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~ <br /> > Ov~in~nce 1 • " <br /> Pa~;e <br /> <br /> FULE 6. Every member, nreirious to his, sha.ll rai se his hana <br /> 1 and ~.ddress the chairman and sha~:l rzot proceed u;ntil he "has - <br /> been, recognized b~~ the chair, He` s~,11 ir~ no pers4n."` y <br /> a1i t~. e s and shall c onfine hi s remarks to trle matter unde~" <br /> debate. ; . <br /> , . - . . - . h <br /> RULE 7. nTo member $hall speak more than tw~.ce on any question nor <br /> more than fi;ve minutes each time withaul: unanious consent <br /> of the council. <br /> P~L'LE A meMber called to order s11a11 immedi~,tely suspen~. his remarkg <br /> untll the' point of order- is c~ecided b;~ the c~.air <br /> k AULE 9. Every r~otion except to adJourn, pastpone, reconsider, commit, <br /> , l~.y on ~CYie tab1 e, or for the previous .=;~,est~.on, sY~~all be re- <br /> , duced to i i the chaa~r or any member requires it; when.. <br /> macle an~. seconded, zt sYiall be st~:~~e~ by : the chairman, or <br /> being written shal1 be read by the clerk, and may be ti~ith- <br /> drawn before ¢~eci.sion or ame~idment, or any disposition thereof <br /> ' h~.s been made, or_ a vote taken thereon. <br /> RULE 1~J. A11 resolutions slZall be in writin~;. <br /> <br /> RULE 11. When a question is under debate no motion.sha~l be entertained,.r. <br /> unZess, to adjourn, to l~.y on the tabl.e, to act on the previc~u~ <br /> que;stion, to postl~ane, to commit, or to amend~ ~uhicl~ several <br /> ' mo yions sYia1:~ k?~,ve `precedence in the order in which they are naned, and tne' lirst tY3ree shall be decided w~.uhout debate: <br /> J~ <br /> R'JLE 12. Any quest~;or. shall be diVidec7 at the request of ~.ny tnember - <br /> - tahen the same r~~ill ad~iit thereof. <br /> <br /> - rtvLE lj, ~Yi,en a.questian-~.s,putbv'.t~.~~ &~.air., euery'member prese,nt • <br /> shall vote unless for special reasans the couna9:Z ehall 'exct~~;e - <br /> him; '~ut if interested re shall not vote. In doubtfui cases <br /> the chair may direct, or any, member call for a divis3;on, <br /> ° yeas and nays shall be called u~,a.can :a requisition by the <br /> ~ b... <br /> ~ or any member in whi ch.; case the r~~es o~ .the members vo <br /> are~ required to be recvrded in t~.e, minutes. • <br /> . <br /> - RULE 411 quest3ons shall be put in th`e order in whieh they are ~ <br /> mbved, except in ca.,se °of: priv~,~.eged questions. <br /> ~ . <br /> RULE 15. The previous question shall be put in theae words: "Shall <br /> the ma~.n q~testian now be put?" It shall' be adr~3.tted on demand <br /> of any, t~ro members,;, ar~c- unti3 `d+~cided s}~a11 preclude a7.1 a me <br /> ment s and d ebate o f the r!ain que s t ion. <br /> RULE 16: A11 eammi.ttees S.ncluding standing comtnittee,s shall be appointed~ " <br /> , by the chair, unleas 'expressly ordex•ed by the council. <br /> RULE 17. The slanding committees skiall cor~sist o~' three me~ibers appq9.~t' 7`4 <br /> by the major annually,and the first`person named on the ca~mit~ <br /> shall be cha~:rman t~iereo~'. The fflZlawin~; s~~all bp the standi; <br /> cammitteea, and their respec'~ive,~duties, ta-wit~ <br /> ~ FIA~~GF- (includi ng license s)' <br /> PtIBI~IC SAF~'TY f inclu.ding pol:icp, ~3r_e., bizilkd:~.n .an~, oz~~.ttg regulatian, e~Gc, <br /> _ . r BLIC.',WORRS (includiAg st•reets,. s~ewers; ~r~,te~, <br /> I~UBI~C ~~LFA1~.E ( : healthrecre;a~iar~pr~rk~, <br /> cemeteries, etc.). <br /> RULE 19« Every ordinance slzal? , receive , two "reading~. by the clerk` before <br /> ~uncil previbus 'Lo it,s paSeage, but. shall nQt read tw~:ce at : <br /> th~: same sesaion, w9~'Ghout asup.pernsitsnzofthe-ru`~~s fo~ the ~ut° <br /> posz, Every ordina,nce 'lntrad~:c9d or corzs3dered.:'shall be <br /> - int~ie m~.hute.s by title. <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . . . <br /> ~,~'.~aN?-~ ~-~a~..., . . . , , <br /> ~,.a <br />