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MR—DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 11, 2010 5 <br /> 6.A. Public Hearing for 2010 Pavement Management Program (continued) <br /> Councilmember McClung clarified that the property at 1665 Valentine Avenue <br /> would not be considered as more than one unit because a new road would have to <br /> be constructed in order to subdivide the property. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated this was correct. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked where the water main breaks have been in the past. <br /> Ms. Hankee stated that the majority of the breaks have been at the intersection of <br /> Valentine Court and Valentine Avenue. <br /> Public Works Director Greg Hoag stated that the City has done repairs in this <br /> area three times in the last couple of years and there have also been repairs just east <br /> and just west of this intersection within the last five to seven years. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if the sub-grade was inadequate in the Valentine <br /> neighborhood reconstruction areas. <br /> Ms. Hankee stated the sub-grade is inadequate according to the City's standards <br /> for roadways at this time. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated letters had been received from Kim Gruetzmacher at <br /> 3312 Katie Lane, and Shirley Ferguson at 4082 Valentine Crest Road. Both letters <br /> were opposed to the projects proposed in their areas. He also stated Scott and <br /> Kathy Scheunemann, 4075 Valentine Crest Road, had contacted the City and were <br /> opposed to the reconstruction project. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated Donald Krieger, 4104 Valentine Crest Road, had also <br /> contacted the City and is opposed to the reconstruction project because it would be <br /> an economic hardship. <br /> Mayor Harpstead opened the public hearing at 7:32 p.m. <br /> Mr. Paras Shah, 1706 Valentine Avenue, Arden Hills, stated concerns with <br /> increasing the width of Valentine Avenue, adding parking bays on Valentine <br /> Avenue, the speed and amount of traffic currently on Valentine Avenue, and the <br /> use of State Aid funds to offset the City's costs and not the resident's portion of the <br />