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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 11, 2010 23 <br /> 7.D. City Administrator Transition Process (continued) <br /> Mayor Harpstead clarified a change in the salary range would require Council <br /> action. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would not be interested in changing the wage <br /> range at this time. Arden Hills is within the same range as the surrounding <br /> communities. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if an outstanding candidate would exclude themselves <br /> from applying for the position based on the wage. <br /> Mr. Fursman stated he would exclude them from the search because once the <br /> range is set then candidates will not be expecting more or asking for more. <br /> Increasing the range would provide more candidates that are qualified for the <br /> position. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the contract for a City Administrator was an <br /> automatic six months severance pay. <br /> Mr. Fursman stated that this was not automatic. The severance can range from as <br /> little as nothing to the maximum under law of six months. H stated that he would <br /> like to balance the severance to an individual situation and base it on what the <br /> candidate had to go through to take this particular job. An example of this would <br /> be if they left a very well established job and relocated their family, then a greater <br /> assurance could be established. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated he would be willing to increase the upper limit <br /> to $115,000 in order to ensure the City is able to find a good candidate and this <br /> should be dependant on the candidate's qualifications. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she does not agree that a $2,000 increase in the <br /> upper limit will give them better candidates. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked why there was a sample range provided for the <br /> surrounding communities when they only had one City Administrator. <br /> Mr. Fursman explained that the low end of the range was their base salary and the <br /> high end of the range included their merit review and deferred compensation plans. <br />