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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA DepuTy shall receive such compensation as the City shall have a financial interest in any concern engaged in <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY Council by ResoluTion shall provide. a business relationship wiTh the CiTy within his <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS Section 7. Powers, Duties and Rights o1 Inspectors. respective field. <br /> ORDINANCE N0.191 (a) Enforcement and Administration. Each In- Section B. Unsafe Buildings. All buildings, siructures <br /> AN ORDlNANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE spector, and his Deputy, is hereby authorized and or premises which are sTructurally unsafe or not <br /> STATE BUILDING CODE; REGULATING THE direcfed to enforce and adminisier all the provisions of provided with adequate egress, or which constifute a <br /> ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEMENT, ihis Ordinance and the provisions of any other Or- fire hazard, or are ofherwise dangerous to human life, <br /> ALTERATION, REPAIR, MOVING, REMOVAL, dinances of the City of Arden Hills in his resoective orwhich in relation to existing useconstitutea hazard to <br /> CONVERSION, DEMOLITION, OCCUPANCY, field-Forsuchpurpose,eachlnspector,andhisDepuTy, safety or healih, or public welfare, by reason of <br /> EqU1PMENT, USE, HEIGHT, AREA AND MAIN- shall have the powers of a police officer. Inadequate maintenance, delapidaTion, deterioraTion, <br /> TENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES IN (b) Reports and Records. Each Inspector shall obsol?scence, fire hazard, disasTer damage, or aban- <br /> THE C(TY OF ARDEN HILLS; PROVIDING FOR THE wbmit a wriTten report to the Clerk-Adrninistrator not donmenT, as specifietl in ihis Ordinance or the <br /> APPOINTMENT AND pUALIFICATIONS OF less ihan once a year, covering his work tluring the provisionsofanyotherapplicableOrdinanceofiheCity <br /> BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING preceding period. He shall incorporate in said repori a of Arden Hills, are, for the purposes of this Section, <br /> AND LANDSCAPING INSPECTORS; REQUIRING summary of his recommendations as to desirable unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby <br /> PERMITS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF WORK ANp amendmenis to this Ordinance and any other Or dedared to b2 public nuisances and shall be abated by <br /> ACTIVITIES; ESTABLISHING FEES FOR SUCH dinancesofTheCityofArtlenHills.Eachlnspectorshall repair, rehabiliTation, demoliTion, Or removal in ac- <br /> PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS; keep accurate written records of his work. cordance wifh the procedure specified in Chapters 4 <br /> REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES ANp pARTS OF The Clerk-Administrator may require each Inspector lhrough 9 of the Uniform Code for the AbaTement of <br /> ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TiiEREWITH; AND to make written reports on a regular and recurriny Dangerous Buildings or by any oTher procedures <br /> PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION basis.TheClerk-AdminisiraTOrshallkeepapermanent, provided by law. <br /> ~ THEREOF accurate account of all fees and ofher monies collec?ed iection 9. Permits. <br /> The City Council of Arden Hills ordains: and received under ihis Ordinance, the names rf per- (a) Building Permits Required. No person, firm, or <br /> Section 1. Repeal of ConflicTing Ordinances. Or- sons upon whose accounT the same were paid, the date corporation shall erect, consiruct, enlarge, alTer, <br /> dinance No. 93, which establishetl the Arden Hills and amounT thereof, together wiTh the location of 1he rerair, remove, converT or demolish any building or <br /> Buildng Code and adopted by reference the Uniform bullding or premises to which They relate. sirudure in the City of Arden Hills or cause the same To <br /> Building Code, 1964 ediTion subjecT to certain amend- (c) Right of Eniry. Whenever necessary to make an be done without first obtaining a separaTe Building <br /> menTS thereto, passetl by the Village Council of Arden inspedion to enforce any of the provisions ot ihis Or- Permit for each such building or s}ructure from the <br /> Hills on May 23, 1966, and Ordinances Nos. 107 and 726, dinance or the provisions of any other applicable Or- Building Inspector, or his Deputy. <br /> both of which amended Ordinance No. 93 in certain dinance of the City of Arden Hills, or whenever an In- (b) Other PermiTS Required. No person, firm, or <br /> respecis and which were respecTively passed by the spector, or his Deputy, has reasonable cause To believe corporation shall consiruct, enlarge, alTer, repair, <br /> Village Council