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U�'dina�ce �Q1�-008 <br />�2} �'he slo�e rises at least 25 fe�� abo�e the ordinary high �rater level of t�e <br />�vater boc�y; <br />�3� The grade of the slo�e from the toe of the bluff ta a point 25 feet or more <br />above the orc�inary high wa�e�- �eve� average� 30 percent or great�r; and <br />�4} �'he s�ope must drain toward the waterbody. <br />Subd. 16 Bluff Impact Zone. A bluff and �and located vvith�n 24 feet #�rom the top af a <br />bluff {Ac�r�ed 02/22/10� <br />Subd. 17 Board. T�e board of ap�eals and a�ijustrrlent estabiished by this �ode. <br />Subd. 18 Boardinghouse. A building ot�er than a�ote� w�er� for compensation and by <br />pre-arrangerr�en� for def r�i�e periods, �odging �nd mea�s are �ro�ided for �hree (3 j�r <br />more �ersons, but not exceeding f ve {5} }�ersons. <br />Subd. 19 Bo��evard. T�at �o�tifln of a street lying between t�e latera� line of the <br />roadwa}� portion tl�ereof (i.�., tl�e ba�k of the curb or curb I�ne) and �I�e r�ght-of-way Iir�e <br />�hereof vvh�cl� �nay contain within �ts boundaries a sidewalk or �ortion of dr�veway. <br />�ubd, 20 Building_ A st�cture �hic� is designed and suitable for �he habitation or <br />shelter of human beings or ani�ais, or a shelter or storage of property, or is used for trade <br />or �nanufactu�ing. <br />Subd. 21 Building Line. A Ii�e parallel to a lot line or the ordinary �igl� vvater Ievel at <br />the �-equired setback beyand �vhic� a str�ctur� rnay not extend. {Revised 02/22�10} <br />Subd. 22 Building, Accessor}� ��ru�ture or t1�e. A subordinate building structure or use <br />which is loca�ed on the same Io� or� w��ch the pr�ncipal bu��d�r�g or use is situated and <br />vv�ich is reasona��e necessary, appropriate and incidental to t�e cond�c� o� the primary <br />use o�such principal builc�ing or p�incipai use. <br />�ubd, 23 Butlding enveiope. {See Lot, Buildable portion o�) <br />Subd. 24 Bui�ding I�eight. The ve�#ical distance from tl�e average ele�ation of the grade <br />a�ong a face of a b�ilding �o the ��ghest point of the roof surface of fla� roofs, the �ieck <br />l�ne o�mansard roofs, or the average heigh� between �he eaves ancl the hig�est r�dge o� <br />gable, hip, or gambrel roof�. �'he height of a stepped or terraced building shal� be �he <br />height of the tal�est segment of the building. <br />Subd. 25 Building �nspector. The inspector as provided �or in t�e building code. <br />Subd. 2b Bu�lding, principal. A�uiiding �r� which the prir�c�pa� �se, of the lot or� which <br />it is loca�ed, is conducted. <br />