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7A, Presbyterian Homes Redevelopment Proposal
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7A, Presbyterian Homes Redevelopment Proposal
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Last modified
11/29/2010 3:26:42 PM
Creation date
11/29/2010 3:17:44 PM
Pres. Homes Redevelopment Proposal
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Pres Homes Redevelopment Proposal
Pres Homes Redevelopment Proposal
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Staff has been working with Presbyterian Homes to find solutions that would mitigate <br />Roseville's concerns and minimize traffic impacts on Wheeler Avenue from the redevelopment. <br />Presbyterian Homes has offered two site revisions that they hope will achieve these goals. As <br />indicated above the detailed traffic analysis found that 292 trips both in and out of the site would <br />likely be generated at the County Road D entrance. The first revision Presbyterian Homes has <br />proposed is a right out only from their site at this entrance that would eliminate half of all trips <br />(exiting trips) from entering Wheeler Avenue. Of the 146 entering trips drivers would be <br />entering from either County Road D or Wheeler Avenue. If half of all vehicles entering the site <br />from this location use Wheeler Avenue, that would equate to 73 daily trips, or 6 trips per hour <br />over a 12 hour period. <br />It is unknown how many trips per day are currently generated on Wheeler from the Presbyterian <br />Homes property; however, it should also be noted that any trips currently generated from the use <br />of the soccer field will be eliminated after the project is completed. <br />The second revision Presbyterian Homes has made changes the interior of their parking layout to <br />encourage vehicles within the site to exit using the main entrance /exit at Lake Johanna <br />Boulevard. <br />Presbyterian Homes has also proposed to meet with residents on County Road D individually at <br />the time landscaping is installed to work with them on the location and species of planting <br />materials. This is the same arrangement Presbyterian Homes made with adjacent residents on <br />Shorewood Drive. <br />Sandeen Road Entrance <br />Several residents from Sandeen Road expressed concern at the public hearing regarding traffic <br />exiting the Presbyterian Homes site onto Sandeen Road, turning right, and driving through their <br />street. A reduction in available parking in this area will help this issue; however, the Planning <br />Commission also expressed a desire to physically eliminate right turns leaving the Presbyterian <br />Homes site from this driveway. One resident suggested closing Sandeen Road at the dog -leg; <br />however, this creates turn around issues for larger vehicles at what would become two new dead <br />ends. <br />Staff has been working with Presbyterian Homes, as well as the fire department and the City's <br />recycling and refuse haulers, to find a workable solution. Presbyterian Homes has offered to <br />construct a bump out to the east of their driveway entrance that would narrow Sandeen Road to <br />one driving lane just in that area. Vehicles would still be able to enter Sandeen Road at <br />Beckman going south. Vehicles would be able to leave Sandeen Road going west or north, but <br />would not be able to turn right out of the Presbyterian Homes facility or continue past the <br />Presbyterian Homes facility going east. Attachment F includes a close up of that portion of the <br />site plan indicating the restricted access to Sandeen Road. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for November 29, 2010 <br />IlMetro- inet. uslardenhills\PlanninglPlanning Cases120101PC 10 -012 Pres Homes PUDI11 -29 -10 Pres Homes Memo.doc <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />
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