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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> SoQ <br /> t1ar A ri'el"ta lae.....e..ea..e.o..... ...a. 80 <br /> COllecro6.d..,4 ...............o......... 70 <br /> Local.........,,.e.o.....oea..,.....e...m. 60 <br /> Cukmde-sac..n..=e..........o........o..... 60 <br /> <br /> (2) Street def'Iections. When cvnnecting street flines detlect <br /> r' :r°orr: each oi-her at any one poi nt by more than ten ( 10 ) <br /> deg rees A fihey sha'9 1! be connecte d by a curve w i th a rad i us <br /> adequate to u nsure a s A ght d i stance of not less than three <br /> hiindred (300) feefi for I,ocal and co~ hector streets, and of <br /> such greatar radii as The city counci! shall determBne for <br /> specna~ cases. <br /> (3) Reverse cur-ves. Tangents of afi P,east f i fty (50) feet ln <br /> iiength shas @ be ~ntroduced befiween reverse curves on col(ec#or <br /> s l-re a-i-:; . <br /> t=>a Stree-t gracles. AI I center ~ ine yradienfis shal I be at <br /> k,2~ast 0.5 per cer:t, and sha9C not exceed the following: <br /> <br /> R9ajor Arterlat ...............°As agresd upon with the Gity <br /> eri g=;r?eer <br /> M?nor /ir-feE-iai.....o........a............ 4`~ <br /> Co'IWec-~pr 4% <br /> Localiae...s 6% <br /> 4~) Vari'lcal curves. Differen$ connecting stree-h gradients <br /> shaG d be cUnnected with verticaV parabol ic curves. Minimum <br /> Hen gtheIro feet, of these curves sh a f I be f i#teen (t 5) t i mes <br /> tf,e aa°d thmet i ca N di f feronce i n the per cent of grade of the <br /> two t3ci,j acent s f opes . <br /> (6) Leca ? sfireets. Loca 1 streets sh a d I be ses a 9 i gned fihat <br /> theii r u_.e by through traffic wi 6! be discauragedo <br /> <br /> €'N, 5tF-eet jogs. Street jogs wi-fh centeri ine offsets of less <br /> ti:an onEt hundred twenty-tive (125) fieet shai I be avoided. <br /> <br /> Sate Anfier-sect3ons. iIt musf be evidsnced that a!i street <br /> ~8) <br /> !irterse4.tlons encourage safs and ef#icient traffic flow. The <br /> argle; fcjemed by the intersecting of streets shal I be not fess <br /> ;han sixty (60) oegrees wlth nlnefiy t90? degrees preferred. <br /> Ways. AI Seys wi ll not be permitted in residential <br /> areas unH ess there Is no othe r reasanab ~ e so 1 ut i on for access. <br /> ~ i!v ~ Cu'I-de-sac, Maxi r~~um {ength for cui-de-sac streets sha9 I <br /> be fqve hur:dred (SQO) fest measured along the cen°her I ine <br /> from the in$ersectfon of erigin to.end af right-of-way, unless <br /> there a.-e elghteen (48) or Iess qats abufiting $he cul-de°sac. <br /> Gach cui-de°-sac 5ha1( be prov'sded at the closed end with a <br /> 1-,urnE=roe,nd havkng an outsdcis roaewav diameter of at least one <br /> hundy°ed 6 ki70. feet ar?d a s; reet pr•oper'ty I ine diameter of at <br /> leasi one hundred iwenfiy (120) feetu <br /> 1 E l Streets abutting Artertal SYreefis. Where a subd'uvision <br /> abu-ks or contains an exi s# i ng or p p anned arter i a`~i street, the <br /> city counc3 Imay require lacai sfiree-ts paral Iei and adjacent <br /> tr,~ the arteria& street ce other such treat-ment as may ae neces- <br /> se;ry fof• adeauatn F!"O'f@CtSQCE af resitlentiai properties and to <br /> ~ffiarci separa-rion af throuqh and facal traffic. <br /> (12) HaCf streets. Half s-'treeas sha8~ be prohibified, excegt <br /> .qt;Bre evsent i a~ '!,v the rea5onab!e dE:ve topmerat of the subd i v i- <br /> ~lon i n con farmi -ty w b th the other beau irements ot these <br /> Fegu;a±ions; and #hen anly wIien the city caunci Ifinds It wi I I <br /> be prac; icab6e i-o requi rw the dedicz+tion of the ather haif <br /> whvn the adjcin~ng praperty is subdivided. Wherever there is <br /> ar; exi st3 ra g ha !f sfi,reei- ad i acent to a tract wh i ch 9 s to be <br /> s~:)di ve aed, i-he other ha! tof the si-reet sha9 ; bE- platted <br /> w1thin such nroposeQ fract. <br /> _g-- <br />