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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> --:3arra7ge such area or Ta make auch c'nanges or revisdons ir; <br /> prc-,posec1 dcdaca'rBon as ii- deems necessary, reasonWe, and <br /> 1-1 the lnterests ef the heaEYh; saiety, 9eneraV welfare, and <br /> ciDnven eence of the ci -tu . <br /> ',4) Cz,sh In lieu ot dedicatiore. Nn dieu of the dedication <br /> ofi ~and required by eAther subparayraph or (2) of this <br /> :;,actsort, foir the purposes enumerated t9iere6n , the city <br /> Aaounc~ g may requ9 re the subdivi dea- or developer to pay to the <br /> c.! i-y, as ar~ Equ i va @ent contri buti or~, an amount i n cash equa l <br /> To the product of 1-he percentage of ! and requi red to be <br /> d,Bdicated, determined pursuant to the provisions of subpara- <br /> graphs i and 2 of #his sec#ion9 mu&tipBied by the undeve8oped <br /> iand value of the tract to be so subdivided or developed. <br /> :53 Uf.devs,9oped iand value dafirsod. "°Undeveloped land vatue" <br /> «s usecs herein, shal I be the unarkefi rraflue of the subject <br /> ,and a-t the ti me of the app I d cation& and to be determined <br /> by the city couneil in its reasonable discretion. As a basis <br /> far i#r decIsdon, the counci ! may request an appraisal at <br /> the expense ofi the subdivider or devetoper which shall be in <br /> iacid3fbc3n ta the apprahsa~ required under section 22-5(d)(7) <br /> t?areof. Sueh aaditkonaG appraisal shall be obtained, !f the <br /> E°ounca ! deems it advisable,. firom an appraiser selected by <br /> , he councfl l -0 i'hereafte r i-he councl I , w i th -the a i d of <br /> ;~oth appraIsatsb sha9l determine tf,e "undeveloped land value" <br /> i-iereuncSer. <br /> :69 Restriction on use of cash coritr6butions. AIl cash <br /> ;on-firIbufiioe7s received by the cdty pursuant to subparagraph <br /> 'i4) or this sect6on shall be p9aced in a specia9 fund and <br /> jsec oril!y 4or- the acguis3tion of land for parkss ptlaygrounds, <br /> Dub,9 6c open space, and storm water holding areas or ponds, <br /> JevEiopmenb of existiny park and playground sites, public <br /> operf space, and storm waten coi ei ng areas or ponds, and debt <br /> ~•at~i rer~,ient in cQnnecticn arlth land prevDausly acqui red for <br /> ;~Llch publ ic purposas. <br /> 11) Pa°oposed park, p iayground , open space or storm water <br /> `~~o!?c!lne9 areas or pords shown Bn conpreherasive plan or parks <br /> ,>I:ar;. Where apr'c+pased par-k, playgraundp publi<; open space <br /> )r Y-torm water eiofding area or° pon(i is lacated kn whole or <br /> ira par`- wsthin a proposed subdivision or deaeQopment, such <br /> wreE, sha1li bc designated as suchupon the pref iminary plat <br /> ar Site plan anc3 may be required tc) be included in the dedl-- <br /> _ated and of tie sLjbd i a+ i s i oii car deve ~opment requi red by <br /> aLbparG~graphs and f23 of fihis sect(on. (Ord. No. 98 : <br /> ~0, 3a27-E7; Ord, No. F75 < 5, 10-29-73) <br /> Sec=--'2- I!.G.~.. Requ iI-ed I mrp ovamen-s . <br /> ia) Nc:, fina1 plai- shali b~ appP'Uved by the city counci ! <br /> e:nless the owner or subdbv3der: <br /> a. ) SPia I E i3ave p€aeed ard iristalIed survey monumeni-s at <br /> I b Ic,ck r~o rners , angI e po€ nts n poi n ts :sf curves i n streefs <br /> -9rzd at i nt~rmedi ate poa ni•s as shown fln the fina i p t at <br /> ;°eq U ir€;d by the ct, ty er.gI r~~e r; s ucta monuments sh a I! be casi- <br /> i rca;;a as appraved by tt;e county sur-veyarF and shai I be set <br /> each ccrE-ier o;r ang4E on the ou'side baundary. Pipes or <br /> 4°ods shal I be p[aced at the e:orners of each !ot and <br /> cwach fntersection af -street cen-terl ines. AI i United States, <br /> 's-: aseD coU11ty , or• other- off€ c i a i bc:nch marks, monuments or <br /> ri t:n 5+~lati on sfi-at irans .rs -or adjacent ta the property shap P <br /> ?e ~°rei:~erved b n p r-zcs se pos i -ti or~, and <br /> ;2) 5~~:aI! °~a~» c~ete~-m€~~ea ~-he r~1c~s'~ #F,as ° b Ee me-tr~r~d of ob-~ai s~~ <br /> irg w a "re,r for -fhe subdivision, bT. in a posit;on fio demons-Yrale <br /> ~t-las ih ilI ity , to the sati sfGct iGn o-f -Fhe ci ty counci i <br /> ~,r ;uGh technPcalagents as it may desE griate, and be w Ming <br /> -:nd ab"e fio contracfi wi;h the city (as a condi-hicn of sub- <br /> ,vFSic,n plat approda) ' to produee ttte type of water supp9ytiemc?ns-=rated mosi feasible for the subdivision; water may be <br /> <br /> -13- <br />