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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> December 16, 2008 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> Acting Chair Peck questioned hove the Chair of the PTRC was selected. Ms. Olson stated in the <br /> past the Mayor has selected the Chair but that staff would making a recommendation. <br /> Acting Chair Peck asked that the members present consider if they were interested in being the <br /> Committee Chair and if so to report this information to staff. <br /> 5. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE—Fran Holmes <br /> Ms. Holmes gave an update on the Council actions from the past few months. She reviewed the <br /> information gathered from the Council retreat held in December. Ms. Holmes stated the Council <br /> passed a new garbage can ordinance, which will be passed along to the residents in the <br /> newsletter. She explained the City would be hiring a new Deputy Clerk and Public Works <br /> P Y <br /> Supervisor. <br /> Ms. Holmes indicated the water rates would be increasingin 2009 as the current pricing does not <br /> P g <br /> cover the expense. She explained that seniors would no longer have a senior rate but that the <br /> seniors would be considered low users and that there was a slidingscale with water charged <br /> g <br /> based on use. <br /> Ms. Holmes explained the Council approved the levy, which increased slightly but that taxes <br /> y g Y <br /> were not going to be increasing. She noted funds have been set aside for the design the CP rail <br /> loop. Additional public hearings and input would need to be gathered before this item proceeds. <br /> Ms. Holmes indicated the Council met for a Work Session with Kate Knuth to discuss the <br /> upcoming state legislative session. She noted the state was financially stressed at this time and <br /> that federal funds may be available for infrastructure improvements. <br /> 6. PARKS TRAILS AND RECREATION UPDATE—Michelle Olson <br /> Ms. Olson discussed information with the Committee g a g <br /> regarding meeting she had with the <br /> g <br /> Valentine Park residents to discuss the flooding concerns near the parking lot outfield and <br /> p g <br /> ditches. She stated there was a poor turnout from the residents but that a drainage stud was <br /> Y <br /> going to be completed. Ms. Olson explained that the drainage from neighboring ro erties <br /> P P <br /> would also be addressed with this study along with the park. <br /> Ms. Olson explained Valentine Park may have to be reorganized, eliminating the ball field with <br /> g g <br /> more open space and trails. She indicated the input gathered from the residents that attended the <br /> meeting was that they wanted a play structure and were opposed to the ice rink since there was <br /> another rink nearby. <br /> Ms. O'Malley stated she lives near this ark and that she has seen it flood over the ears.P y She <br /> suggested the hockey rink be eliminated as well but that the park was nice for neighborhood and <br /> g <br /> family gatherings. Ms. Olson agreed that a picnic shelter was important along with the la <br /> - � play <br /> struct <br /> ure. It was explained that City s are reducing the number of ice rinks they maintain due to <br /> the expense and man hours they require. <br />