of Arden Hills on July 8, 1968 and thaT there exisis in any building or upon any premises, remove, convert, install, and plant any plumbing, ga5, <br /> December 8, 1969, and ail oTher Ordinances or any condition which makes such building or premises heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, and elecirical <br /> provisions ofi Ordinances which conflict with the unsafe as defined hereinafter, the Inspector, or his equipmenT, apparatus, appliances, moTOrs, fixtures, or <br /> provisions of ihis Ordinance are hereby repealed in Deputy, may enter such building or premises at all devices, planTing and landscaping materials, fences, <br /> iheir entirelY. reasonable Times to inspect the same or to perform any sidewalks and driveways without firsT obtaining a <br /> Section 2. AdopTion of State Building Code. The State duty imposed upon him by ihis Ordinance, provided tha5 permit therefor from the particular Inspector, or his <br /> Building Code (including the Unitorm Building Code, if such building or premises be occupied, he sha!! firsi Deputy, under whose juristliction the permiT is <br /> 1973 edition, as amended and published by the In- present proper credentials and demand er.iry; and if requlred. An elecirical permit shall noT be issued unless <br /> ternational Conference of Building Officials), as such building or premises be unoccupied, he shall £irsT the applicani is properly licensed by the StaTe 8oard of <br /> amended, is hereby adoptetl as a part of the Building make a reasonable efforT To locate the owner or ofher Eleciricity or unless the wiring is to be installed in a <br /> Code of the City of Arden Hills, is incorporated by persors having charge or conirol of the building or single family dwelling provided the owner resides or <br /> reference in This Ordinance, and shall be as much a part premises and demand entry. If such eniry is refused, plans to reside in such dwelling. <br /> of this Ordinanw as though it had been set forth in full the Inspector, or his DepuTy, shall have recourse to (c) Exceptions. Permits shall not be required for <br /> herein. every remedy provided by law fo secure en}ry. consTruction, repair, remodeling, alteration, and <br /> There shall be at least Three (3) copies of said State No owner or occupant or any oTher person having maintenance work having a probable cost of less ihan <br /> Building Code, so adopTed, marked as oificial copies charge, care or conirol of any building or premises shall $600.00; provided, however, ihat ihis provision shall in <br /> and filed in the office of the Clerk-Adminisirator of the fail or neglect, after proper demand is made as herein no evenT be applicable to elecirical and gas work, to <br /> City of Arden Hills. provided, to promptly permit eniry therein by the In- proposed work which will alter the siruc}ural <br /> Section 8. Appendices To State Building Code Not specTOr, or his Deputy, for the purpose of inspec4ion and framework of the existing building or sirucTure, and to <br /> Adopted. NotwithsTanding anything in the previous examination pursuant to ihis Ortlinance and the work for which permiTs are specifically required by <br /> Section hereof to the conirary, Appendix D, enTitled provisions of any other applicable Ordinance of the City other portions of ihis Ordinance or other provisions of <br /> "Organization and EnforcemenY", and Appendix E, of Arden Hills. Any person violating ihis subset4ion any other applicable Ordinance of the City of Arden <br /> entiTled "Permits and Inspections", of the State shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. HiIIs.The"probablecost"ofiheproposedworkshall be <br /> Building Code are not adopted hereby. (d) Judgment ol Inspector. Each Inspector, or his- basedonThecosTSOfihemaTerialsatretailoutletsinihe <br /> Section 4. Appoiniment of Inspectors and Deputies. DepuTy, shall pass upon all questions relating to Twin Cities area aT the time in question, plus the <br /> The City Council shall at iis first meeTing in each sirengih, durability, appearance and generai vvc,rk- probable labor cos}s as determinetl in accordance wiTh <br /> calendar year appoint a Building Inspector, an Elec- manship of the installation, work, building, sirucqure ur cosis for hired labor in the parTicular Trade in the Twin <br /> irical Inspector, a Plumbing Inspec?or, a HeaTing In- premises inspecTed by him. Cities area aT the time in question. <br /> spedor and a Landscapinq Inspector, each of whom (e) Safety Tests. Each Inspedor, or his Deputy, may (d) Rpplications. To obtain a permit as required by <br /> shall serve at the will and pleasure of }he CiTy Council. make such tesis or order such TesTS to be made as he This Ordinance, the applicant shall first file wiTh the <br /> The City Council may from Time to time appoint aT least may deem