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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> s&.edule: <br /> Groa a ders i ty ?ercentaqe <br /> <br /> 0 to 2 dwellang units per acre ....,e..o....,. 10 <br /> Ove r 2 fio a dvreI fi ri g isn i-Ys per acrc~ o......... 11 <br /> Over 3 t. 4 dwe9 ing un1ts per acre>..,....., 12 <br /> 'I f the dens i fiy caf the pi,oposed res ide;nt i a l sub d i v i s i on ex- <br /> ceeds four (4) dwelling unefis per ae,o, the cdfy council <br /> shatl'I require the dedication of such percentage of the pro- <br /> posed subdavision as it dePms reascnabie and in i-he publfc <br /> finterest, which percentage shai I dn no event be less than <br /> awe I ve f 12 ? no r more than f i fteen (15). <br /> -~emmerciarf tndustria9, and ottier developments, or <br /> pAanned unIt ceve{opmen$s pr-ovidinc a snixture of residential. <br /> comme~ci'lal . lndus-hria$ , and other uses. <br /> This <br /> subparagraph is specifzcaJ3y made appficable to all develop- <br /> ments of Iand 3n the cifiy far cortsmer°ciatl, indusfiria8 and <br /> 0`':' ±ises, ar planned unlt developments thereof providing <br /> for amixture ot resideritia{? commercial, indusfirial, or <br /> other uses, regard iess rsf vahe#hea- such devel opments are <br /> subd iv! s i ons w i th i n the context of tti 3 s chapteror any of the <br /> o•;her prmvisfons of this chapter apply tn such deveiopmentse <br /> The pFa rpose and € ntent of fih is subparagraph Is to assure the <br /> c`i-tizens of the city thafi adddtiona9 open space, parks, <br /> piaygrounds, and recbeatsonal faci iii-ies wo I I be a concomi- <br /> i'anfi oll evory sart ofi new developrrsent in the cifiy, not ,just <br /> e-es identf a I devc I opmen-r t so thafi the cd ty' s present vast <br /> amcauiit of pri vate ly ownei open spaces u lth poten°ti a 4 for <br /> deve loprnen-t do not become exc Busi ve Iy fii!led with rss f dent i als <br /> E ndust rI a 1, camme rc i a l, and ofiher use s; #o secu re fdr the <br /> PeS Ideil"I'S of the ci ty the soci a l and phys'd ca 1advanfiages <br /> res0ting from the provision of orderiy park, recreational <br /> and ope;n space faci liiries; i-o insure that in -fact svch faci ii- <br /> ttes w; @ i he presvided; and ta preserve, erahance, and f mprove <br /> ti?e qia<s ! 4 ty ssf the phy ,ica I environment of the c i-ty. <br /> ~ n accordancs wi=h the purpose and i ratent of fih i s svbpara- <br /> grap:)rthe deve I opef- of any tract of Sarid i n •the ci ty wh i ch <br /> ,is to t>e deveIopQd for any of the usE:s enumerated i n the f i rst <br /> st~ntance o f th is subpa rayraph shaI f ded4 cate to the pub I i c <br /> #'ar pubi i c use as parkdP ol aygroundsK publ i c open space, or <br /> storm evat'er ho{id;ng areas or ponds, e•uch porfiion of his develop- <br /> mant tract, nor to exceed fifteen U53 per cen-l- tnereo#, <br /> as tFie ci-fiy couric6 l deems to be reasoriabie and in the public <br /> In`~e-t.stg taking Ento cansideration the IocaBe ot the <br /> developmant tract and the accdssilbili-Vy artd serviceabi iity <br /> wh ~,cl -s`iie r)ropased area to bp dedicateJ for such pub 0 1 c uses <br /> w`iH proyide for° ex9stlng and fiufure re~idents eo the cityo <br /> (3) Deiineation mf ar°ec-i tca be ded`seated. ThP actual area tc <br /> b~~ d~~d#cated for- pub9ic use as parf.s, p9aygraur;ds, public <br /> ~~~n space, or storm wafier he9dinc~ areas or ponc.s sha6i be <br /> &),Wif,ated, i n the case ofi ares s den,?"f a4 subd's v isi on under <br /> su~p3raqraoh (1) abvve, on the subtJ6vider°s prel k,ninar}! piat <br /> a;s r-)r;uired by secfi%on he3eofs an.~',, in case of a <br /> deval!«p:Tie;nt within --he purview cra s,.3L,~aragraph (2) abova, <br /> carA f)c; devE:loper's s6t~@ pi?n d.,: acjdi ;`;'caMi 'f-o those i-tems <br /> a"oq~!rod theredn on the zo0ng ordinarce, anJ anw provesions <br /> ar;ien Jii*?os-y thereof . A cony cil stirfi p;;~=3 ld mi ra s-y plat or s i fe <br /> p;an shra9 1 be, rerar; ed i-c the paa-I,s «r,ti1 decreatA ori commi ttee <br /> for I-y s s Crufiin y an(J rEipori- 1-o the c~i- r.ou nci i o-i` € t s fi i n d- <br /> scsys, concPusicra,;, and recomn;endatlon8. th6s referral being <br /> ,~r-i add~~fBar~ -Fo ~Fhaa rcft~; ral ~-;7e ~;R~~.ariii~~g cor:lYiss'nn required <br /> R€; bo+h fihas chiapteE and the 4or~ling cardonance= <br /> i ~ the ci iy councQ after recrzio°vl~ng the repc?rtsof both the <br /> park~ a~id recreation cortimifitee @:FI< ~~io plann1ng c;ommission, <br /> sPia0 i dotermf ne -1-hat suct: area is unsu itable fur such purposes., <br /> may e-eauire the subd"evicier or cievelcaper to relocate or <br /> y2. <br />