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feet of gross retail floor area and one stall for every two seats within a restaurant. Since the <br />user for Building 1 (Walgreen's) has already been identified it is possible to calculate the <br />required number of stalls for this lot. However, the tenants for the other buildings have yet to <br />be determined. Different tenants may require different floor layouts that would impact the <br />amount of gross retail floor area or the number of seats, thus impacting the number of <br />required stalls. <br />For the purpose of this application, the Staff determined that a conservative calculation <br />would be to assume that all of the retail space would have the same percentage of gross retail <br />space as the Walgreen's which is 80 percent. An additional assumption was made that all of <br />Building 2 and half of Building 3 would be a restaurant use. Based on these assumptions the <br />number of parking stalls required of all the buildings would be 574 spaces. This calculation <br />does not take into account the shared parking agreements that will allow users to park <br />anywhere on the site and walk to their desired location. <br />The applicant proposes to provide 455 parking stalls, or 4.85 stalls per 1,000 square feet of <br />retail on the site. According to the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE), a retail center of this <br />size is recommended to have at least 4.5 stalls per 1,000 square feet in order to accommodate <br />peak parking demand. Based on the shared parking on the site, the layout of the parking lot, <br />and ITE recommendations, Staff feels that 455 stalls will be adequate to accommodate the <br />proposed use. <br />2. Design Standards — Section 1325.05 Subd. 8 <br />Final PUD approval is being requested for Phase I of the development, which includes <br />Buildings 1 and 3. While all future phases of the development will also have to meet the <br />design standards set forth in the Zoning Code, only Phase I is currently under review. Phase <br />II and III will also require review before the City Council and Planning Commission. <br />Since this application marks the first time that the newly adopted design standards have been <br />implemented, the regulations have been listed line by line and addressed individually in <br />Attachment C. Of the 46 design standards listed in the Zoning Code, the applicants are <br />requesting flexibility on three of them. The other 43 have either been met to the letter, or <br />where the standard is not a requirement but rather an encouragement, the applicant has met <br />the intent of the regulation. <br />While the proposed application is in substantial conformance with the intent and letter of the <br />design standards, the items that the applicant is requesting flexibility are listed below: <br />1. At least fifty percent (50%) of the largest building on each site shall be constructed at <br />the front setback line. —Flexibility Requested. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning- Commission Meeting for June 3, 2009 <br />IlMetr°o-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPlanning Cases 12009W9-011 Arden Plaza PUD and Plat (pending) 1060309 - PCReport -Arden Plaza - <br />Master PUD. doc Page 7 of 17 <br />