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2003-07-23 CC Packet
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2003-07-23 CC Packet
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<br />City ofCenterville <br />July 9, 2003 <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />cut down to help with flow. She also indicated that Mr. Schluender, (Bonestroo, Rosene, <br />Anderlik & Associates) Will fax the information to City Hall and had recommended that <br />the Single Townhomes of Eagle Pass Association discuss removing the trees and tall <br />weeds that have grown up in the area to assist with flow. <br /> <br />Mr. Jim Halstrom, Single Townhomes of Eagle Pass Association, addressed Council and <br />indicated that a 1 % grade may not be sufficient and asked that Council consider that for <br />future developments. <br /> <br />Council agreed and indicated that Centerville's water table is very high and almost all <br />properties have standing water at some point during rainy months. <br /> <br />Mr. Halstrom asked that the City work with the Association to force the developer to <br />comply with the requirements of the development agreement because there are items <br />pending on the completed development as well as the development currently under <br />construction. He then indicated that he has had some issues with obtaining responses <br />from Staff on his questions and concerns and that is why he has brought this directly to <br />Council. <br /> <br />Council discussed the various issues conc~g the development and asked that Mr. <br />Halstrom send a detailed letter to the City outlining the issues with the development and <br />asked that Staff provide a written Staff report addressing the issues for consideration at <br />the next meeting. <br /> <br />Ms. Paulseth indicated that if it is determined that there are things that need to be <br />completed, there is a letter of credit that could be drawn upon. <br /> <br />Mr. Halstrom asked that the $50,000 escrow money not be released by the City until the <br />Association is satisfied that all the outstanding items are completed. <br /> <br />Ms. Janice Hackman, Vice President of the Association indicated that she lives across the <br />street from the current construction and can sit on her porch and watch the dirt flowing <br />out of the construction site into the street and down the storm sewer because no silt <br />fencing is in place. <br /> <br />Council Member Paar indicated that he has had similar issues with water in his backyard <br />because of the varying lot grades and his builder installed drain tiling in the back yard <br />and it has helped a great deal. He then said that there is an expense involved but the <br />expense has been worth it because the water flows now where it did not before. <br /> <br />Council Member Paar indicated that the resident at 1771 Meadow Lane is having an issue <br />with the new townhomes because the area around the townhome was graded and <br />landscaping has begun but they stopped short and left an unkempt area with weeds and a <br />few trees that is causing water to pool in their rear yard killing the sod. <br /> <br />Council directed Staff to send a letter to the developer indicating that the problem needs <br />to be rectified as they are not allowed to cause water to flow onto adjoining properties. <br /> <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />
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