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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 21, 2010 <br />Page 3 <br />3. CP Rail Pedestrian Pathway: <br />Ms. Olson indicated that the CP Rail Pedestrian Pathway was under construction. <br />The committee members expressed concern on how slow the construction was <br />progressing. Ms. Olson informed them that part of that was due to the railroad not <br />providing a flagman which was required for some of the work. She stated that the <br />contract states the construction would be done within 8 weeks and that concrete pillar <br />work would be done this week. <br />4. County Road E Bridge: <br />Ms. Olson indicated they are continuing to work with Mn/DOT on replacement of the <br />bridge. She indicated this is still in the scoping and that the last e -mail from Mn/DOT <br />indicated the project is still in the schedule. Ms. Olson indicated it looks like the <br />replacement will take place and the only question now is what year it will be done. <br />D. Hazelnut Park Property Lease/Purchase <br />Ms. Olson informed that the City Council met with the church on September 20, 2010. <br />The church indicated they did not want to sell any portion of the parking lot but would <br />like to sell the parcel that is in front of the picnic shelter and the soccer field area. The <br />Council discussed this at the CIP budget meeting and felt it would be difficult to develop <br />that area taking into account the restrictions of the site and the amount of green space the <br />church is required to have. The Council believed an offer of $174,000 would be <br />adequate. The church, however, was not in agreement with that number. Ms. Olson <br />stated that after further discussion it was decided that the best possible use of the property <br />would be for a park area. Staff will now be doing research on what park land is worth <br />and then will hold a Closed Session to negotiate with the church. She believes the <br />Council is interested in at least discussing the idea of purchasing the park area and would <br />put something in the deed that would give the City access to the parking area if the land <br />transfers. Chair Peck inquired as to the church's motivation for selling the land. Ms. <br />Olson stated the church indicated they have a surplus of land that they are not using and <br />they could use the money for some upgrades /repairs. <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Buckthorn Removal Day <br />Ms. Olson asked if the committee was interested in having a Buckthorn Removal Day <br />and if so asked the committee to help with the event. Discussion ensued on a date for the <br />event and which park should be considered for buckthorn removal. Committee Member <br />O'Malley motioned to do the buckthorn removal on October 30, 2010. Committee <br />Member Garretson seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous. <br />B. Committee Terms & Recruitment of New Members <br />Ms. Olson informed Chair Peck and Committee Member Hilgers and Straumann that <br />their 3-year terms expire the end of this year. She asked that they notify her before <br />December on whether they would like to run for another 3-year term. Ms. Olson also <br />asked that the committee members recruit new members since we have seven <br />members currently and the Committee can have up to 12 PTRC members. Chair <br />Peck believes he may have some recruits since there is a heightened interest with the <br />