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<br /> 1 Ordinante 213 (tontinued) 125. Siructure,ACCessory -Adetached, subortlinate C. Annexed Territory
<br /> sTrucTUre, the use of which is incidental and related to A building moratorium shall apply, not to exceed the
<br /> stantial proportion of its food antl-or beverages in that of the principal use of or principal sirucTure on the time permitted by Siate Statute, To any territory an-
<br /> disposable wrappers, containers, cartons, boxes and lot on which it is located. nexed to ihe City, until such time as a detailed study by
<br /> bags; provides a number of irash, liTter, or garbage 126. STruciure, Principal - The predominant siruc- the Planning Commission has taken place as to the
<br /> cansin the parking areas and withinthe building on the Ture upon a lotin which the principal use of the lot is proper zoning for the property newly acquired.
<br /> premises for the deposit of the disposable packaging in conducTed. . Following such siudy the City shall proceed To zone the
<br /> whichThefoodand-orbevera9esareprovided; prepares 127. Townhouse - A single family dwelling which property in accord with the procedures prescribed by
<br /> and cooks a substantial proportion of its food in volume, maintains private ingress and egress, contains no in- }his Ordinance for "Rezoning."
<br /> in advance of orders by customers, and usually in an- dependent dwellings above or below itand isattached to D. Vacated STreets
<br /> ticipation of predicted volumes of customers at ceriain other similar dwellings by a common wall. Whenever any public sireet is vacated by official
<br /> times of the day; specifies the items of food and-or 128. Use - The purpose for which land or premises or action, the zoning disiricis abutting the centerline of
<br /> beverage offered to cusiomers on signs, placards, a building ihereon is designaTed, arranged or intended, said vacated sireet shall noi be affected by such action.
<br /> posters, valances, or boards posted in conspicuous or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. E. Zoning and the Comprehensive Development Plan
<br /> places Throughout the building rather ihan on printed 129.Use, Accessory - A use whichisincidenTaltothe Any change in zoning by the Council shall
<br /> menus given to the customers; antl generates a high Principal use of the lot on which it is maintained or auTOmatically amend the Comprehensive Development
<br /> volume and rapid flow of in and out traffic because of its conducted. Plan in accordance with the said Zoning.
<br /> quick service mode of operation. 130. Use, Principal - The primary or predominant SECTION V- DISTRICT PROVISIONS -
<br /> 108. Restaurant, Drive-in - See drive-in business, use for which the lot and siructure, if any, lowted A. EstablishmenT of DistricTs
<br /> 109. ReTailSales - Stores and shops selling, renting or thereon is conducted or maintained. The zoning disTricis designated herein are hereby
<br /> leasing goods for uses away from the point of sale. In- 131. Used Auto ParTS - The processing, siorage, and established so as to assist the City in carrying out the
<br /> cludes the following: anTiques, art and school supplies, sale of second-hand or used automobile or other vehicle intenT and purpose of iis Comprehensive Development
<br /> auTO accessories, bakeries, bicycles (not motorized), Paris. Plan for the City and To conirol residential densities in
<br /> books and stationery, candy, camera and 132. Utility Sub-staTion - A siructure usetl for the such a manner as to provide adequate public services
<br /> photographical supplies, carpets and rugs, china and relay or disiribuTion of electric, water, sewer, and utilities.
