,~ Proliibited", or ~r-orus sub- uaerpc ]couels 1Yin<,,~ w;tl~in lltie <br /> etantially siinilar. In lieu of the above notice an orvnPr, occtipant or ]essee h,. :,c,iuired btithe sl,itc uu(I <br /> m2y post any- sign prohibiting i•ecreatiuna] motor veliicles wYiicl) liss been bo holrt ly the st;ite, fi•e <br /> adopted bp rule or regulation of tre cozmnicsioner of n2tiaral resottrces. ~sjwcificd thorcin, akid s2ia11 be <br /> The notiee or sign shall be posted at earners ancl ordinaryinaress aild egress t-htj,rovisions c~f T.a«=~ 1929, 1 <br /> to the pi•operty and when so posted shsall serve so as to iaise a conciusive %ir~,,i,~~E,,} by 1973, c. 123 <br /> presnmption that a person operxting a recreational motor vehic2e thereon had , ~ <br /> knuwledge that he hnd entered upon silch gostecl lands. Failure to post no- 5rct'vons Stn.ul eo 84A.11, 84A <br /> tice as provided in this subdicision sliall noY, tleprive a persoii of ttie right fl4A.08 Lands classifie~ <br /> to brtng a ci~~il action for daniage to Yiis person or property as other~vise T_'.~~on receipt Ly the comtnis> <br /> pro~ided by law. spcri[ied in sectiun $4riA1, Yic <br /> ~ wLich ~1~u11 classifE- a11 such ]a <br /> Subd. 4. It is unlawful for a person to post, mutilate, ar remove any lio- <br /> tice or sign provided in this section upon any lands ar waters over w2iieli he af.Eol-estation or rof:orestation <br /> bas no right, title, interest, or izcense. It is un]awful for a person other ';•,i~ :crviug, pn•opaK.3liiin, brceding <br /> than a duly constituted legal authority to so posti asiy puUlic lands, inclut:iua scction 84A_01, iuiil titcr the <br /> but not linuted to tax forP2:ted lands, as ab0v2 c]esciibed. stxlc, in tYGe manucr proNided, <br /> Subcl. 5. No person sball enter or leave tne lands of another with a rec- Liiue. All sucti ]ands wlrich sbs <br /> reational motor vehiCle, or pass from one portiozi of saCh lands to another der the provisiuus of ceckions ; <br /> portion, thraugti a closed gate,«ithoiit retnrning the gate to its oridinal suitabTc Lor sgriculture and tii <br /> position. no person shall enter or leave the lands of another ivith 2 recrea- jf,ct Yo stilE by the state, ac prci <br /> tional motor vehicleby -cntting any tuire or tearing dowi-i or desti•o,ying any Amentled lFy Laws 1973, c. 492, <br /> fence. <br /> 84A.1 I When bonds paid !n pa <br /> Subd. G. Nothing in this gection shnll limit or otherwise qtialify the Power y <br /> oY municipalit~ies, cowrties, school districts, or other politicxl subdivisions of ~ Aiiy cownt~ Nvherein <i porti <br /> the state or any agei~ey of the staLe to im~~ose adclitional restrietioses or pro- eated ii~ay vcrlu~t~irily asstu.7e, <br /> `t~ tLat p~rtion of tLe Priucip~tl :t <br /> liibitions oa the operation of recreation~l motor ~•ehicles on Propertq not 11 o~vne~ L~y the operator in aecor(lance ~v;th l,;c~~.. . ii,ny reruaiii wip~iiu at ut <br /> in the c~uont~ ancl ~vhvll~~ or <br /> Sul~cl. 7_ A person violatirg the provisions of tl~is seetion is gnilty of a groluid, which -portion bcara th <br /> misdemeanor. grincijial aiid interest as thc: ] <br /> Adcled by Lativs 1974, c. 46£3, § 1. h the StaYe <br /> y, pitrst2ant to s(,-etic <br /> La-vvs 1974, c. 468, § 2; provicled that property not owned by ttre operatoi•; ' tow!1 bears t0 the YoYal 1J223 aS; <br /> thia act is effective the daY follozving its provifling pena.]ties; amending Minne- final enactment. [Governor's approvai, sota Statutes 1971, Chapter 84, bY acld- '1'Ytis as5uutptiOn S1laT1 be Cvide; <br /> Aprillt, 1974) ing a section. _Laws 1974,.c. 468. county, a copy of wliicll shntl U <br /> Title of Act: ' Library refierences in oAt}'Ptit' afE01 tbe pRSS`tge ~ <br /> Aiz Act ralating to recreational motor Autdmobiles 0;~10. <br /> vehictes; providing limitations on the C.J.S. rlotor Vehic}es § 26 et seq. any of these bond5 sllall rEnt,c <br /> operution of such vehicle: ivhile on r <br /> iipon deinand oP the boverning <br /> ']lolQcr of ailt> sueh bonds, pro% <br /> assunle~l, and the cotiitty bear <br /> ~ pr•oJictrty of the cousiY,y tlzerefoi <br /> m.iy be necded cojjformi~-jd to t <br /> ~ colmty refiincling bonds. 7'he I <br /> ~ <br /> 38 ~ <br /> ~ <br /> ' - - , <br /> f <br /> , <br />