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Sanitary Sewer Cost Estimate <br /> � Bonestroo <br /> Sanitary Sewer <br /> 0 tion 1 0 tion 2 <br /> No. Item Units Unit Price Q Total Price Total Price <br /> 1 Remove sanitary pipe LF $1 0 $0 760 $760 <br /> 2 Abandon Sanitary Pipe In-Place LF $2 600 $1,200 200 $400 <br /> 3 Remove sanitary manhole EA $500 2 $1,000 6 $3,000 <br /> 4 Connect to existing sanitary sewer EA $2,000 6 $12,000 6 $12,000 <br /> 5 4' diameter sanitary manhole EA $2,500 13 $32,500 25 562,500 <br /> 6 8"x4" Wye EA $125 0 $0 106 $13,250 <br /> 7 8"x6" Wye fA $150 12 $1,80Q 0 $0 <br /> 8 4" Service Pipe LF $15 0 $0 1060 $15,900 <br /> 9 6" Service Pipe LF $17 360 $6,120 0 $0 <br /> 10 PVCsanitarypipe LF $35 22t0 E77,350 4510 $157,850 <br /> 11 N Inspection LF $1 2210 $2,210 4510 $4,510 <br /> Construcdon Cost ;134,180 5270,170 <br /> CoMingencies (5%) 56,709.00 $13,508.50 <br /> Engineering (3096) $40,254.0 $81,051.0 <br /> Total Cost ;181,143 ;364,730 <br /> Sanftary Sewer - Phase 1 <br /> I tion 1 0 tiwn 2 <br /> No. ftem Units Unit Price Tocal Price Total Price <br /> ' 1 Remove sanitary pipe LF $1 0 $0 400 $400 <br /> 2 Abandon Sanitary Pipe In-Place LF $2 600 $1,200 100 5200 <br /> 3 Remove sanitary manhole EA $500 2 $1,000 4 $2,000 <br /> 4 Connect to existing sanitary sewer EA $2,000 & $12,000 6 $12,000 <br /> 5 4' diameter sanitary manhole EA 52,500 5 E12,500 8 $20,000 <br /> 6 8"x4" Wye EA $125 0 $0 60 $7,500 <br /> 7 8"x6" Wye EA $150 6 $900 0 $0 <br /> 8 4" Service Pipe LF $15 0 $0 600 $9.000 <br /> 9 6" Service Pipe LF $17 180 $3,060 0 $0 <br /> 10 PVC sanitary pipe LF $35 960 $33,600 1425 $49,875 <br /> 11 N Inspectlon LF $1 960 $960 1425 $1,425 <br /> Constr�don Cost 565,220 $102,400 <br /> Contingencies (5%) 53,261.00 $5,120.00 <br /> Engineering (30%) $19,566.0 $30,720.0 <br /> Total Cost ;88,047 5138,240 <br /> 1:�616\61607161\Design\Cost Estimates for Report.�ds <br />