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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . <br /> ~ ,a <br /> ; DEFARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOUltm § 84.90 fere wlth or endanger the law entoroement olLcer ar any other pereon or ve- <br /> Wcl . <br /> e, or (c)lncrease nie apeed or attempt to flee or elude t6e o!ljcer <br /> T !T y, <br /> Added by Laws 1€Yl3, c. 672. 11. s~ ~ <br /> Library re/erenees . s • <br /> Automobiles ~a149. <br /> C.J.S. Motor Vehlclea 4 bfl. <br /> 84.86 Penaltlsa <br /> Bubd.lvieion Any person who shall vfolnte any provfafon of sectiona 84.81 -~t''~ <br /> to 84.88 or any regulnUon of the rnmmissloner of nntural resources or at the <br /> commi9sioner of public satety promiilgated pureuant to law ehall be gullty o! a~,~~~~ <br /> s miedemeanor. . ; : F ~ F _ ~ ~ , . <br /> Subd. 2. A person regtstered ae o'wner of u sr?owmoblle may be iined not <br /> to ezceed $M if a snowmoWle bearing hfs re g istradon nuLUber ie operated <br /> contrary to the pmvisiona o! blinneeota 8tatutes, 9ectlona 84.81 to 84.88, <br /> 100.26, 8ubdivision 1, or 10029. 8nbdfvielona 28 or 29. The regtetered owner msy not be so fined 1[ a tbe snowmobile waa <br /> 4f, <br /> ( ) reported as stolen to the com- <br /> misstoner or a law entorcemerrt agency nt the time of the alle6ed unlawiul act, or if (b) the reglstered owner de.monstrateg that the enowmobile either • ' <br /> was stolen or wae not in uee at the Lime of the alleBed unlawful act, or !f <br /> (c) the registered owner hrnfeLes to lsw entorcemer?t ofticers upon request 7. <br /> the Wentity of the pereon in actual physical control of the snowmoblle st the <br /> Ume of euch vtolatlon. The provSaiona of this subdivbfon do not a p pl y to any pereon who renta or lex^e$ a snowmobile iP such person keepe a reeord of <br /> re <br /> the name and eddrees of the pereon or peraons renting ott leaaiag such snow- <br /> moUile, the registration number thereof, the depdrture date and tlme, and <br /> r~ ezpected time of return thereof. $uch record ahall be preaerved for at least -aix months and ehall be prima tacle evldenec tfiat the person named tLerein <br /> ~ was the operator thereoi nt the time 1t was operated coetrary to Mlnnesota <br /> ' 8tatutes, Sectiona 84.81 to 84.88, 10026„ 8ubdivlsion l, or 100.29, $ubdivislons .p + <br /> ~ 28 or 29. The nrovlslona o1 thls subclivtsfon do nat problbiC or llmit tLe lf~. <br /> prurzecuUon of a snoNvmobile operakoc !or vlolat1ng any of the eectlons re- # <br /> ~ ferred to 5n this subdtviaton. <br /> ~ Laas 1987, c. 876, ; 30. Amended by Laws 1909, .c. ,i129. art. X, 12; Lawa <br /> i • 1971, c. 23. 110, eit. biarch 6, 1971 . • Laws 1971, c. 491, 13, efl. MaY 26, 1971- <br /> Laws 1971, c. 577, g 10, e!L July 1, 1971; IAwe 1973, c, ?Ol, 12. <br /> 1971 Amendments. Iaws 1971, c. 28, . Iaws 1t71, a 677 added subd. 3 and ~ y~.,~-"i <br /> %j was a correctlon bitl deleting tRe aDec1- oorrected cJtsttons !n eubd. 1. <br /> ~ tfed penalty.$ee ' now, section 60.031. 1973 Amendment. Corrected a Cita- <br /> Lwws 1871 c. 401, tranaferred cprtafn tlon. <br /> • of the [unctlons of the oommleeloner o[ <br /> hf¢hwsys to the commisatoner of puDlic <br /> aslety. <br /> $4.89 Conilscatlon of snowmoefle rad le burylary . r <br /> A law enforcement offiaer shall eelae any snowmob[le, ae detlned in Minne- <br /> eota Statutes, Sectlon 84.81, used !or tbe purpoee of galning access Lo prop- <br /> erty tor the purpose of committln6 tLe crlme of burglary, ae detlned ln b[In- <br /> nesoin Statntes, Secqon 609.58. My snowmoblle eelaed pureuant to this sec- <br /> tion sLall tre held, subject to the order of thc dlatrlct eourt of the county in which the burglary was committed, and shall be rnttflscated aiter conv[ction <br /> ' of the person fmm whom the snowmobile was eelzed and dlsposed of 1n aN • <br /> cordance with the proeedure provlded for equtpment need In cowmitting game : <br /> ~ nnd fish violations by Minnesota $tatutee, Section 97.60, 8nbdivision 6, ez- <br /> ~ cept thet the balance of the proceeds fmui the sete of a conflscated snowmoUile Tfr <br /> which are patd into the state treasur' snall be credited to the general tund. <br /> Added by Laws 1988, c. 178, 11, e!!. April 24, 1989. Amotndeel by Lawa 1988, <br /> ~ c. 390. $ 1, efP. July 1969. <br /> • . 84.90 Limltatlona on the opsratlon of reeroAtlonel motor vehlelse <br /> SuLdivision 1. For the purpwses of thtg sectlon tLe lollowing terms have <br /> the mennings given them: (a) "Recreational motor vehicle" meun9 any eclt- <br /> ; 'propclied veh9cle nnd nny vehicle propelled or d[RwII by a self-propelled ve- <br /> 37 . <br /> _ , , ~ . - ~ _ r ~ • .~f `'~q~~ <br />