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1997-05-14 - CC Packet - (Admin.)
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1997-05-14 - CC Packet - (Admin.)
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14 because of the traffic congestion. Leon L'Allier, 1973 Main Street, felt there has been a <br /> problem accessing County Road 14. Further, the area is and will be experiencing more <br /> development therefore the traffic congestion will increase. Councilmember Helmbrecht <br /> commented the City Council has requested the County to investigate the traffic on 20th Avenue <br /> and Main Street. <br /> Mr. LaMotte suggested angle parking as this may eliminate the parking and through traffic <br /> concerns. Ms. Broussard - Vickers agreed then suggested rerouting the car wash traffic from the <br /> east to the west and have the vehicles exit on 21 st Avenue. Mr. Magill explained he would rather <br /> keep the business entering the front and exiting through the back of the car wash. <br /> Mr. Tourville questioned the possibility of future gas pumps. Mr. Magill explained his plan was <br /> to put in the additional car wash then put in a third gas pump. March explained the file indicated <br /> several traffic complaints. Mr. Magill commented he would be open to redirecting the car wash <br /> traffic to keep open his options. Mr. March spoke with Fire Chief Milo Bennett. Mr. Bennett <br /> explained Eagle Truck an H4 (hazard) rating which could be a concern if the car wash was too <br /> close. Mr. Tourville suggested directing the car wash traffic which would eliminate a lot of traffic <br /> congestion concerns. <br /> Mr. Tourville asked, "Was Dick Hubers informed the addition to the car wash would limit his <br /> ability for future expansion ?" Mr. Magill commented he had spoke with Paul Palzer who <br /> suggested talking to Dick Huber at Eagle Trucking. Mr. Tourville explained the Planning and <br /> Zoning has attempted to keep a minimal 20' distance between buildings. In addition, if the request <br /> was granted the Planning and Zoning may be sett ng precedence since there is no special reason <br /> the request would be granted. Mr. Tourville explained the ordinance requests a minimal 20' set <br /> back. Mr. Magill explained he will figure out a new configuration and propose a new site plan at <br /> a later date. W. L'Allier commented the key note is to develop a traffic pattern so people know <br /> the most efficient way in and out of the parking lot. <br /> MOTION by Ms. Welk, seconded by Ms. Vermeulen to close the Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Chairperson Dan Tourville called the regular Planning and Zoning Meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> MOTION by Ms. Vermeulen, seconded by Ms. Welk to approve the March 11, 1997 minutes <br /> with corrections. Motion carried. <br /> SET AGENDA: <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District Meeting (RCWD)- . <br /> Mr. March reported Wednesday, RCWD had a meeting. A petition with about a hundred <br />
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