necessary to determine the safe?y of the Clerk-Adminisirator an applicaTion iherefor in writing <br /> one deputyfor each said InspecTOrwhoshallserveasan contlition of any installaTior, mater;al, on a printed form furnished for such purpose. Every <br /> assisiant tosaid InspecToratihewill and pleasure of the machinery:building, sTructure, premisesor part ihereof such applicaTion for a Builtling Permit shall and every <br /> CiTy Council. which is his duty to inspect pursuant to ihis Ordinance such applica4ion for any oTher permit may (in the <br /> Section 5. Qualifications of Inspectors. or the provisions of any ofher applicable Ordinance of discretion of the parTicular Inspector, or his Deputy, <br /> (a) Building Inspector. The Building InspecYCr shall the City of Arden Hil!s, under whase iurisdiction the applicaTion is being <br /> have a ihorough understantling of the State Building (f) MandaTOry Repairs. Each Inspector, or his madei: <br /> Code, in parficular the Uniform Building Code of 1973, Deputy, may cause the repair or reconsTruction of amr (7) identify and describe the work To be covered by <br /> as amended, andot the provisions of this Ordinance and insiallation, material, machinery, sTructure, building, in2 perrnit for which applicaTion is made; <br /> all other Ordinances which he is charged wiTh enforcing premises or part thereof which is dangerous or unsafe to (2) C?escribe the land on which the proposed work is to <br /> and adminisTrating; shall have at least five (5) years' persons cr property, and the cost thereof may be be dbre, by lot, block,iract, antl house antl sTreet ad- <br /> experience as a building inspector, architect, sTructural recovered by the City trom the owner. dress, or a similar description ihaT will readily identify <br /> engineer, or a construction superinTendent; and musT be (g) Siop Orders. Whenever any building work is being and defini9ery locate the proposed building or work; <br /> certified by the StaTe of Minnesota. done conTrary to the provisions of this Ordinance or the (3) Show the use or occupancy of all paris of the <br /> (b) Electrical Inspector. The Electrical Inspeetor provisions uf ary o?her applicable Ordinances of the buiidiny; <br /> shall be a competent elecTrician who shall have at leasl City of Arcten Hills, the Inspecior or his Depu}y, withir (4) Be accompanied by plans and specificaTions as <br /> two (2) years' experience as journeyman or master whose jurisdiction the work is being done, may order required in the next succeeding subsection hereof; <br /> eledrician; shall be well versed in approved meThods of such work stopped by notice in writing served on any (i) STate the valuation of the proposed work; <br /> eledrical construcTion, the provisions of the State person(s) engaged in the doing or causing such work tc ;EJ Be signed by the applicanT, or his auThorized <br /> Building Code relaTing to elecTrical work, the provisions be done, and any such person(s) shall forihwith stop agenl, who may be required to submit evidence to in- <br /> of This Ordinance and all other Ordinances which he is such work uniil authorized by the Inspector, or his dicate such authority; and <br /> chargea with enforcing and administrating, the ru!es Deputy, to proceed wi}h the work. (7) Give such other information as reasonably may be <br /> antl regulations of the Minnesota Inqustrial Com- (h) Occupancy Violations. Whenever any building, rzquired by the Inspector, or his Deputy, under whose <br /> mission, and the rules and regulations of the National sTructure or premises are being used conTrary To the jurisd;ctian the application is being made. <br /> ElecTrical Satety Cotle; antl snali be licensed as an provisions of ihis (7rdinance or the provisions of any (e) Plans and Specifications. With each application <br /> elecTrician pursuant To pertinent subdivisions of M.S.A. other applicable Ordinance of the City of Arden Hills, for a Building Permit, antl when required by the par- <br /> SecTion 326.242, as amended. the Building Inspector, or his Deputy, may order such tkular InSpecTOr, or his DepuTy, under whose <br /> (c) Plumbing Inspector. The Plumbing InspecTOr use disconTinued and the bullding, strucTure or jurisdictior the applicaTion for any oTher Type of permiT <br /> shall be a competent plumber who shall have at leasi premises, or portion }hereof, vacaTed by wriTten notice is being made, iwo (2) seTs of plans and specifications <br /> iwo (2) years' experience as a journeyman or master served on ary person causing such use to be continued. shall be submitted along wiTh such application. 