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7A, Presbyterian Homes Redevelopment Proposal
City Council
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7A, Presbyterian Homes Redevelopment Proposal
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Last modified
11/29/2010 3:26:42 PM
Creation date
11/29/2010 3:17:44 PM
Pres. Homes Redevelopment Proposal
General - Type
Pres Homes Redevelopment Proposal
Pres Homes Redevelopment Proposal
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is not proposed to change; the quality of the development and site design features are <br />anticipated to generally enhance the aesthetics of the site and surrounding area; the <br />impacts on Lake Johanna and water quality will be improved by increased storm water <br />management and setbacks to the lake; and the quality of building materials, setbacks to <br />property lines, and quantities of landscaping materials exceed the requirements of the <br />Zoning Code. <br />29. The application is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code and <br />Comprehensive Plan because the future land use designation and past City approvals <br />have all guided the site towards assisted and independent senior housing. <br />30. The Master PUD and Final PUD advance the City's goals outlined in the Comprehensive <br />Plan by promoting the development of a variety of housing options; preserving and <br />increasing high quality housing opportunities that are suitable for a mix of ages, incomes <br />and household types; encouraging the incorporation of affordable, life cycle, and work- <br />force housing into new development and redevelopment where feasible; and promoting <br />the protection of lakes and the natural environment. <br />31. The proposed development furthers the Metropolitan Council's target of 285 -800 new <br />life -cycle housing units for Arden Hills by 2020. <br />32. The proposed redevelopment of the Property will not have a significant impact on traffic <br />because the site does not currently negatively impact traffic, and the increase in 14 units <br />would not have a noticeable effect on the immediate road system. <br />Recommendation <br />The Planning Commission reviewed Planning Case 10 -012 and recommends (6 -1) approval of <br />the Rezoning, Preliminary and Final Plat, Conditional Use Permit Amendment, and Master and <br />Final Planned Unit Development of the Presbyterian Homes Redevelopment Proposal based on <br />the findings of fact and the submitted plans as amended by the following fourteen conditions: <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by <br />the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by <br />the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and <br />City Council. <br />2. A development agreement shall be prepared by the City Attorney and subject to City <br />Council approval. The development agreement shall be executed prior to execution <br />of the Final Plat, the issuance of any permits, or site preparation. <br />3. The applicant shall file the Final Plat with Ramsey County within 180 days of the <br />approval from the City. <br />4. The final plans shall be subject to Fire Marshal approval prior to the issuance of any <br />building permits. The applicant shall abide by all conditions listed in the September <br />13, 2010, Fire Marshal memo, or other solutions as agreed to by the Fire Marshal. <br />5. Final grading, drainage, and utility plans shall be subject to approval by the Public <br />Works Director and City Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permits. The <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for November 29, 2010 <br />C: IDOCUMEE1IMEAGAN I.BEEILOCALN11Temp \ELF20101124_ _083818111 -29 -10 Regular Meeting Pres Homes Memo.doc <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />
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