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. . . . _ . _ . - , . Ta : <br /> a- <br /> ~ w ? <br /> . . . - , . <br /> ~ s 2 <br /> or11nan0o 49. <br /> Subdivialod H. Joints and Conneotionao <br /> (1) Cnst Iron 9oil Pipee <br /> Joints for Csst Iron Pipe s!'sli be mafle by first inserting a roll <br /> of heuap or jute and thoroughly oauiking it into piaoe; thi s shall be . <br /> lollo~red-by pure molten lead well-oaulked not Iees thnn one inoh deep, <br /> or by driving into place an approved meohaniogl jointo <br /> , (2) Ditriflsd alazed Clay Serer Pipe. <br /> In joining Vitrified Glaaed Clay 9ewer Pipe the epigot of one <br /> " pipe shall be ca.refullg cenLered in the bell of the next pipeo <br /> Joints shall be tirmly packed with oakum or jute in suoh a manner ae <br /> not to dieturb the alignment ot the pipe, and tn such s way ae to per- <br /> mix the eompounQ to have the greateet unobstruated surPace for goocl <br /> urin and ndh si <br /> po 6 s on. Joints shall be formed Dy means of a hot poured <br /> ~ oemnnunA uetnv a ~r~rs,ratl~., M,T(! 4()M pww1 . ..r.A .._..1. , ~ <br /> to the manuraaturer's reoooamendatioAS. Jointingoompouiid shall be aom- <br /> pletel? resistant to aryr aoid or alkaline oondition found in orainary <br /> sewge and shall bs imanuns to attadc by ary ohemloals lound in natural <br /> soila or by any aoil baotmria. Care shall be ezeraiaed in plaoing the <br /> runner or anaks to assure non-leaksge during pourirag and it shall not <br /> be removed until the oompound is mtlloientiy ooolsd to be permanently <br /> a <br /> seti. Jointe ma,T aleo bt formed by ¦sena of a oold troxelin matsrial <br /> using a prepnration ot 'kal]ctite' 1° <br /> , eerertite", "atlastia-'j~M, or Lheir <br /> equai. Pipes, before pouring, shall be dry and alean. The Jolating <br /> matsriai shall bs beated until it ha• beoame quits thin, tlua oaus- <br /> !ng it to pour lreela and woothlT. The aompouAd shall be poared aon- <br /> tinaoue].y untll ths joint is filled, lsaving no air bubble <br /> in the soliditied aaae. <br /> (3) Asbeutoa Cemeat 9hrsr Pipe. <br /> 'f - Joints for Asbsetb• Cement Ssver Pipe shall be made by uee ot ths mannfaoturer' eJoint, whl.chh shall inoluds an asbeitoe oament eleevs, <br /> Logether xith rubbsr r3ngs vhioh shall form a tight and fleaible jointe : <br /> 9ubdivieion C. araQes. IIn e s oth <br /> 1 s erwiee authorized, sll house <br /> asMers shall hav a grads of not less tlan 1/8 inch per foot. A grade - <br /> o! 1A inob per loot ehou].d bs used rherever praotieal. The persan <br /> responsibls !or 1Astallation of the eeerer shall aheok grades berore <br /> oonetruotioa psoaeeds. Yhsrrrer possibls, the oonneoting eexer shall <br /> join tbe building st an elevation abioh i s belox ths basement floor <br /> ~ of suoh bui <br /> ldingo <br /> 8ubdivislon D A <br /> D. li ent, No oonneoti <br /> seYer eha <br /> bends Mbiah at ~ l1 contain <br /> benda or a oombi tion o any point shall be greater <br /> tban lorty-fi~?e (~j) flegrees, and no more than tMb bende, re <br /> Bai'dlsss <br /> of angle, shall be permitted in an1 aiagle sewnr ooruieotion, exoept <br /> whers olsanouts ar• oonstruoted at suob pointe and in ma,nner ae Qirea- <br /> ted b,j? the Village Pluobing Inspeotor. No oonneating se~rar shall be <br /> er <br /> laSQ parallel to any beartng wall or footing unlese further dlstant <br /> than thres feet from any suoh beari nall ar footin N <br /> A6 o oonneoti~ <br /> eerer ohall b• laid rithin trenty feeL af any ezistin. g rell, exoept <br /> in sanner speoilloally approved by the Vimisge Plumbing Inepeotor, 1 <br /> Snbdirision E. Trsnobing aad Badctiiiing. <br /> A1l euaa.atioa• sbnll be open-krenoh wor]c unlees otherMi#e auth- <br /> orised by the Yillage Plnmbing Inspeotor. The taundation in the trenoh <br /> ' shall bs lorseQ in suoh sennsr a• to prevenL any eubsequent eettling <br /> ot the i es. If tl~e louadation i• <br /> P ood Pirm earth <br /> B , tbs sarth shall <br /> ~ <br /> be par or vollled to gSte a tull snpport to the lower third of eaoh <br /> ipe. 13e11 bole• shall be dng to provide ampls spaoe for pourir~g Jointe. <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> ars musL be ezsroised in bao~cfilli beloa the osnter llne o! the pipe <br /> in order to givs it proper support. Haotlilling shall be plaoed ia layers and eolidl.y tamped or pa oteQ np to one toot above tho ps. <br /> Aaatlillittg aM7.1 Qot be don• until the seotion to bs baoktil ;d hss <br /> baa ins oted and apprmsd by t!u Village PlmbLag IneWator. <br /> . ftvisloa Os• o! O1Q fioase 8rwro. Ola hoase swers or <br /> portions tbereof say be spp~ated for use by t!'e Viilage Piumbing In- <br /> spwotor. The 9illage Plumbing Inspootor may request that Lhe old ewer <br /> be exoavated !or the purpose ot taoilitatiing inspection. No oseapooi ~ <br /> or e ept i o tank shall be oonn eot e!'! to any e erer o onn eot i on s. If any <br /> portioa of a houss sexer is laid aorose or over any existing oeaapool ~ <br /> or aeptio tank, auah oeaspool or septio tank shall liret be pumped olean' ~ <br /> and tilled xitla earth to ths eurrounding ground lePelo Where a ooraneo- ~ <br /> ting aswer is laid aaroas or over any existing ceeepool or septio ta*a ~ <br /> only Caet Iron Soil Fipe , contormtng to the A.S.T.M. StandarQ 9peoirS- ' <br /> oation A-74-42, el3a11 be uee8 !or tlat portion ot' the oonneattng <br /> eersr xhioh is latd soroaa or ovsr the ezieting oseepool or eepLlo tank, <br /> . v <br />