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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 6. Regular nart-time employees shall 6e Employees working other than a full <br /> eligible for the vacation benefits Aro- forty hour week shall be entitled to <br /> vided herein in the proportion that compensation for holidays in the propor- <br /> Eheir weekly hours of service bear to tion that the hours thev work each week <br /> the regular forty hour week of reg- bear to the regular forty hour week; <br /> ular empioyeea ; provided however, no provided, however, that no holiday pay <br /> vacation or sick leave benefits shall shall be given any employee working . <br /> be available to any empoyee until less than ten hours a week. If the em- <br /> that employee has earned one full nloyee has worked during the year prior <br /> ti=eax•'s service credit, consisting of at to enactment of this ordinance, 1964, <br /> ' least 2080 hours of employment. he shall receive the percentage of pay <br /> 7. If any employee desires vacation pay for each holiday on Lhe basis of the <br /> ~ in advance of vacation, he must give time worked during such prior year. <br /> the Administrative Clerk at ]east New employees working at least ten <br /> twu weeks written notiee of such re- hours a week shall receive holiday Pay <br /> quest. based on the working schedule for <br /> 8. All vacations must be arranged at . which they have been hired. <br /> least thirty days in advance, and the No employee shall be entitled to com- <br /> timea of such vacations shall be sub- pensation for holidays worked prior to <br /> ject to the aFProval of the Adminis- January 2, 1966. <br /> trative Clerk. Emgloyees will be given Section 4. Compensation. <br /> opportunit to select vaeation periods Snbdivision A. Rates of Pay. Rates of <br /> ~ insofar as it is practical. Selection pay for all employees shall be set by the <br /> of vacation time ahall be based on Village Council. <br /> Subdivision B. Pay Day. All employees <br /> service credit. <br /> " 9. No employee shall be permitted to shall be paid semi-monthly. <br /> carry over vacation time from one year Subdivision C. Payroll deduetions. <br /> to the next ; provided however, that Automatic payroll deductions ahall be <br /> if in the opinion of the Administra- made as required for federal and atate <br /> tive Clerk unusual circumstances exist government taxes, and the various pen- <br /> for failure to take a vacation during sion plans. <br /> the proper year, he may approve a Subdivision D. Overtime Paq. Over- <br /> r time work is work in addition to the <br /> earry-over of all or a part of the established schedule for hours of work <br /> previous year's vacation. anct shall only be Performed with the <br /> Subdivision C. Sick Leave. apProval of the employee's supervisor or <br /> 1. Regular employees and regular part- Administrative Clerk. Employees will be <br /> time employees shall be eligible for . paid at straight time for all hours <br /> sick leave benefits after they have worked in excess of eight consecutive <br /> aceumulated one year's service credit. hours and in excess of forty hours in <br /> Those entitled to sick leave benefits any one calendar week. If an employee <br /> shall be paid in full for absences from works over time on Saturday or Sunday, <br /> . work due to illness or injury as Pro- be shall be paid straight time. <br /> vided herein. Subdivision E. Pay For I'art-Time <br /> 2. The Administrative Clerk shall de- Work. If an employee works on a part_ <br /> . termine whether an employee is eliS- time basis his pay shall be that estab- <br /> ' . ible for benefits under the sick leave lished for that position. <br /> plan and, in connection with such Subdivision F. Termination. An em- <br /> determination, mam determine, in <br /> his diseretion, whether an employee's ployee whose services are terminated <br /> for any reason, including voluntary <br /> abaence from work is actually due to <br /> illness or injury. In the event the resignation, shall receive pay for any <br /> Clerk deema it groper to make in- unused vacation leave for which he has <br /> quiry into an employee's absence the accrued service credit, but no payment <br /> ~ employee shall coogerate in authoriz- aha12 be made for unused sick leave ben- <br /> : efits <br /> ing the Clerk to obtain any necessary to which an employee may be en- <br /> . titled by reason of accrued service cred- <br /> medical or hospital reports <br /> 3. Sick leave pay will be granted ac- it• <br /> cording to accumulated earned ser- Subdivision G. indebtedness To The . <br /> vice credit from the d'ate of emPloy- Village. If an employee owes money to <br /> ment at the rate of five days Paid the Village at the termination of his <br /> sick leave per Year of service credit. employment any compensation due him, <br /> In no event, however> shall sick leave including accrued vacation pa9, shal] be <br /> be accumulated beyond 30 days. apPlied against