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#083 Personnel Ordinance
City Council
#083 Personnel Ordinance
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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 3TATE OF MINNESOTA prior to completion of the grobation- <br /> COUNTY OF BAMSEY ary period, the Adminietrative Clerk <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS shall review the performance of a pro- <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 83 bationary employee snd notify the Cown- <br /> AN ORDINANCE EBTABLISHING A cil of his recommendations. The matter <br /> SYSTEM OF PEASONNEL ADMINI3- shall be Placed on the Council agenda <br /> TRATION FOft VILLAGE EMPLOYEES for the next regular meeting, at which <br /> The Village Council of the Village of time the Council shall conaider the re- <br /> Arden Hills doea hereby ordain as fol- commendation and make a determina- , <br /> lows. tion as to whether the emPloyee shall <br /> Section 1. Purpose and Scope of Ordi- be continued as a regular or regular part- <br /> nance. time employee, or whether he shall be , <br /> Subdivision A. Pnrpose. It shall be the terminated at the end of the Hrobation- <br /> ~ purpoae of this ordinance to eatablish a ary priod. If he is not to be continued <br /> uniform and e9uitable sYStem of Her- beyond the end of the probationary per- <br /> sonnel administration for employees of iod the employee shall be ao notified be- <br /> the Village of Arden Hills. This ordi- fore the end of such Beriod. <br /> nance may be referred to ae the "f'er- Section 2. Penaltiea and 3eparations. <br /> sonnel Ordinance." Subdivision A. Discharge, Demotions, <br /> Snbdivisian B. 8cope of Ordinance. and Suspension by Village Coancil. The <br /> This ordinance ahall apply to all em- Village Council may dismias, demote, or <br /> ~ ployees of the Village except the follow- susDend any employee at any time with <br /> ing : or without cause. <br /> 1. All elected ofPicials • 3ubdiviaion B. SuePension Originsting <br /> 2. Village Engineer and Village Attor- with Adminietratve Clerk. <br /> ney. 1. The Admnistrative Clerk may suspend <br /> 3. Temporary employees; any employee pending a hearing be- <br /> 4. Conaultants snd othera rendering fore the Village Council if in the <br /> temporary Hrofesaional servicea; Clerk's 7udgment the employee's con- <br /> 5. Volunteer Persannel and personnel ap- tinuance on the job would be pre- <br /> pointed to serve without pa9, includ- judirial to the safety and generat <br /> ing members of boards and commis- welfare of the Village, and the sus- <br /> sions; pended emgloyee shall not be com- <br /> 6. EmerSency apgointees serving with pensated during auch Period of sus- <br /> or without pay. nension if the Village Council con- <br /> Snbdivision C. Definitions. curs in the suspenaion and diamisaes <br /> 1. "R.egular employee" means one whe the emgloyee. <br /> has succesafully completed the requir- 2. Any susBension ahall be placed on the ( <br /> ed probationary Beriod and who is Council agenda at the next regular <br /> employed an a full-time basis. meeting and the employee shall have <br /> 2. "ReBular parbtime employee" means the right to agpear before the Coun- <br /> ane who has succesafully comnleted cil. The Council shall at that tixne de- <br /> the required probationary Beriod and termine to either reinstate the em- <br /> is regularly employed on a schedule ployee with pay, suspend, demote or <br /> of i°ss than 40 houra per week, but diacharge the employee. <br /> at least 10 houra per week. Subdivision C. Period of $uspension. <br /> 3. "Probationary employee" meana one The Period of auspension shall not ex- <br /> who has been asaigned to a full-time ceed 30 days. <br /> or part-time position but who has 3ubdiviaion D. Veteran'e Preferenee. <br /> not ~omBleted the Drobationary period. Noting in this chapter shall be effective <br /> 4. "Temgorary emPloyee" means one to the extent that it is inconeiatent with <br /> ' who has been apPOinted for full-time the Veterans Preference Law, Chapter <br /> or part-time work on a temporary 197, Minnesota Statutea. <br /> basis for a period not to esceed six Section S. Leaves. Holidays, $ick Leave <br /> montha, and also includea employees and Allied Benefita. <br /> regu}arly employed on s achedule of 3abdivision A. Service Credit. <br /> leas ihsn ten hours per week. 1. Service credit is credit given a Vil- <br /> 5. "Benefita" means vacations, paid hol- lage emPloyee for emDloyment by tbe <br /> idays, sick leave, and gny other bene- Viilage as a regular or regular part- <br /> fits as aPDroved b9 the Village Coun- time employee, coxnmencing with the <br /> cil. date of origii3al employment. This <br /> 6. "Service Credit" means the specified inclwdes a probationary period, if any, <br /> period of time required for an em- Lefore such emnloyment. <br /> ployee to be eligible for benefite. 