7he <br /> plumber; shall be well versed in approved meThods of Such person shall discontinue the use within ten (10) Building Inspector may require such plans and <br /> plumbing installa'ion and inspection, the provisions of days after receipt of such noTice or make the sTructure, specifications to be prepared and designed by an <br /> the State Building Code relaTing to plumbing work and or portion Thereof, comply wiTh the requiremenis of ihis engineer or archiTect licensed by the State of MinnesoTa <br /> the provisions of }his Ordinance and all other Or- Ortlinance and the provisions of any other applicable te pradice as such. <br /> dinances which he is charged with enforcing and ad- Ordinance of the City of Arden Hills; provided, NotwiThsianding the previous paragraph of }his <br /> minisTrating, and the rules and regulations of the however, thaT in the event of an unsafe building the subsection to the contrary, and when authorized by the <br /> MinnesoTa indusTrial Commission; and shall be licensed provisions of the next succeeding SecTion hereof shall Building Inspector, plans and specifications need not be <br /> as a plumber pursuant To pertinent provisions of M.S.A. apply. ;ubmitTed for the following: <br /> Secfion 326.37 et seq., as amended, antl regulations (i) Liability. Each InspecTOr, or his DepuTy, charged (1) One-siory buildings of Type V conventional wood- <br /> • promulgatetl by the State Board of Healih. with the aUminisiration and entorcement of ihis Or- stud mnstruciion with an area not exceeding six hun- <br /> (d) Heating Inspector. The Heating Inspector shall dinance and the provisions of any other applicable dred square feet (600 sq. ft.); <br /> have a general knowledge of all types of heating ap- Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, acting in good (2) Group J, Division l, Occupancies of Type V con- <br /> paratus, equipmeni end installation and shall be well faiTh and without malice for the City in the discharge of ventional wood-stud consirucTion; and <br /> versed in approved me}hods of heating inspection, the his duties, shall not Thereby render himself liable (3) Work small and unimporTant in his estimaTion. <br /> provisions of the S1aTe Building Code relaTing to heating personally, and he is hereby relievad from all personal (f) Infortnation on Plans and SpecificaTions. If <br /> and the provisions of Yhis Ordinance and other Or- IiabiliTy for any damage ihat may accrue to persons or required, plans and specifications shall be drawn to <br /> dinances which he is charged wiTh enforcing and ad- properfy as a result of any act required or by reason of scale upon subsTantial paper or clofh and shall be of <br /> minisTraTing. any acT or omission in the discharge of his duties. Any sufficienT clarity to indicaTe the naTure and exTent of the <br /> (e) Landscape Inspector. The Landscape Inspector suit brought againsT an InspecTOr, or his Deputy, work proposed antl show in deTail ihat iTwill conform to <br /> shall have ai least two (2) years' experience as a land- because of such act or omission performed by him in the the provisions of This Ordinance, the provisions of any <br /> scape architect, nurseryman, or horticulturisT and shall enforcement and adminisTration of any provisions of other applicable Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, <br /> be well versed in varieties of plant materials and iheir this Ortlinance and provisions of any other applicable and all oTher relevant laws, rules and regulations, The <br /> proper implantation, arrangemenT and maintenance. Ordinances of the City of Arden Hills, shall be defentletl first sheeT of each set of plans and specifications shall <br /> (t) Deputies. Each Deputy appoinTed by the CiTy by the CiTy Attorney until final Termination of the give the house and sireet adtlress of the work and the <br /> Council shall have the same qualificaTions as ihose proceedings. name and address of the owner and person who <br /> established for the Inspector for whom he was ap- (i) CooperaTion of Inspectors and Other Officials. preparedihem.Plansandspecificationsshallincludea <br /> poinTed To serve as an assislanT; provided, however, Each Inspector, or his DepuTy, may request antl shall plot plan showing the location of the proposed building <br /> ihai the City Council may waive such of ihose receive so far as may be necessary in the discharge of andof every exrsirng building on the properiy. In lieu of <br /> qualifications as it deems atlvisable and in the public his duTies, the assistance and cooperation of other In- detailed specificaTions, the Building Inspector, any <br /> inTeresi. specfors, Their Deputies, and oTher officials of the City oTher Inspector, or their respecTive DepuTies, may <br /> Section 6. RemuneraTion of InspecTOrs and Deputies. of Arden Hills. approve references on the plans to a specific section or <br /> As remuneration for his services, each Inspector antl (k) Conflict of Interest. No InspecTOr, or his Deputy, part of ihis Ordinance, the provision(s) of any other <br />