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7D, Snelling Avenue Improvements
City Council
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7D, Snelling Avenue Improvements
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:15:44 AM
Creation date
9/20/2010 10:51:32 AM
Snelling Avenue Improvements
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Snelling Avenue Improvements
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should extend 10 feet beyond the right-of-way. As necessary due to the topography <br />changes beyond the right of way, additional shots may be necessary. At driveway <br />locations the cross sectional data should extend to the garage or driveway termini. <br />Included in the cross sectional data should be existing street centerline, roadway edges <br />(top and bottom bituminous curb shots), top and bottom of retaining walls and every <br />change in grade of the cross section. Enough shots must be taken to provide an accurate <br />and complete TIN. <br />4. TOPOGRAPHIC FEATLTRES <br />Provide shot data for all topographic features including but not limited to trees, treeline, <br />mailboxes, driveway edges, landscape edges, private and public utility locations, house <br />corners adj acent to street reconstruction, roadway edges, street signs, property corners, <br />light poles, flag poles, bridges, water surfaces, and retaining walls. Locate and provide <br />shot data for all property corners adj acent to the street construction. Provide gutter shot <br />data for the cul-de-sacs. <br />5. BASE MAPPING <br />Utilizing CAD software that is compatible with the latest version of AutoCAD, create the <br />base map for the proj ect. The base map should be created to show all topographic <br />features from the field data. Create a TIN model for the proj ect area and create an <br />AutoCAD layer for contours. The consultant may use their standard linetypes and <br />symbols. Upon completion of the proj ect, electronic files shall be provided to the City, <br />along with plot files or other supporting data. In addition, the consultant shall provide 50 <br />scale plan and profile drawings to the City in electronic PDF format. <br />II. Schedule 2— En�ineerin� Services: <br />A. Culvert/Bridge Structure Analysis & Recommendation: <br />At the south end of the proj ect near TH 51 there is an old culvert/bridge structure that spans <br />approximately 20-feet over a wetlandlwaterway area. It is anticipated that proposed project may <br />remove this structure and reconstruct a new structure that meets State Aid design requirements for <br />the roadway. The new structure must have sufficient width to accommodate a State Aid roadway <br />section as well as an 8-foot wide pedestrian pathway. The following services are desired: <br />l. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING STRLJCTLTRE <br />The consultant shall perform necessary inspections and/or evaluate Ramsey County <br />annual inspection reports to determine and provide the City with an analysis of the <br />structure's current condition. The City may explore a roadway improvement alternative <br />by leaving the existing structure in-place depending on the consultant's analysis. In <br />addition, the consultant shall provide the City with the potential beneiits and drawbacks <br />for leaving the existing structure in-place. <br />2. STRUCTURE RECOMMENDATION <br />The consultant shall provide a recommendation for the culvert/bridge replacement and <br />perform the necessary preliminary design calculations, including a preliminary hydraulic <br />analysis of the tributary surface water system, to create an Engineer's Estimate of <br />probable cost for a new structure. The City will provide the consultant with soil borings <br />obtained near the existing structure. Lastly, a list of all applicable permits needed for the <br />structure replacement must be provided to the City. <br />3. ENGINEER' S ESTIMA.TES <br />The consultant shall deliver separate lump sum cost estimates for removing the existing <br />structure and installing, complete in-place, the new recommended structure. All <br />incidental construction costs associated with these separate lump sum items must be <br />considered. The consultant shall provide contingency and overhead recommendations for <br />2 <br />
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