2. Employees must earn one full year's <br /> 7. "Fixcal Year" is the geriod daaauary service credit befare they are eligible <br /> 1 to Deeember 31 incluaive. for any benefits hereunder except hol- <br /> 8. "Probationary Period" is the Beriod of iday pay. One year's service efedit is <br /> six months after original appointment 2080 hours a4 total employment. No <br /> of any regular or regular Bart-time more than one year's service credit <br /> employee. All original agPOintxnents shall be given an employee for esch <br /> aha11 be prpbationary for said period. year of his employment even though <br /> Snbdivision D. ADPointments. All pro- more than 2080 honrs are worked by <br /> bationary, temporary, and regular ap- '_dnrine anv one Yg91.- <br /> pointments to municipal service shall 3. A temporary-em' ployee tranaferred to <br /> be made by the Village Council. If the a regular poaition wilY be given ser- <br /> Council desirea, it may refluest the rec- vice credit 4or continuous se ice prior <br /> ommendation of the Administrative Clerk to suc tranrfer. <br /> or other dePartment head concerning ap- 4. A reg part-time Floyee will ~ <br /> pointmenta. receive servic red' by converting <br /> Subdivision E. Typea of Apgointmente. his part-time em ment to equival- <br /> Every appointment of any person to the ent adjueted ful im service. In the Ir <br /> municipai service shall be one of the fol- event such em yee ha been employ- <br /> ]owing: ed for a*ul year from he anniver- <br /> 1. Probationary sppointment - appoint- sary date arking the ommenee- ~ <br /> ment to a future permanent Dosition, ment of is employment, hi service <br /> either regular or regular Parbtime. credit Il be based an such full year. <br /> 2. Temporary apDOintment - appointment Vacations; sick leave time and legal <br /> to a position of less than six months' holidays as Provided herein ahall count <br /> duration. in computation f service credit. <br /> ~ u i , aca io . <br /> 3. Emergency aHPointments - apBoint- <br /> 9 th ( i <br /> inistrative 1. The ob7 ive of vacation PolicY is to <br /> 'ect <br /> ments made b e Adm <br /> Clerk to prevent the stoppage of pub- provide employees with a neriod of <br /> Ii nience to the est and relaxation. Vacations will be <br /> ' <br /> c busmes s or inconve <br /> public, but not otherwiae. These emer- g nted to eligible employeea in ac- <br /> SencY sPPointments ehall be reported cordance with their earned service <br /> to the Village Council at its next reg- credit. <br /> uiar meeting. The Council ahall then 2. When an officia] holiday as provided <br /> either aHProve the emergency ap- herem falls on a working day dur- <br /> Fwintments for a longer period or ing an employee's vacation, the day <br /> terminate it, as Council in its dis- of the holiday will not be counted as <br /> cretion may deem advieable. a day oP vacation. Similarly, officiai <br /> $ubdivision F. Probationary Period. At holidays as provided herein falling <br /> ~ any time during the Brobationary per- on Saturday or Sunday, when they <br /> iod of an employee the Administrative have the effect of converting a Fri- <br /> Clerk ur the employee's department head day or Monday to a holiday> shall not <br /> may recommend ta the Village Coun- be counted as a day of vacation. A <br /> cil that an emPloyee be transferred or 3. Rebular employees with o year's <br /> dismissed if his position is discontinued service•• 't shall be eli le for 5 <br /> or if his performance doea not meet the days of paid cation d ng the year <br /> re9uired atandards. During the term following attain % nt the said ser- <br /> of the Lrobationary period employees vice credit. <br /> ~ shsll not be entitled to the benefits under 4. R.egwlar employee ho accumulate <br /> this ordinance, except for the right to two years of se ice edit will be <br /> psid official holidays. eligible for ten ays oY id vacation ~ <br /> 3nbdiviaion G. Credit For Benefits the following ear. D <br /> Daring Probatonary Period. 5, Regular e oyees who a mulate <br /> Upon successPully completing his pr~o- . ten year of service credit be <br /> bationary period sn employee's service eligibl or fitteen days of Baid vaca- <br /> credit for the punpose of computing ben- tion the foliowing year. <br /> efits hereunder shall be determined Yrom <br /> the commencement of his probationary <br /> emptoyment. <br /> Subdivision H. Completion of Proba- <br /> tionary Period. At least three weeks <br />
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