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<br /> 1+~- yi.~l,;: ..b,<;~',-:;4': ,:q~• . . . ,:a <br /> <br /> fR <br /> w <br /> ; DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE30UBCES ~ 84.90 ] fere w3th or endanger the law enforcement offtcer or any other person or ve- " x r <br /> <br /> i hicle, or (c) increflse his speed or attempt to flee or elude the of[icer. tit <br /> ~ Added by Lawr 1973, c. 672, ~ l. <br /> Llbrary references <br /> Automohlles (8=349. <br /> C.J.S. Motor Vehlclea 4 583. <br /> 84.88 Penaltles c~R <br /> Subclivjsion 1. Any person who shall violate any prnvision of sections 84.81 <br /> to 84.89 or any regulatfon of the commissioner of naturt?1 resources or of the <br /> eommissioner of public satety promulgated pursuant to law sh$11 be gullty o! <br /> . e misdemennor. <br /> Subcl. 2. A person registered as owner of n snowmobile may be linecl not <br /> to ezcaeeQ $300 iP n anowmobile bearing h1s reglstratlon number is operated <br /> contmry to the provisions of Blinnesota Statutes, Sections 84.81 to 84.88, ~••f <br /> 100.26, 8ulxllvision 1, or 100.29, Subdivislons 28 or 29. The registered owner <br /> may not be so fined if (e) the snowmobile was reported as etolen to the com- <br /> ge Bed unlawful . <br /> mtssloner or a law entorcement a ncy at the tIme of the alle <br /> act, or if (b) the registered owner demonstrates that tLe snowniobfle eIther <br /> K•as stolen or was not 1n use at the time of the alleged unlawful act, or if 4 <br /> (c) the registered owner furnlshea to law enforcement officera upon request <br /> ~ tlie !de?itity of the person in actual physical rnntrol of the anowmobile at the <br /> tlme of such vlolatlon. The provisions of this subdtvleion do not aPP1Y to pn <br /> Y <br /> , person who rents or len^es a anowmobile it euch person keeps a record of % <br /> ~ the name and address of the person or pereons renting or leasing such snow- <br /> mobile, the registration number thereof, the departure date and ttme, and <br /> ^ expected time of return thereof. Such recurd shall be preserved for at least <br /> a six months und shall be prima lacle evidencc that the person named therein ' k wns the operator thereof at the time it was operated crontrnry to Minnesota <br /> ~ Statutes, Sections 84.81 to 84.88, 10026, Subclivision 1, or 100.29, Subdivisions ~'~~z •~~~r .r ~kg R <br /> 28 or 29. The provislons of this subdivision do not prohibit or limit the <br /> prusecutlun of a snowmobile operator for vlolating any of the sections re- <br /> ferred to fn this subdivis[on. <br /> ~t Law•s 1967, c. 876, f 10. Amended by Laws 1969, c. •1129, ark X, J 2; Laws ~4. <br /> ~4 • 1971, c. 23, J 10, eff. 14~arch 5, 1971; Laws 1971, c. 491, § 3, etf, b4ay 26, 1971; <br /> <br /> ; Lawe 1971, c 577, 1 20, etf. July 1, 1971 ; Laws 2973, c. 701, 12. A <br /> 7971 Amendments. Lawa 1971, c. 23, Iawe 1971, c. 677 adderl subd. 2 and <br /> j wae a correctton bill deleting the apecf- corrected citatlona in subd. 1. <br /> tied penalty. See, now, aectlon 609.031. 1973 Amendment. Corrected a ctta- <br /> ~ 1971 c. 491, tranaferred certafn tfon. <br /> of the functlona o[ the commisaloner of <br /> 4 hfghways to the commteafoner of public <br /> h~.. <br /> safety. r , "~':•~-wN .*,~c <br /> 84.89 Confiscatlon of snowmobile used In burglary <br /> ~ A Iaw enforcement officer shall seize any snowmoblle, as dettned In biinne- s. ~ <br /> ~ sota Statutes, Sectton 84.81, useci for the purpose of galnfng access to prop- <br /> ~ crty for tLe purlwse of committing the crimc of burglary, ea deflned ln hiin- <br /> nesotH Statutes, 3ection 609.58. An sno~vmobSle ~19ed <br /> , y pureuant to this sec- <br /> tton sLall be held, sunjecc to the order of the district court of the county in <br /> which the burglary was commltted, and shall be rnnf[scated after convictlon <br /> 0f the person imm whom the snotivmobile was seized and disposed of in ac- <br /> ~ cordance with the rocedure rovldevl for <br /> p p equipment iesed in committing game ~4,~yr kt jw~A <br /> x and tish vio]aUons b' AZinnesota Statutes, SecHon 97.50, Subdivision 6, ea- <br /> cept thnt the balance of the procceds fmm the sale of a corifiscated snowmoUile t~' <br /> which ure paid into the sG+te trcasury shall be credited to the general funcl. ~ <br /> Added Uy I..1ws 1869, c. 176, § 1, eff. Aprll 24, 19f',9. Amended by Laws 1969, <br /> c. 330, 1 1, eff. July 1, 1969. <br /> . 84.90 Limltatlons on the opsration of recreational motor vehlcler . <br /> Subdivision 1. For the purpwses of this section tlie following terms hnve <br /> the nicanings given them: (ai) "P.rcreatioual motor vehicle" means nny scli- ~A <br /> ; *'propcllefl vehicle nnd eny vehicle pi•opelled or drawn by a selt-propelled ve- 37 <br /> .e.-~ ~ . x <br /> ir <br /> . . " . ' . . ~ ~ <br /> - . . ; . . ' - . . . . . . _ , . ' . . ' , . , , . :~`d <br />