this indebtedness in what- <br /> 4. In the event of an employee's ab- ever amount may be necessary to sat- <br /> sence under circumstances where he isfy the indebtedness. A receipt shall <br /> is entitled to receive and dces receive be given to the employee for the amount <br /> workmen's comPensation benefits, the applied against such indebtedneas. <br /> weekly benefits so received as eom- Subdivision H. Absenee From Work. <br /> pensation for loas of earnings shall Except as provided herein, no emplayee <br /> I'll' be deducted from the amount of sick shall be paid if absent from work. ]eave benefit otherwise payable here- Section 5. Miscellaneons Regnlatiuns. <br /> under, but benefits made Pursuant to Subdivision A. Travel Expenaea. An <br /> . any schedule as compensation for Per- employee shall be reimbursed for travel- <br /> manent injury shall not be deducted. ing expenses incurred when traveling on <br /> To the extent that absence from work village business only upon approval of <br /> is compensated under the workmen's such expenses by the Village Council. In <br /> compensation law, such absences shall order to receive such reimbursement the <br /> not be eharged against the sick leave empluyce shall fil] out the appropriate <br /> to which an employee may be entitled claim form and submit it to the Ad- <br /> hereunder. ministrative Clerk with all reasonable <br /> Sabdivision D. Emergency Leave of promptness . after completion of the <br /> Absence. In cases of absence of an em- travel. ployee due to serious emergency, in- Subdivision B. Work Day And Work <br /> eluding death or serious illness of an Week, <br /> emplovee's apouse or children, the Ad- 1. The normal work day for regular <br /> ministrative Clerk, in his'discretion, may . vi11age einployees shall be eight hours. authorize use of sick leave benefits up 'Phe work hours shall be established <br /> to a maximum of three daya for each by the Admmistrative Clerk. <br /> emergency, within the limits to which 2. The normal work week for regular the employee is entitled by ' his service village employees shall be five days, <br /> credit. Monday through Friday. <br /> Subdivision E. Leave of Absence. Subdivision C. Conflict Of Interest. <br /> Leave of absence shall be taken only It is expeeted that every employee shall <br /> with prior Council approval and shall exercise good mdgxnent in avoiding be- <br /> be without pay wnless otherwise approv- coming involved with conflicting out- - <br /> ed by the CounciL . side business interests. These inelude, <br /> Subd'xvision F. Holidays. The follaw- but are not limited to, the following. <br /> ing shal] be official holidays for all em- 1• Those in which an employee has a <br /> ployees subject to this ordinance: New fir.ancial interest in; or receives ben- <br /> Year's Day, January 1; Lincoln's Birth- efits from, a business which he may <br /> i}ay, February 12; Washington's Birth- be able to favor with village business <br /> day, February 22 ; Memoria] Day, May by reason of hia employment with the <br /> I ~ 30: Independence Day, July 4; Labor : Village. <br /> Day, the first Monday in September 2. Those in which an employee accepts <br /> Christopher Columbus Day October 12 full or part-time work elsewhere, <br /> Christmas Day, December 26; the Friday, where such activity interferes with his <br /> next preceding Easter Sunday, common-' duties and performance of his job <br /> ' ly known as Good. Friday; Thanksgiving `e with the Village of Arden Hills. <br /> Day ; and Veteranx Day> November 11. ` Snbdivision D. Severability. Each pro- <br /> If Chriatmas Day and New Year's Day vision of this ordinance is deemed sev- <br /> fall on a Saturday, the Breceding Fri- erabic from every other provision. If <br /> ~ day will be conpidered a holiday. If 8nY provision of the Personnel ordinance <br /> New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Inde- shall be found to be invalid or void, the <br /> pendence Day, or Christmas Day falls ~ remaining provisiona of the ordinance <br /> ' on Sunday, the fallowing, Monday will ~ shall remain valid unleas the court finds <br /> be conaidered a holiday. Employees shall an;r remaining proviaions, standing <br /> observe the days herein designated asalone, mcomplete and mcapable of being <br /> official holidays and reecive compensa- executed in acwrdance with the Coun- <br /> tion as though worked, but essential op- cil's mtent. <br /> erations shall be maintained by such Section 6. This Ordinance shall take <br /> skeleton crews as the Administrative ~ effect and be in force from and after <br /> Clerk deems necessary. An emBloyee ' its passage and publication. <br /> worlcing on s holiday shall receive his PasBed by the Village Counci] of the <br /> regutsr pay in additian to the holiday Village of Arden Aills thia 22nd day of <br /> compensation herein given. f~ February, 1965. <br /> Attest - D. F. Bennedy, Mayor <br /> Lorraine E. Stromquist, Clerk <br /> (Bulletin March 4, 1965) <br /> I <br />