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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (13) ['e,erve, sts ips. ~eserv~ strips control I ing access 1•0 <br /> streei-s shaf; il be prohibii-ed except under condittons approved <br /> by the city counc3M. <br /> <br /> (I4) Raili-oad or iimited access hignways abutting subdivt- <br /> sion. Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad <br /> right-vf-way or l3mited access h6gF;way r(ght-of-way; the city <br /> counc~ I may requ1 re a stree-t approxi mate ly para d le 9 to and on <br /> each sade aT sueh right-of-way at a distance suitable for the <br /> approprliate use of the antervening land, as for park purposes <br /> In residentiai districts, or for commercial or industriat <br /> purposes in appropriate districfs. 5uch distances shall also <br /> be determi ned wi th due regard for the requi rements of approach <br /> grades and future grade separations. <br /> (15) °rivate s±~reets. Private stree-i-s shall not be approved <br /> nor shal i publ ic improvements be approved for any private <br /> street. <br /> (n6) Hardshfp to owners of adJoining properfiy avoided.,,The <br /> sts°eat arrangements sha t! not be s uch as to cause hardsh i p <br /> to o~ners of adjaining properfiy in pfatting their own land <br /> and providing conyenient access to it. <br /> ( l7) 5trest 6n-Ferval. gn general, provisions shall be made <br /> af IntervaNs not exceeding one°half mile for through streets <br /> (strepts trunning through the subdivision in a fairly direct <br /> manner). <br /> <br /> (d) AtleYs and pedesfirian ways: <br /> <br /> ('1) AlGeys shall be afi least twenty (20) feet wide in com- <br /> mercfaG' and industrial areas. The city cauncil may require <br /> aI. He•ys !in nonresidentiai areas where adequate off-street <br /> 'loadang space Bs not avaiBabde. <br /> (2) Pedes-trian ways shall be at least ten (10) feet wtde. <br /> <br /> (e) Ea,ements: <br /> €'rovided for utt litles. Easements af least twelve (12) <br /> feet wide, centered on rear and othsr lot 9ines, shal I be <br /> pravicied for utfl Citles where neeessary and shall be dedicated <br /> $o t~e city by appropriate ianguage ln fihe owner@s certifi- <br /> cate. They sha&e hade confiinuity of alig?amenf from block to <br /> block, and at defVectfon poini-s easements for poBe-I ine <br /> anchurs shau g be provi ded where necessary. AI I utf ! ifiy lines <br /> ~or tePenphnre and e0actrlcal service shall be piaced in rear <br /> kot 1:ine easemen'is when carr0ed on overhead poles< <br /> (2) Pa-ovided far dr-airaage. Where a subdivision is traversed <br /> by awri-tercourse, dralnage way ctaannei or sfiream, there shal I <br /> be prcavIded a stor¢nwater easeanent oe- drainage r4 ght-of-way <br /> eonfirai-rni ng substanfii a g I y w i th fihe ! t nes af such watercourse, <br /> i-ejgethca;r- with such furttier width or constructton or both, as <br /> W,~E N be adequate for si-orm rrater run off. <br /> t _3 B; ocks <br /> <br /> Factors gaverning dimensior:s, B1uck Yengths and wid#h <br /> or• acre:)ge wi th i n boundi ng roads sha t E be such as to accosn- <br /> ,modate -the s~ zs of res i dentl a I i ots requi red i n the area by <br /> i~~~e :7~oriing 0 z dinz,nce and to prcavide far cc,nvenient access, <br /> circu!ation confirol ancl safety of si-reet i-raftica <br /> <br /> (2) Nonresldent;a6 blocks. Blocks dntendea for commercia6, <br /> 1a:sta-~ut(oria8 and industr3al use musfi be designated as such. <br /> i3$ l_etigth. @lack lengths sha!! a not exceed one thousand <br /> ei;ght hEJn(jkred (1,800) #eet nor be iess fihan f dve hundred (500) <br /> fev# 3n 4ength. <br /> <br /> -10- <br />