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2013 - $4,018, and 2014 - $2,400. The difference is purely the contractor's rate per foot <br /> for the additional distance over 60 feet. <br /> Summary. While the cost to connect the property in question to city water would be less <br /> if a watermain were placed in the street out front, water is available on the rear property <br /> line, if the property owner wishes to connect. The difference in cost is not double what it <br /> would be with a watermain in Heritage, but more on the order of 15-20%, as identified <br /> above. The question, it seems to me, is whether a distance of 130 feet is a reasonable <br /> distance to expect a property owner to make a water connection. There are cases where <br /> water is not yet available for connection. For example the properties on the north side of <br /> Heritage Street should not be expected to connect now, since they would need to extend <br /> services across the property of other private owners. But here we have a watermain <br /> adjoining the property, albeit a greater than usual distance. We have had many property <br /> owners connect,where even greater distances were involved. <br /> I have attached cost estimates and mailings regarding the issue, since 2009. <br /> C:\Users\tbender\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\9NJG4319\2014-07- <br /> 30 memo to Council r water connect 1724 Heritage.doc <br /> P49 <br />