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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> r~ce ;i p-:• oe~ th, e f i n a N pl at,1-h e p J an 0 ri q com mi s- <br /> s`scn,, enqineer; and a-:•-'~-orney shall examine the <br /> sarre anci repprt ti-vel f° VecomsnendatiCns i n regard <br /> thereto ire the CoUnc E I e <br /> <br /> I. The counci ° shai f el"i-her approve or disapprove <br /> said f~nad p1at at 8ts next rsguBar meefitng fo8- <br /> 1 oM; ling recF; d pt of the r~eparts requ i red by the <br /> previous provtsions f,ereof. 9f it is approved <br /> by the c.ouncl i D the deve poper sha tl! record i t <br /> with -the caunty register of deeds or registrar <br /> o; titVes w9tiiiri sixl-y (60) days of such ap- <br /> prove N; otherwise, the approvag of the final <br /> p fat sha(I I be eans idered voi d 6 In the event that <br /> the p ii at 1 s disapproved, the grounds for such <br /> disapproval mu51' be r-eporfed in the proceedings <br /> of the cour<ei ! and duly transmitted in writing to <br /> the deve~oper» <br /> 4. The developer slaV f g immedlately upor, recording, <br /> furnish the xon€ng admintistrator with a tracing <br /> and three (3) prints cf the finaE p9dt showing <br /> ev idence of ths recard i ng thereof. <br /> (c) Ap_pu a cations E2Su App i i cation for any such vari ance <br /> shalP be in wri-t°sng by the subd8va der- at the tinie when the <br /> ~ prelim~riary plat Bs ti led fior the consideration of the c6ty <br /> counc3 stating tul iy and cVearBy al I facts reB oed upon by <br /> the petitioner, and shai t be supp@emented wii-h naps, plans or <br /> ofher add i fi! onai da1-G whi ch may a's d the counc i 1 i n the ana 9 ys i s <br /> of the proposed projecto The pians for such devefopment <br /> s{iaa C irclude such covenan;rsg restractions or other (egaV <br /> prov i s fcn s necesra ry -to gua; antee the fu i! ach ieuement of the <br /> pian. <br /> (d) N9dr-foi- sub devastons o~ iin= 3aified or-oPsrtY. 9n the case <br /> o; a paTeposeci subdivisicn c>f an unpiatted tract of Iand, <br /> which sLbdivishori is sma'.I1 Jr sI:z•e arad of minor importanCe <br /> and whlch trac-F 35 gocated in an Grva wherE conditions are <br /> we1 q-def's.iedF the clty caviiciC, upon review and after report <br /> o# the p1 3nntng C:Gmfi9SS1on;; inay o-xempi the subdivider fram <br /> comp,'; 3aryce wfth somr: of tho, prQV ls s oRS p t -th is ch aptere The <br /> p°ovisficn:3 fr-oan vihAch such sub~~vlslon may be exempted shali <br /> be spec3fied by the p'Iannir,g comm$ssiori at its first meeting <br /> at whic~~ the subdavlder's application under -this ;)aragraph is <br /> p-esented. <br /> Such suGdivision anay even be exempted fr(Dm t;)e platting <br /> requ:i reme,its of s h Ss chapto7- a,id ?riay b;: a 0! owed tn be ac-. <br /> comp9Kshed by means of a stirvey or r'agistered 9and sur+rey <br /> pi-ov ldec t.ha t -l-he ~~o I Rowi nea requ i r-e?r~erits have bee^ met: <br /> (1) The a~-c-su6l-arit par•cels 3,hu'r ore and have access to an <br /> exi stQnc; pu€a 9 ic stree-:-, roadg1ho,. auqhfare, or h i ghuv-ay 9 <br /> (2) The :aJbcsivision wi 91 lInvot~e the opeE7ing, Y+Idening, <br /> or ex#ersion r:)f any pu,-); i c or pr-ivate st; eet,. rflad, <br /> thoroughfare, or hi gha~~~~ ~~d W4 ! ! not invo lve the dad i <br /> calaon. G~es- rvat i r~r: , ca - cons r r~:~~:t i ore ~a~ any 1-YPe of <br /> ~ ~ ~ ~ I C Ut 1 g 9 t y ; <br /> (:3) The ;3ubdivi sio-n wi lli !'1ot O~st€''.acfi ~u°hure streets which <br /> havo been p+anned bv -°Eie citv; <br /> <br /> t4? The 3ubc ev'ssion wi 1l no-; be detrimanta! to the public <br /> welf3r-e or- 4njJriot,s -;-o adjacent trdcts in the area in <br /> vrhic.i the subdivisios? -ts-act is tacated.; <br /> ( 1. 5 ) The ,aoestei-ed l a r a c survey ca~form, s n al Irespects to <br /> the 3rovisions of Sec'rion S08.47D Subdivisian 4 of <br /> k1i rnaso°4 a S-i atu#es; as amencied; the terms o; wils ch are <br /> <br />