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If I disagree with the Manager I shouid <br />. Response Response <br />Answer Opt�ons Percent Co:unt <br />Drag my feet 0:0% 0 0 <br />Inform privately my objections but support openly 87.5% 7 <br />Go to the council or public 0.0%0 0 <br />Other (please specify) 12.5%0 1 <br />answered queStion 8 <br />_ skipped question 5 <br />• Depends upon the topic of disagreement and place of disagreement. <br />On politically sensitive issues facing my department, I shou:ld <br />. Response Response <br />Answer �pt�ons Percent : Count <br />_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ <br />Make the decision and inform the Manager 12.5% 1 <br />Make the decision and keep to myself 0.0%0 0 <br />Ask the Manager what I should do 37:5%0 3 <br />Other (please specify) _ 50.0% 4 <br />answered question ' : 8 <br />skipped question 5 <br />• Seek the City Manager's input and then make a decision <br />• IT will depend on the circumstances. <br />• If it is my decision, I should make it and inform. I would hope open communication would exist <br />before a decision like this needs to be made that allows a better understanding of why and what <br />decision is made. <br />• Make a decision and discuss reasons for position with Manager <br />City staff as a whole understands and shares the collecti�e �alues of the <br />organization. <br />. Response Respanse : <br />Answer Opt�ons Percent : Count <br />Most do 50:0% 4 <br />Few do 25.0% 2 <br />Hard to say, this was never really talked about 25.0% 2 <br />answered question ' 8 <br />skipped question 5 <br />