<br /> glassware, clothing and costume rental, custom Telephone, etc., services. B. DesignaTion of Zoning DisTricis
<br /> dressmaking, depariment siores, drugs, drygoods, 133. Utility Distribution Lines - The disiribution For the purposes of ihis Ortlinance the City of Arden
<br /> elecirical and household appliances, sales and repair, fac'rlities of eleciric power, gas, water and com- Hills is hereby divided into the following Zoning
<br /> florist, food, furniture, furrier shops, garden supplies municaTion companies which directly serve abutting Disiricis:
<br /> (year round operaTion only), 9ifis, hardware, haTS, Properties. R-1 Single Family Residential Disirict
<br /> hobby shops, interior decorating, iewelry, leather goods 134. Utility Transmission Lines - The Transmission R-2 Single and Two Family Residential Disirict
<br /> and luggage, locksmiTh shops, musical insiruments, facilities of eleciric power and communication com- R-3 Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Dwelling
<br /> office supply equipment, optometrisis, paint and Panies which do not directly serve abutTing properTies. DisiricT
<br /> wallpaper, phonograph records, shoes, sporiing goods, 135. Utility Vehicles - A vehicle, with or without a R-4 Multiple Dwelling Disirict
<br /> tobacco, toys, varieTy stores, wearing apparel, and motor, and-or adapted for temporary living, sleeping, B-1 Limited Business Disirict
<br /> similar type uses. business or sTorage purposes, having a frame, bui no B-2 General Business Disirict
<br /> 110. Roadway -The entirety of a private sireet and foundation other ihan wheels, blocks, studs, lacks, I-1 LimiTed Indusirial Disirict
<br /> Thaiportionofapublicstreetextendingfromihebackof horses or skirting, which does not reach or meet I-2 General Indusiriai DisTricT
<br /> The curb (i.e. ihe curb line) on one side to the back of ihe building code requirements and has been or may be C. Permitted Principal Uses
<br /> curb (i.e. the curb line) on iheother side, used primarily equipped with wheels or other devices for transporting Certain principal usesfor each zoning disirict shall be
<br /> for vehicular Traffic. purposes. This term shall include iravel trailers, permitted as a matier of right to be located on a siTe in
<br /> camping irailers, tent irailers, recreaTion vehicles and ihaT zoning disirici subject to a Building Permit issued
<br /> 111. Schools, GeAeral Education - Nursery, primary, irailers. A permanent foundaTion shall not change the pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code and This
<br /> elementary, secondary schools, vocaYional. character of the vehicle. Ordinance is applicable. Where question arises as to
<br /> 112. Schools, Special Education - Trade, business, 136. Vehicle Wash - A building, or portion thereof, whether a proposed use falls within a permitted use
<br /> barber, beauty, art, music, dancing, driving and other which principal use is the washing of vehicles. category and-or a Special Use category, the Planning
<br /> professional schools, colleges, universities and lunior 737. Vehicle Wrecking Yard - Any open space where Commission shall make a recommendation to the
<br /> colleges. ihree or more used motorized vehicles are stored which Viliage Council which shall make the final deter-
<br /> 113. Service StaTion - A place where gasoline, do not possess current state aufo licenses. mination.
<br /> kerosene, diesel or other motor fuel or lubricating oil or 138. Variance - A modification or variation of the D. Purpose of Districis
<br /> grease for operating motor vehicles are offered for sale provisions of This Ordinance, as applied to a specific 1. R-1 Single Family Residentiat DisTricT
<br /> tothepublicanddeliveriesarematledirecTlyintomotor piece of property, except ihat modification in the The R-1 Resideniial District is intentled to establish
<br /> vehicles. Includes greasing and oiling, one-bay motor allowable useswithin a disTrict shall not be considered a areas for the development of single family detached
<br /> vehicle wash and the sale of automobile accessories on variance. housing on parcels of land approximately one-ihird (1-3)
<br /> the premises. Also includes minor repairs, incidental 739. Veterinary Office and Clinic - Uses concerned acre in size. The R-1 zones are intended to reserve
<br /> body and fender work, minor painting and upholstering, with the diagnosis, ireatment and care of animals, development areas for single family housing and to
<br /> replacement of parts and motor services to passenger including animal or pet hospitals. resiricT encroachmenT of incompatible uses and at the
<br /> automobiles and irucks not exceeding one and one-half 140. Warehousing - The storage of materials or same time take advantage of municipal utiliTies,
<br /> (lb'~) Tons capacity. It shall not include maior general equipment as a principal use wiihin an enclosed maintain density limitations and preserve open space.
<br /> repair, rebuilding or reconditioning of engines, moTor building. Councilinits discreTion may order Public Hearings and
<br /> vehicles or irailers; collision service, including body, 141. Waterfront Uses- Boat docks and stora9e, water such other procedural steps which may be appropriate
<br /> frame or fender sTraighTening or repair; overall recreation equipment and other uses normally in- to the individual application.
