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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 21, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />B. Valentine Park Drainage Update <br />Ms. Olson indicated that per PTRC's recommendation, the Council approved expenditure <br />for a second opinion on the drainage study for Valentine Park and directed staff to get <br />quotes from other firms in the engineering pool that have hydrology expertise. The <br />Public Works Director acquired three quotes and the lowest bid was from Bolton and <br />Menk and they are currently looking at the report findings to determine if it is accurate <br />and if the proposed improvements are workable. Ms. Olson indicated that Bolton and <br />Menk may have the study completed by the end of the week in hopes findings could be <br />presented to Council on October 18 and then to the PTRC the following day. Chair Peck <br />asked Ms. Olson to e -mail the PTRC members on an update of when Bolton and Menk <br />would be presenting to Council so that they would be able to attend. <br />C. Project Updates <br />1. Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Trail Connections /Safe Routes to School: <br />Ms. Olson provided an update on the Safe Routes to School Ribbon Cutting <br />Ceremony which took place September 14 and indicated that all the funding partners <br />were present. She stated that the trail is complete and the contractor will need to <br />complete a punch list of repairs /improvements in the next few weeks. Chair Peck <br />questioned the expense of putting a plastic post in the middle of the road to make <br />people aware of the crossing. Ms. Olson indicated that would need to be approved by <br />the County. Chair Peck asked Ms. Olson to see if the County would approve the <br />plastic post. Ms. Olson indicated they would also like to put a sign at the crossing b <br />g g Y <br />the school, since there is no light, in order to make people aware of the crossing. Ms. <br />Olson mentioned that there was also a non - infrastructural portion of the grant in the <br />amount of $1,000 and she is working with the Phy Ed teacher to provide educational <br />and incentive programs with this money. She indicated the teacher will be doin g an <br />Incentive Walking Program and is encouraging students to walk the trails before and <br />after school. They are also planning on doing a walk to school day where all the <br />buses drop off at either Perry Park or the library and the students then walk to school. <br />2. Lexington Avenue Extension/Resurface: <br />Ms. Olson indicated they went out for bids for two portions of Lexington Avenue, the <br />p g <br />concrete sidewalk by Shannon Square /Cub area from the railroad tracks to Grey Fox <br />Road and then the replacement and recycling of the bituminous pathway from <br />Cummings Park Drive all the way to County Road F. The construction period will <br />be approximately two weeks. They will be assessing Inland, who is the ro ert <br />p p Y <br />owner, 50% of the cost which is approximately $27,000. Committee Member <br />Petersen stated he has a concern over the planted island that parallels both the north <br />and south point of Shannon Square and does not feel there is width for a sidewalk. <br />Ms. Olson informed it would be an 8 foot sidewalk that would go straight across the <br />entryway and indicated that Public Works Director Maurer and Engineering Intern <br />Woodruff have been working on that. <br />