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a <br /> . + . • . ~ ~ I L~,j ~ <br /> ' ~fi~s:".d.?:rA ~Y''~"%~r 1? ~i . ,g,,~`. <br /> • d <br /> <br /> <br /> 84.90 DEPARTMFNT OF NATURAL RESOURCES } l%ONSERVA' <br /> > r r ation 1 ses inclndin bat not 1Smited to snowmoUite, ~ <br /> ~ hide usecl fo rec e a purpo , 8 CNAP7ER 84A. L, <br /> trxil bike or other all-terrafn vehicle, hovercrait, or motor vehicle licensed ~ <br /> for highwny operntion which is being »ed for ofi-r0ad recreatfonal purposes• 4 . <br /> (b) ":tnowmol~lle" has the eame meaniug given by sectfon 84.81, subdivision 3. 84A.01 Red Lake game p <br /> ~ <br /> Dubd. 2. Within the sef•en count metro olitan area, no pQrson shftill enter i ,6, c. 531, authorf <br /> Y P ir.ane•• nC the SWy~ of S' <br /> and operute n recrestionnl motor ~•eliicle on it~nds,not hfs own, except ~vhere ~ clvn si, 'rwy. 159. knnge <br /> otherwise aliowed by 2aw, w•khout the written or oral perinission of the own- <br /> er, occupant, or lessee ot such lands. Written pern?Isglon may Ue given by ~ 81A.03 Red Lake game pi <br /> e_postecl notice of nny kind or, descrlption that the owner, occupnut, or lessee 1965, c. 51, , 10, <br /> prefers, so long as it speciiiea the kind of vehicles allowed, such as Uy saying 'st-i•eion G' for ••RecUon 7•' <br /> "Itecreational Vehiclea Allow•ed", "Bnowuiobilex Allowed", "Trail Bikes Al- R 84A.44 List of lands <br /> lowed", "All-Terrain Vehicles Allowed", or words substantielly similnr. ~ •rh„ •~commfssioner o[ f1 <br /> ~ $ubd. 3. Outside the seveu county metropolitan area, no person shtill en- substftutCd tor uie "sta <br /> ter oi? any land not his own for the purpose of operuting a;ecreational motor ~ w+tnin ctlss arceton as tt <br /> \finn.Stuta.1974 folloninR <br /> vehlcle atter being nottfied, eidher orally or by wrltten or posted notice, by ~ auenority u( l.awti 1973, c. 49 <br /> ~ the oveuer, occupant, or lessee not to do so. Where posted notice is used, u,so, sF.:ct4,n lfiA.Ol et aeq. <br /> signs shsll bear .letters not leas t.han two inches higb and $hall stnte one o1 84A.07 Tltle ta lar+d In st+ <br /> the tolloNlnR: "Recreationnl Vehiclea Prohfbitetl", "8nowmoblles Prohiblted". TLo titlc tu a11 p:ircclw ol <br /> f~ "Trail Bikes Prohibited", "Al1-Termin Vehiclea Prohiblted", or words sub- exiY-pt lauils ly[ng within <br /> r, stantially slinilar. In lieu of the above notice an owner, occnpant or lessee Ix~ ~icr~uir~~~l bti• the Ft~ite <br /> may post anp sfgn prohibiting recreational motor vehiclea which has been 01:111 1x heici by the Ftate, <br /> adopted by rule or regulation of the commissioner of naWral resources. spc•cifiecl therein, and FtertU <br /> The notice or sign shall be posted at corners and ordSnary ingress and egress tl,t• proviKlons+ of Lawr: l9S <br /> ` to the property and when so posted ahall serve eo as to ralse a couclusive Amentled by Lnw.,; 1973, c <br /> presumption that a person operxtlng a recreational motor vehtcle thereon had I Sections SaA.UI to 84A.11. <br /> . <br /> F~ knowledge that he had entered upon ench posted lande. Failure to post no- <br /> tice as provide(l in this subdivision ahall not deprtve, a person of the rlght E14A.08 Lands cfassitfed <br /> to bring a civIl actton for damage to h3s person orprnperty ae otherw3se U4,on rc~ccript Ly the comi <br /> provlded by law._ _ SpcciticQ in .xction 84A.04, <br /> Bulxl. 4. It 1s unlnwtul for a person to poat, mutiiate, or remove ans no- IN•iiicli shall clasgify n)1 euc <br /> tice or sign provided in thls eection upon any lande or waters over which he ` ttfturestation or rePoreatat <br /> hns no r[ght, tltle, lnterest, or license. It Is imlawtul for a person other ~ scrviug, propngattiug, Uretrd <br /> than u duly constituted )eqel Authority to so post any puLlic lands, includli?g in sectton 84A_01, and rifter <br /> ~ but not linuted to taz focfefted lands, as aUove descrlbed. stnte, in the manner provf <br /> Subd. 5. No peraon ehall enter or leave the landa of another wlth a rec- tiniP. All ruch lands whict <br /> reatLonRl motor vehicle, or pass fsom one portion oi such lands to another w~ der the proviciuua of Rect3c <br /> portion, through u closed gAte, wlthout return(ng the gate to ite original tiuituble for agriculture am <br /> poaition. To person shnll enter or lesve the jnrxla of nnot.her with a recrea- jiTt to snle by the stnte, xs <br /> t[onxl motor cebicle by cutting uny wtre os tearing.down or destroying any Aweneled by I,awA 1973, c. <br /> fence. . <br /> Subd. 8. Nothing in this sectlon shall 1[mit or otberwlse qustlify the power 84A.11 When bonds pald li <br /> of municipalfties, countiea, school distrjcts, or other political eubdivisions of Auy county whern[?} uI <br /> the state or nny agency of the state to imEwse additional restrlctiona or pro- catetl ?nay volumt:?rily asai <br /> hibitiona on the operation of recreatlonsl motor vehiclee on pruperty not ~ lhxt poition of the princip <br /> owned by the operator fn accordance with Inw: whfch iua?y remain unpakid i <br /> i <br /> Subcl. T. A peraon violating the provlsions of this sectlon is gullty ot a u the cuunty ana wholly <br /> Froiuid, which portion bear <br /> misdemeanor. princip;il ancl interest as t <br /> Added Ly I,awe ]lY14, c. 968, 1 1. by. the xtate pnrstiant to s <br /> I,aws 1974, c. 468, 1 t, provided that property noE owned by the operator; toR'n bears tu the Mtnl 1M <br /> thls act la e[fectlve the daY followlr?g tts provlding yenaltles: amending M1nne- <br /> [inal enactment.. (Governor'e aDDrove{, wta Statutea 1971, Chapter 84, by add- ~ This As.sumption ahall be Ci <br /> Aprtl 11, 19747 ing s eectlon. Laws 1974, c. 488. ~ County', a c,opy nf whtch eht <br /> 71t1e ot Act: Llbrary rNeronees i~a one year xPCer the pxsst <br /> An Act relating to recteatlonal motor Autotnobllea fa10. <br /> vehicles; Drovidtng Ilmltatlona un the C.J.S. Motor Yehlcleg 4!8 et eeq• :in) oi thrse bonds 82id11 n <br /> oDeratlon o[ euch vehlcles whlle on lqwn demRnd ot the goveri <br /> Loliler of any r:iich bonds, <br /> x5sumeii, nnd the couutts 1 <br /> ~ property of the county thei <br /> iTlily bC heedecl contorming <br /> county refunding bonds. T <br /> 38 ~ <br /> • ~ <br /> - <br /> _ _ <br />