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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes October 19, 2010 <br />Page 4 <br />Committee Member Petersen indicated he felt the committee should tour all the parks <br />once a year. The committee was in consensus with the suggestion. Ms. Olson indicated <br />she would include this on the schedule. <br />Mr. Kramlinger asked if there was anything in the plan for sweeping of trails after a <br />rainstorm. Ms. Olson indicated that would be addressed under the Trail Maintenance <br />Plan that she and the Public Works Director are working on. <br />Ms. Olson asked for the committee's approval of the Park Maintenance Plan so she could <br />be bring to Council in November. <br />MOTION: Committee Member Peterson motioned to approve the Park Maintenance <br />Plan as presented seconded by Committee Member Garretson. The motion <br />carried unanioumsly. <br />E. Other Unfinished Business <br />None <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Committee Chair for 2011 <br />Ms. Olson asked the committee members to contact her if interested in runnin g for <br />Committee Chair for 2011. Ms. Olson indicated that Committee Member Hilgers would <br />not be running for a new term due to work conflicts and that she and Chair Peck would be <br />conducting interviews for new members. <br />B. Facility User Fee Discussion <br />Ms. Olson stated that Council had asked her to research whether the City should consider <br />charging user fees for their facilities. She mentioned when the PTRC looked at this 4 <br />years ago they determined it was not cost effective. Ms. Olson indicated another option <br />would be to approach the associations to see if they would make a donation for <br />improvements to the fields. Ms. Olson stated that the City can provide the fields but the <br />question is are they expected to be maintained at such a level that the City should be <br />charging. She also felt if they do decide to charge the cost should be different for a <br />practice versus a game. Ms. Olson indicated at this time they only charge for adult <br />softball and for pavilion rental and would provide the members with the adult softball <br />field rental fee schedule. She would like the committee to make a recommendation on <br />whether a fee should be charged for youth practices /games. <br />Chair Peck did not think they should be charging extra fees for the facilities. <br />Ms. Olson indicated she would research what other cities are doing and will provide an <br />update at the next meeting. <br />