<br /> painting or paint job. cidental To lakeshore property. 2. R-2 Single Family and 7wo Family Residential
<br /> 114. Setback - The minimum horizonTal disTance 142. Yard, FronT - A yard extending along the full DisTricts
<br /> between a sTructure and a lot line. lengihofthefrontlotlinebetweenihesidelotlines. The R-2 ResidenTial Disirict is intended to esiablish
<br /> 115. Shoreline Lot - A lot having oneor more lot lines 143. Yard, Rear - A yard extending across the full areas for the development of single and hvo family
<br /> fronting upon public waters. width of the lot and measured between the rear line of deTached housing on parcels of land approximaTely one-
<br /> 116. Sidewalk-A publicor privateway, comprising a ihelotandiherearlineofthemainbuilding. fourih('/a)acreinsize.TheR-2zonesareintendedto
<br /> portion of the boulevard of a sTreei, used primarily for tqq. Yard, Required - An open space between a reserve development areas for single and iwo family
<br /> pedesirian traffic. building and any lot which is open to the sky unob- housing and to resirict encroachment of incompatible
<br /> 117. Sign - A name, idenTification, descripiion, siructed by any permanent or temporary uses or uses and at the same time take advantage of municipal
<br /> display, logo, illusiraTion or device which is affixed to, strucfures. utilities, maintain density limitations and preserve open
<br /> painted, or represented directly or indirectly upon a 145.Yard,Side-Ayardbetweenihebuildingandihe space. Council in its discretion may order Public
<br /> building or other surface or piece of land, and which adjacent side line of the lot and extending from the front Hearings and such oiher procedural steps which may be
<br /> direcis aitention to an object, product, place, activity, yard To the rear yard. appropriate to the individual application.
<br /> person, insTitution, organization, or business. 146. Zoning Map - The map or maps incorporated 3. R-3 Townhouse and Low Density Multiple Dwelling
<br /> 118. Soil Processing - The processing of sand, gravel inio ihis Ordinance as a part hereof, designating the Desirict
<br /> or other material mined from the land. zoning disiricis. The R-3 Residential DisiricT is intended to provide
<br /> 119. Special Use - A use which, because of unique areas offering a broad development range in housing
<br /> characteristics, cannoi be classified as a permitied use SECTION 111 - MINIMUM COMPLIANCE units, yet retain the environment and characTer of less
<br /> in any particular disTrict, and which, afTer due con- REQUIREMEN75 intensive residence areas through carefully established
<br /> sideration by the Commission antl Council, pursuant To A. Compliance with This Ordinance bulk and lot area requiremenis. Well-designed
<br /> the applicable procedures contained herein, may Nobuilding,sirucTUreorparcelof land may hereafter townhouse projects and medium densiTy garden Type
<br /> neveriheless be allowed on a site in a pariicular zoning be used or occupied and no building permiT shall be apartmenis would be examples of appropriaTe uses in
<br /> disirict by Special Use PermiT granted by the Council. issued for any siructure or use which does noT conform the R-3 DisiricT.
<br /> 120. Story - 7hat portion of a building induded }o the provisions of this Ordinance except as hereafter 4. R-4 Multiple Dwelling District
<br /> between the surface of any floor and the surface of the provided under Sub-secTion I I I C and Sub-seciion X The R-4 Residential Disirict defines areas for the
<br /> floor nexi above it, or, if no such floor above, the space B. Requiremenis not to be Reduceel development of higher density multiple dwelling
<br /> beTweensuchfloorandiheceilin9nextaboveit. No exisTing lot, yard or parking area shall be so siructures than permitTed in the R-3 Disirict. It is in-
<br /> 121. STOry, Half - A space under a sloping roof which reduced in area or dimension as to make any such area tended ihaT areas zoned with the R-4 classificaTion
<br /> has the line of intersection of roof decking and wal I face or dimension less ihan the minimum required by ihis permii the mosT intensive residential development,
<br /> not more ihan three (3) feet above the Top floor level, Ordinance, and if already less ihan the minimum subject to the district provisions stated herein. The
<br /> and in which space noT more than iwo-ihirds (2-3) of the required, it shall not be further reduced. character of the R-4 District should remain essentially
<br /> floor area is finished off for use. A half-story containing No yard or open space provided about any bui Iding for residential.
<br /> independeni apartment or living quarters shall be the purpose of complying with the provisions of ihis 5. B-1 Limited Business District
<br /> counTed as a full sTOry. Ordinance shall be considered as providing a yard or 7he Limited Business District is intended to provide a
<br /> 122. Street-A public or privaTeway, consisting in the open space for any other building, and no yard or open disirid which is related to and may reasonably adloin
<br /> case of a privateway of a roadway and in the case of a space on adjoining premises shall be considered as high density or oiher residential districTS for the
<br /> public way of a roadway and a boulevard (the latter of providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a location and development of adminisirative office
<br /> which may contain a sidewalk), used primarily for building is to be erected. buildings and related office uses which are subjecT to
<br /> vehicular iratfic, whether designated as a sTreeT, C. Temporary Dwellings more restrictive conirols. Theoffice uses allowed in this
<br /> avenue, parkway, road, lane, throughway, expressway, No garage, tent, irailer or accessory building shall at disirict are those in which ihere is limited contact with
<br /> highway, place or however oTherwise designated. anytime be used as a dwelling except mobile homes the public and no exterior display or selling of iner-
<br /> a. Collector Sireet - A street which carries iraffic locaTed in an approved mobile home park, and except chandise To the general public.
