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Moreover,none of the plans were translated into a format that could be incorporated into City <br /> zoning regulations. <br /> The information collected during the previous planning discussions will be a resource for the - <br /> zoning process and future planning discussions. Without a developer or specific proposal, it is <br /> not possible to finalize a master plan prior to the public auction. Additionally,the composition <br /> of the property has changed in light of the Ramsey County open space requests. <br /> Although there is not a detailed master plan in place for TCAAP, the 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br /> sets the foundation for a mixed use development on the TCAAP property that would include <br /> housing,parks, open space, and businesses (Attachment B). The City Council unanimously <br /> expressed support for the mixed use concept in the Comprehensive Plan at their February 22, <br /> 2010,worksession. The City will be in the best position if the Zoning Code is updated to reflect <br /> the City's vision in the Comprehensive Plan prior to the auction or shortly thereafter. The <br /> zoning information will also help potential bidders make knowledgeable decisions regarding a <br /> bid price. <br /> The planning process is somewhat unique since the developer withdrew from the project. <br /> Typically, a city would adopt a master plan through a community planning process. Once the <br /> master plan was adopted, the zoning regulations would be written to implement the plan zoning <br /> is a tool of planning and not a plan by itself. While the Comprehensive Plan provides the overall <br /> concept for the TCAAP property, it does not include such details as a final land use layout, final <br /> densities,road locations, lot sizes, or other typical regulations. Without a detailed plan prior to <br /> the public auction,much of the focus needs to be on prepping the zoning regulations to include a <br /> process for creating the detailed master plan at a future date. The proposed zoning regulations <br /> are essentially a"plan to create a master plan." <br /> Proposed TCAAP Zonine Regulations <br /> Comprehensive Plan <br /> The 2030 Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for the City's Zoning Code. State <br /> Statute requires the zoning code to be in conformance with a city's comprehensive plan; <br /> however, there is quite a bit of flexibility in the Arden Hills 2030 Comprehensive Plan in regards <br /> to TCAAP. Within the portion of TCAAP that may be redeveloped, the property is divided into <br /> two land use categories (Attachment C): <br /> • Mixed Residential (-220 acres)' —provides for a variety of housing types and densities in close <br /> proximity, including single-family detached homes, single-attached homes,condominiums, <br /> townhomes, apartments, and senior housing options. The anticipated average density is 10.4 <br /> units per acre with a minimum average density of six units per acre up to a maximum density of <br /> The acreage has not been adjusted to account for the Ramsey County open space requests. <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> I W hdocsl l ah IAHdata IPlanningl Community Development)TCAAPIPIanning-Public Auction ILand Use PlanningW42710-PTRC Memo-TCAAP <br /> Planning Process.doc <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br />