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<br /> <br /> p4 .a <br /> ,r~ ~ „ ~ ~r, ~ y <br /> rt . . <br /> ;,r <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> § 84.90 DEPARTMFNT OF NATURAL RESOURCES l'ONSERVA7 <br /> hicle used for recreattonul purpuses, includ3ng but not limtted to snowmobile, i CHAPTER 84A. L/ <br /> A trxil bike or other all-ferrkiin veiiicle, hovercrxft, or motor vehicle licensed <br /> ~ for highwny operntion wLich ls being uaecl for off-road recreatlonal pui7?oses. ~ <br /> ~ (b) "Snowinobile" hg8 t.he same meantrig given by section 84.81, suUdivision 3. 84A-41 Had Lake game pi <br /> Subti. 2. Within the seten county metropolitau area, no persou shall enter ~ 1•:Lwq 191;5. c. 591, authorf: <br /> ~ and operate u recrentioual motor ~•eliicle on laiicis not liis own, excePt whPre ~ `"`"an', <ne ~tivy. of 51 <br /> ttvn 21, TK'j!, I54, ltnnge <br /> otherwise allowed by lxw, w•lthout the written or oral petynission of the own- <br /> ~ er, occupant, or lessee of such lands. Written permfsaion may Ue given Uy 84A.03 Red Lake game pr <br /> a_Iwsted notice of nny kind or, ilescrlption t4at the owner, occupant, or les5ee t.xw4 iaos, C. 51, 1 10, <br /> ~ prefers, so long as it apeciftes the klnd of vehicles ullowed, such as by saying ~ "u~-ction G" for ••tiecc7un T• <br /> °Itecreational Vehlcles AlloK•ed", "SnowmoUiles Allowed", "Trail Bikes Al- ~ <br /> 8-1A.0~~ List of lands <br /> . lowed", "All-Terrain ltehicles Allo~ve~l", or ~vords 8ubatantiully aimilnr. <br /> 'rh" "cummtssloner of ni <br /> Subcl. 3. Outrzide.the seven count etro litan a <br /> ~ y m po rea, no person shxll en- ~ sal,sil<<iied tor ttie stal <br /> ter oii any land not his own for the pw7wse of opernting a recreational iuotor Er within this section :,s it <br /> \finn.,txta.l974 folluwiry; I <br /> ~ veliic]e after being notifted, either orally or by written or posted notice, by nu(IIUfII)' VI j,flK'Y 1973, c. 49; <br /> the owner, occupnnt, or lessee not to do so. Where posted not(ce is used, w~ +,!>u. .rr.cton isA.ot oc Feq. <br /> aigns shall bear letters not less than two inches high and ahall SCRCE' O11P. OZ ~ <br /> 84A,07 Title to land In sta <br /> the followIng: "Recreationnl Veliiclea Prohibited", "Snowmoblles Pruhibited", 1'l,o title to aill parc•i•1s of <br /> ~ "Trail I;ikes Prohibited", "All-Terra(n VeLIcles Pmhlbited", or words sutr <br /> ~ stantially similar. In lieu o1 the xboce notice an owner, occupant or lessce - ~'~~'''I~t I:uiJ, t~•inK ~vitLin i <br /> may post any slgn prohibiting recreational motor vehicles which has been ~~Mi~iiral Uy~ the ctnte ~ <br /> adopted by rule or regulation o1 the commissioner pt natiiral resources. ~ .0mil fK' hPlct by the st.ite, <br /> The notiee or sign shall be posted at corners and onlinary ingrnss and egress sIwcfPicd thernfu, and shall <br /> to the property und when so posted shnll aerve so as to raise a conclusive thi- provisimis of T,aw% 1RA' <br /> preyumption that u person operaUng a recreational motor veLfcle thereon had ~ A11oD1I"d bs L°"`` 1973, c• <br /> knowledge that he had entered upon such ~ secttona,saa.ui to, <br /> posted lands. Failure to pw9t no- <br /> tice as provided in this subdii•ision shall not depr[ve a person of the rigbt 84A.08 Lands classified <br /> to bring a cicil uctlon for dnmage to his person or property as otherwise <br /> pmvided by law 1*4,on rn<.r.ip[ L,v the- cuniC <br /> . <br /> spccificd iu section 84a.03, <br /> Subd. 4. It 1s unlawful for u person to post, mutllate, or remor-e ang no- which shall cIHsnify itll suC <br /> tice or slgn provided in thfs section upon any ]ands or a•aters over whicli he ` 1? rittorest.itto,i w• reforeatatl <br /> hns no right, title, interest, or license. It is unlawful for x person other ~ sen•iug, propagnting, brned <br /> than n duly constituted legal author3ty to so post any public lands, including in sectinn 84A.01, auid after <br /> bat not linuted to taz forfeited lnnds, ae above descrfbed. state, In tLe mclnncr provi <br /> Subd. 5. ro porson ahali enter or leeve the lands of another wiCh s ree- ~ timF, All sach lands «•hich <br /> reational motor vehicle, or pass from one portion of guch ]nnrisf to another der thc pruvisious of Fectja <br /> portlon, through a closed gRte, without returning the gate to ita or(glnxl tiuit:ible fur ngricultiere anc <br /> position. No person shnll enter or leave the )ands of nnother with a recrea- ~14 jert to siile by the stnte, ns <br /> tional motor vehicle by cutting any wire or tearing'down or deetroying any Ameneled by 1973, c. fence. ` . <br /> Subd. 6. Nothing in this section shall linitt or otherwise qunllfy the power ~ ~A•1 1 When bonds pald Iw <br /> of rmonicIpalities, counfie», school distrietA, ~vr other political sutxlivisions of ~ Auy crouuty wheretu a p <br /> the state or Rny agency of the state to impcise additional restrlctfons or pra cated inay voluntarily a."ti <br /> hibitions on the operation of recreatfonal motor vehicles on property not t1,kit partiou of the priucipi <br /> owned by the operator in accordxnce with law: which nuLy rnmahi unpeld i <br /> Subd. 7. A person vlolxting the provisio~ns of t61s aection is guilty of a ' ii" trie cuunt~~ an~l wholly <br /> misdemeanor. . Fround, which.pwrtion twan <br /> Addetl by Laws 1974, c. 468, § 1. principal and interest xs tl <br /> Laws 1974, c. 468, § 2, provided that property not owned by the operator: hy the stAte pursut?nt to eA <br /> ' to~ti~? L~~a['s tO the totnl ]~J2F <br /> thfe act is eftective ttie day tollowing Ita provl.dlnR pena]ttes; amending Minne- <br /> final enactment. [Governor's aDDroval, eota Statutea 1971, Chapter 84, by add- ~ 'I'his aysu?nption stinll be cl <br /> Aprtl 11, ]979] ing e, sectfon. I.awa 1974, c. 468. County, 1 Copy o1 WhiCh Fhtl <br /> Tltle of Act: Libtary references ~ <br /> An Act relating to recreatfonal motor Automobllee ~10. fn unt~ <br /> ~ penr APEer the Rs9fl <br /> vehicles; provlding ltmitatlona on the C.df,S. Motor VehSclea.§ 26 et seq. any of (hese lwnds 9YIRI1 I'E <br /> operaUon o[ euch vehiclee whlle on ~ iq>on de?nand of the goverc <br /> ~ Lolilcr of any such Uonqy, j <br /> ~ assumcd, and thc cowitr b <br /> prol)erty o1 t.he county ther <br /> l-' maiy bo needecl conformiug caunty refnndinK Uonds. T <br /> 38 ~ <br /> ~ <br /> ~ . <br /> ~ . - - <br /> , > - <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br />