<br /> from local sireets to sTreets and highways of higher for strucTUres receiving a temporary Council oermit. 6. B-2 General Business Disirict
<br /> classificaTions. Ii provides for both land access service The Council may, in iTS discretion, grant a temporary The General Business Disirict is esTablished To group
<br /> and local iraffic movemenis within residential neigh- permif for the use of the foregoing sirucTures as compatible retail business uses which tend to draw
<br /> borhoods, commercial areas and indusTrial areas. dwellings for a period noT to exceed ninety (90) days Trade that is naturally inTerchangeable and so promoTe
<br /> b. Cul-de-sac-AsireelwithonlyoneouTleT. when an emergency or hardship situation exisTs. business prosperiTy, provide an adequate supply of
<br /> c. Local Sireet - A sireet of limited continuity used In addition to the foregoing the Council may, if in its businesses and professional service areas to meet the
<br /> primarily for access To the abuTting properties and the discretion it determines an emergency or hardship needs of the residenis and to promote a high quality of
<br /> local needs of a neighborhood. situation exists, grant a Temporary permif for the use as total commercial developmenT and design that
<br /> d. Major ArTerial - Is usually a divided highway with a residence of a basemenT under a finished sTructure produces a positive visual image and minimizes the
<br /> four or more lanes and serves the major centers of Where the basemeni is made suitable and safe for said effecis of iraffic congestion, noise, odor, glare and
<br /> activity of a metropolitan area, the highest iraffic residential purpose and occupancy is approved by the similar safety problems.
<br /> volume corridors, and the longest irip desires. The guilding Inspector. 7. I-1 LimiTed Indusirial District
<br /> major arierial carries a high proporiion of the total Because mosi light indusirial activities are in close
<br /> urban area iravel on a minimum mileage. AlmosT all
<br /> type
<br /> fully and partially controlled access facilities are a part SECTION IV - ZONING MAP AND BOUNDARIES OF anld intensity ofnindustrial uses Ishouldlberheld toethose
<br /> of ihis class. ZONING DISTRICTS Types ihaT do not tleTract from the surrounding area. IT
<br /> e. Minor Arterial - Sireet system interconnect wiTh A. Zoning Map is for ihis purpose ihat performance sTandards in the
<br /> and augment the urban major arTerial system and The houndaries of the zoning districis defined in
<br /> provide service to trips of moderate IengTh at somewhat Section V are hereby established as shown on the map LimiTed Industrial District should be high and that the
<br /> lower level of travel mobility Than malor arterials. This entitled "Official Zoning Map of Arden Hills, Min- inlensiTy of land utilization be less Than in heavy in-
<br /> systemdisiributesTravelTOgeographical areassmaller nesota", which map is property approved and filed in d 8t1!2lGuse eneralalndusirial District
<br /> than ihose identified with the higher sysTem. the otfice of the City Clerk Administrator.
<br /> f. Expressway Ramp - A conirolled access roadway Said map and all of the notations, references and This disirict is established to provide an area where and providing ingress or egress from a malor arierial high- other information shown ihereon shall have the same Thmore e degree Iofeland industriaal TheUUSesmw thincth s
<br /> way. The use of expressway ramps al lows the uniform force and effect as if set forih herein ai lengih.
<br /> flow of fraffic on a maior arterial highway without B. Baundaries of Zoning Districis disiricTareconsideredtobetoointensivetobenormally
<br /> undue delays. Disirict boundary lines as indicated on said map are included within the LimiTed Indusirial Disirict and
<br /> 123. StrucTUral Alterations - Any change in the intended to follow sireet right-of-way lines, street should iherefore be separated and located in such areas
<br /> supportiiig members of a building such as bearing centerlines or lot lines unless a bountlary line is to present the least deleterious effect to adiacent, less
<br /> otherwise indicated on said map. intensive land uses.
<br /> walls, columns, beams, or girders, or any subsTantial
<br /> changes in the roof and exterior wal ls In the case where a boundary line does not appear to
<br /> .
<br /> 724. SirucTUre - Anything constructed, the use of follow a property line, sireet or righT-of-way line, or
<br /> which requires more or less permanent location on the Where such line is not dimensioned on said map, the
<br /> groundorattachmenTTOSOmeihinghavingapermaneni boundary line shall be determined by the scale ap-
<br /> locaTion on the ground, induding signs. pearing on the map.
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